Da Sunshine show! Ongoing grow log from a 10 light medical grow in BKK

What an awesome setup and grows! I really hope the rug doesn’t get pulled out from under you guys over there with the laws :expressionless:


Thanks for the words man! @Organical

Agreed on the laws, I’m just getting started back up too. I’m just takin it day by day and plant by plant to get in as much as I can before anything happens. Really that’s all you can do. :green_heart:


That’s right, it’s all we can do bro! It would suck to go back to the ‘old ways’ again after this brief teaser…but even if it does change back, at least we did it to the max while we could!

Your setup looks incredible up there! Just looking at the setups has me itching to hit the refrigerator again! It’s gotta be tough picking out favorites! Keep it up and good luck with the heat. We just had a 5-minute downpour, the first rain in weeks down here!



@Tlander Thank you for stopping by and your generosity!
I look forward to seeing your jungle one of these days!!
Yeah I woke up to rain just now too, second time in four days… hahaha
slept in a bit today … Go get in that fridge!! In fact Im going in too, not happy with our germ rates so we gotta improve right! Hahaha

That cookie got me last night. :joy:

Looking at my temps at the pheno room and they should really start popping off colors with this dip.
They are in late flower and have gotten a few cold nights here is right the room now.

Coffee from Chiang rai is going and headed to see how the swelling is going… so far so good, will scope a bit today to see where we are. ill try to get some shots but I’m a complete amateur photog at best. Got a new clip on microscope for the phone.

That being said the rain has been very welcome for sure, knocking down some pm 2.5 also.

The ability to grow right now is what keeps me going, I mean I never thought I would be doing this in my lifetime, that’s for sure. happy to be here during this time and to be a part of it.


On my way to the fridge I remembered that my girlfriend’s brother gave me some Thai weed about a year ago. Then I got to thinking I have some other Thai lao stuff from a friends wife from before it opened up and she is from Nakorn Panom (famous smuggling route town from Laos to Thailand).
Got to digging around and found em both. Hahahah

Well needless to say I dumped em out one by one and sure enough there are beans in there.
So I got to thinking why not have a little fun and pass around a few seeds.
Whoever can guess how many seeds are in this first picture will get a share of the seeds split between @Tlander and myself, If he will be so kind to try to crack these mystery brick weed bag seeds.
You get one guess only and my giveaway my rules I will consult with Tlander and we will decide together if any issues arise. I won’t say what the spilt will be yet but let see how many seeds there are.
I will save a few for future breeding and preservation. Keep in mind there will be more give aways to come as there are three different strains here (I think) and this is just half of one…I’ll leave a few shots of the others after the guess shot.

How many seeds on the tray and inside the buds???
one guess only!! leave it in the comments…

Close up of said seeds. Hahahahah
Not sure how viable but Im sure that @Tlander will find out.
I am very sure these are either sativa heavy or pure from the looks of the buds.

Jars of “Brother in law weed”… The small jar is what’s in the first guess pic. haha

Da brick… this one is from him too but lets call it this as im not sure if its the same but we will find out haha

This we will call “Without borders” from the Laos border.

I will post the number of seeds next week on Monday the 25th @ High noon Thai time! woo hoo

I will move this thread off my grow thread as well to make it cleaner for everyone.

This is gonna be DOPE!!!

And thankful for everyone else who is following along here on OG.

Your support is a bright light and I appreciate that very much! :green_heart:


I’ll be back!!!

Cheers everyone!!!


How fun, my friend. I’d absolutely love this opportunity… maybe 98 seeds? :purple_heart: Much love and thanks for sharing the journey.


Hey @Drsunshinestrains . This grow thread is GREAT. I really enjoy hearing stories about your area and the local culture. :grin: I guess 25 seeds. :rainbow:


A least 200 seeds.


I’m gonna guess 420 seeds… because even if I’m wrong, it gives me a good excuse to take a bong hit. :stuck_out_tongue:


Thanks for this! I am going to guess 50 seeds…


My guess is 175 :thinking: Thank you for the opportunity.
These genetics sound phenomenal.


Thank you all for visiting my thread. I found out today I have an appointment around draw time so I will push it back by 3-4 hours tomorrow but it will be tomorrow afternoon.

Sorry for the delay everyone…

Cheers and will let the winner know right after the seed shake down!


Hello everyone,

So I’m back from my meeting and ive separated the seeds…

We have 69 dark seeds.

A note of caution, I have not tried to sprout any but will take 5 over to drop in some water and see.

@Gumbert Is the closest with a guess of 50!! congratulations to you my friend.

send me your deets and ill get em out by Friday

After the 5 Im going to test that leaves 64 so I will give 15 to @Gumbert and 15 to @Tlander for him to test as well. I’ll keep a few for my stash and future crosses…

Thanks for stopping and participating! This has been fun and we will continue with another one…

Shown here is the next batch for guessing…
This is the same bud but there is more so maybe more seeds, That’s my only hint for ya…

Good luck and let the guessing begin!!

I will post the amount next Monday around the same Thai time…

Cheers OG!!


Congratulations @Gumbert ! For this next contest I guess 300 seeds. :rainbow:


111 seeds this time :fire:
Good job gumbert, you organic fool. Jealous of your grab :metal:t2:


So a fast update on a few things…Room 1 day 3 of flower and starting to fill the nets.

Room 2 with the taller table at day 36 and table 2 at day 26

The underneath the skirt shots. Happy with the uniformity in this room

The pheno room at day 52. A few plants are swelled up nicely and all cloudy with some amber filling in. flushing those and will be taking them down in 5-6 days or so.

The swelled ready ones are:

Purple Thunder.

Key lime cheesecake That really has almost zero terps but is the biggest producer…
Murphys law???!! :rofl: :rofl:

then a few on the same timeline it seems.

Flosee #5

Flosee #1

there are also a few that have a way to go too which will be flushed and fed again.

key lime cheesecake #3

New England Hazy hindu kush #3 all 3 of these are very similar in terps and structure.
Hoping for some haze terps to come through at the end but they really are favoring broad leaf traits at the moment. very citrus, orange and some slight earthy/musty on the back end.

Skunk #3 has a way to go and I believe my buddy said its a 10-12 week strain
She smells of burnt orange peels and funk, the funk is getting washed back by the citrus so it may be a pleasant smoke when all is said and done.

I put a few others on the table from the nursery 12 days ago.

Skunk #5 is starting to pick up some speed.
She took forever to veg out, she was the runt in the room and was stunted upon germination but now she is moving and Im curious as to how she will be in the terps department!!!

Then the keeper that will get run again at least till we see what her sisters are like in a few months. There are 12 more of this Sherbanger x Purple punch vegged out and ready for their time on stage. baby got back. She has produced many side shoots almost the same size her top. the top was getting taller than anything on the table so I had to break out the chains and tie her down. She has some nice fruity and gassy terps and is a looker as well.
Can’t wait to sample here wares in 3 weeks or so.

This is her sister and she has some foxtails popping off now.
her terps don’t have the same intensity but are about the same.
Hoping to find a stinker in the others and upgrade.

On to the nursery.
The seedlings that will move to the pheno hunting table.
There are the Sherbanger x purple punches, Triple cheese, cheese, Exodus cheese,
along with a few odds and ends.

Some bonsai moms keeping the lines going on slow speed.

20 Glue sniffer clones that are almost rooted that will go in flower room 2 when they finish up.

The next generation of mother cuts.

Rooted clones that are extra…

This is a revenging cut from the last harvest where I forgot to take it and it was 5 weeks into flower when I cut them, gonna really see if the vigor increases as everyone says, she took forever to reveg but I’m happy we still have her. very nice Pheno of a strain called Popsicles…

the next round of seedlings just cracked about a week ago and starting to move.
There are a bunch of different things here including a few of @Budderton LA affie 11 x Afghan hashplant, freaky budders @Tlander’s Black domina and a bog bubble and filling in with some cherry canolli and cherry custards from Pure Breeding.
Gonna be a fun run as well… exciting times.

Had a meeting with the owners of a 600 light grow about an hour and a half outside BKK this morning, we will most likely go to the facility next week to do a tour and speak again. I’ll post pics if and when that happens…They are harvesting 300 kilos per month… may have some of our hunted gear in there this year. stoked…

That’s all for today growmies!!




Congrats bro! All’s sounding and looking great! I’ve got a ton of questions, but no time! AAAguuuggghh! :weary: More Black Skunks & Faux Mac1 x AVC popped and I’m off to the doc’s tomorrow so tonight it is! Keep on keepin’ on! Oh I ran into a Thai couple from just outside BKK who were down here 3 days ago with a couple suitcases full of their wares! I wonder???



Haha I was on your thread! sounds like a busy day man!

im sure you will get it all done bro!

You can just shoot me questions on WhatsApp too.

How was there gear? There is so much weed in Thailand right now it’s crazy.
Ive seen loads on the chats here.

Good luck at the docs. Has the traffic gotten better yet?

Cheers bro


Fantastic grows @Drsunshinestrains ! Congratulations to @Gumbert on the winning guess

I am going to guess 96 seeds from this next batch. Figured if I reverse the winning numbers from last time it might give me a frogleg up in this game :frog:


Thank you for the opportunity! DM incoming.


Alright ladies and gents,

Here is an update.

Everything is rolling along well.

The pheno table is nearing the end, Scoped everything yesterday and we have only a few that will stay on the table after the harvest flush for the rest.
Ill save the pics of them for another day closer to chop time…

The nursery is looking nice and healthy and I haven’t seen any bugs since the introduction. of ONE AND DONE.
I highly recommend this mix, we were battling the mites here for a few years and were constantly spraying every 2-3 days to keep em out. we could never quite get rid of all of them till now.
Im very thankful to the anonymous gentleman who researched and trialed this stuff.


Here are some clones of old moms that will be retired after these root.

Clones for the next run

pic of the room.

Seedlings that will be moved upon harvest
we have some lookers here. they were getting overwatered being on the same table with the bigger ones but yesterday they got a nice flush of fresh RO.
I noticed also they are showing slight potassium deficiency so today I topped up with some flowering nutes to get em balanced back out.

probably the big mom there pulling it all out as she was showing it as well.

then some seeds a sprouting…

from @Tlander we have some black Domina, BOG sour strawberry
and @Budderton LA Affie 11 x Afghan hash plant among others…


then we will move into flower room 1

these are about 7 days since flip and have moved quite a bit.
I wish I had more space so I could access the plants in veg better.
These got a little sloppy and went a bit to long with the aircon update.

Flower room 2 is rocking, these tables are loaded up and the stretch is finished.
They are running @ 1500 ppm and showing zero burn or signs of slowing down.
table one is London fog pheno #4. these plant were the very homogenous in height and structure and they have done extremely well since being flipped. Day 38 here

Table two has mostly Grand master sexy # 4
these plants are more squat and like to spread out more than the other LF4.
They are here @ day 28.

There are two other strains mixed in on this table.
Girl crush # 2 from Twenty 20 Mendocino.
She is a regular for us and we have run her for the last year and a half.

Then the Peanut butter crunch #3 from LIT genetics.

Well that’s all I have for today folks!

