Da Sunshine show! Ongoing grow log from a 10 light medical grow in BKK

Hell of a show I’ll take a seat.


@Mad_Barry @emeraldbullfrog @Tlander @ShiskaberrySavior @Pawsfodocaws @Magu

Thank you all for your kind words! I appreciate you all. So nice to find a like minded community with
all of you amazing people. Ive been really happy to be here even for this short time.
Keep all the good vibes coming:) and Ill keep you up to date.

keep on killing it y’all!!




WL!!! :green_heart: :purple_heart: :frog: :purple_heart: :green_heart:


Hello OG!!

I hope everyone is doing great.
Been a minute so here is the update on the grow…

So Ill start with the room that has had a few issues in the last few days.

This is the pheno table @day 39
with everything that’s happened this week I’m pretty happy with how they look.

The weather is changing and in Thailand that means its getting hot.
The ac stopped working in this room and I didn’t notice until 4-5 hours later and then it took 5-6 more hours to get it fixed. As you can see if got pretty hot but they seemed to handle it with no real issues.

This same room had a hermie, I found a seed about a week ago so I have been scouring the plants everyday and was not finding it. I then saw a bud with a big fat seed in it and I looked even more closely. That is when I found the single male flower on the bottom of said plant. here are a pic of the culprit and some seeds on another. branch right next to it. I hope it’s pretty isolated but only time will tell…

Some of the stand outs are…
of course purple thunder, she is starting to show a little color and she is super fruity candy terps, I think she is my favorite smoke right now.

next up a former mom like purple thunder flossee 5

also a former mom Flosee 1,

another momma peanut butter crunch 2

and the last but not least night moves 3 and she is by far I believe the frostiest girl in here! absolutely love this one too. well all of em. hahahahaha

then moving on to the phenos, there were a few really slow to show hazy kush plants that I pulled out a few days ago so there are a few empty spaces that will be filled with some eagerly vegging plants very soon.

There are a few New England hazy kush plants that are almost identical in every way. here is one.

this is apparently a 10-12 week skunk. she has a bit of frost and she smelled very acrid at first but she has started to get fruity but still has the funk pretty heavily. Im really excited to see what this is like in 4-5 more weeks…

next we have Peanut butter crunch crossed with I have no idea…lol
her sister is the herm but she is the prettier and better yielding this lady has!the best terps in the room. short stout and rock hard nuts.
PBC 2 X ?|386x499

Last but not least We also have our key lime cheesecakes, there are two phenos both super vigorous but one is prettier and faster she has many fat buds on her. her terps are not the strongest but they seem to be getting stronger with my fingers crossed cause she has all the rest except the unknown effects…

her sister is skinnier and more sativa leaning, she has many buds and her terps are very limey and looks as though she will fill out nicely but much slower.

Last but not least we have our finest example of sherbanger x purple punch, she is #6
I have 4 of this strain on this table and so far she is the most covered with trichs and she has many branches as well as a very fruity nose with an earthy back end. I believe this is the keeper so far but the effects have to be tested first. There are another 10 or so plants vegging in the nursery of this star and If you recently picked up one of the packs on the take seeds leave seeds thread you to could find a specimen like this. good luck

Moving on to the nursery we have many things to check out.
This is the veg table. These plants will be moved into our 2nd flower room this week after we finish the harvest and do a few maintenance items, clean and sterilize the room with the ozone generator.

Some bonsai style moms.

And a shot of the whole room.

Here we have our next set of plants for the pheno room. Quite a few strains here and a part cheese theme. We have triple cheese and cheese from Barneys farm. there is a few greenhouse exodus cheese also. we want to find a funky faster cheese pheno so we sprouted these selections and hopefully we find a keeper…

then we are cracking more seeds! @Tlander has sent us a pack with a bunch of new gear and we are super thankful and excited to grow out these gems. He also sent a seed cracker which I happily tested out and it worked very well. You can feel the seed crack ever so slightly with much control.
Some of the beans popped in the last week are:
Black Domina, Freaky Buddha, and @Budderton LA Affie 11 x Afgan hashplant
along with some cherry custard and cherry cannoli from another buddy.

Moving up to flower room 1 these plants have been given my new trianing method and well.
They are the two best canopies of our time in this new space. gonna be some banging runs.
These pics are 3-4 days apart.

This is day 22 from flip and these London fog 4 ladies are about to get their hair cut under the skirts. They are pumping nutes at ppm 1500 and co2 @1200-1400 ppm. They are not slowing down a bit,
That are covered in trics already and starting to smell amazing.

If you look at these pics of the trained plants you will see how they all have an even amount of tops and no meristem. This technique does this without topping thus zero slow down in growth to get 8-12 same height tops.

Finally we have some money shots of some of the strains coming down at the moment.
First we have popsicles 2 and 3

Then Motorboat 4

and here is London fog 2

Well OG there you have it…

I hope you enjoyed it as much as me.

@Drsunshinestrains over and out!



Wow!! Nice, organized set up with a bunch of sweet varieties! Nice update @Drsunshinestrains ! Best of luck with your starts!


You have an AWESOME grow show brother. Keep up the great work @Drsunshinestrains . :grin:


Yobro, what a grow! Well, you’ve jumped right in here with the grow-show! Everything looks top shape! Bummer about the AC! Was just reading about BKK’s temps yesterday and today! Damn that’s hot! Glad the seed-cracker landed, they are great! I cracked 20 of the Faux Mac1 x AVC fresh seeds just as another Bro-Science project! I particularly like the accuracy of the thumb-screw, so easy to back off at the ‘crack’! Well, I’ll be stoppin’ by again to check in, gotta make another run at “Perlite Mountain” this morning and taking everybody (and the wheelbarrow!) with this time! Thanks for the inspiration bro! And good luck with the newbies!



Thank you @Budderton I am really looking forward to these LA Affie 11 x Afghan hash plants starts.
I have been perusing your thread and I have to say I love the short stature and how nice they look!



@Magu Thank you for the words I really appreciate them.



Hey @Tlander Thank you for dropping in.

Yes It has been really hot up here… AC.s are breaking everywhere around the city haha
It’s hard to find anyone to fix em. We have a guy that’s good and he will be upgrading one of our flower rooms today so we don’t have to fight it so much.

Yeah the thumb screw makes for a super accurate amount of pressure. I like it…

Good luck on Perlite mountain!! haha that’s great you found her and that pile!

Cheers bro!


Very nice project, good work and thank you for sharing this.


Thanks for stopping in and the kind words! @Gumbert

I am really happy with our progress here. I had a long break from growing and I feel like we are hitting our stride…


@Drsunshinestrains . I think about you and all my friends in Thailand every day. I know your laws are going to change drasticaly but I hope it all works out in the end. Peace :rainbow:


Just a quick update on a few things:

The pruning techniques are paying off.

This is how the canopies are looking for the first two tables.

These plants on the taller table are finished with stretch @ about 25 days of light cycle change.
The second table is at 15 days so they will stretch a bit more.

Very happy with the uniformity.

these are the new pheno hunt plants.

These are fresh seedlings and some new drops…

This a plant with the multiple tops without any topping only selective leaf defoliating before and after another. haircut this morning.

Well that’s all I have time for today Im off to work!

Hope you all have a great day!!


Cheers all!


Forgot to tag @Tlander and @Budderton for the beans being cracked!

Thanks guys!!


We just got our GACP certification but lets see how it goes down.

As much as I love this country and the people here.

There are many things to hate about the system here, That said Im growing like I will be shut down Until something happens. Hell now that the cat is outta the bag I pray we get to continue even with some controls. I love growing this plant and don’t plan on stopping again…

Thanks for thinking of us and we can only hope for the best1



That is absolutely horrifying, I can’t believe I didn’t know Thailand was about to roll back recreational. Is it the first country to go backwards like that?


As far as I know it would be the first.

Nothing set in stone yet but the talk and the bill put into parliament is in that direction.

I’ve lived here for 11 years and Thai politics can be, well unpredictable.

That being said it could stay the same for all we know….


Hello all,

this will be a quick pheno hunt update.

Plants are looking good albeit a few crispy leaves here and there from the 105 degree temps for 8 hours due to the air con taking a dump.
This room is 45 days from flip and some are fattening up more than others.
There are a few plants that just got put on the table as 2 that were really slow to show sex and were gonna take many more weeks to finish even though they did turn out to be females they got the axe…
replaced by another skunk and another retired mama…
this is a group shot of the 4x8

This is a random seed found in a previous harvest.
Her sister is a lady boy next to her but I only found one single pollen sack.
The terps on this are fruity gassy and strong.

This is one of 4 females out of 10 plants that are Bloom seed co this one has a weird crown type thing going on the tops… not my favorite
Sherbanger x purple punch

hybrid Hindu Kush not showing many trichs but she has some really orange terps and she has a ways to go. lets see if she packs on some sparkle in the end.

Here is Night moves #3 she smells like funky fruit and is the frostiest in the room. This is a retired mom so not a big yield but that is fine with me… haha

This Key lime cheesecake is the best yielder in here. unfortunately she smells like cardboard but a bit of the citrus and cream on the rub…a shame cause she is fast and fat.

This is her sister and she is taking her time, she has a lot of bud sites and she smells as advertised, just look how far behind she is tho. hopefully worth the wait, definitely a sativa leaner…

here we have another sherbanger x purple punch this one is the second best IMO so far, she has good structure, terps, medium on the trics and looks
she will definitely get another shot.

This is the nicest sherb x pp #4 she ticks all the boxes but a bit small on yield.
already started vegging her clones to take cuts from to give her another run as a clone. She has to perform as there are 12 seedlings vegging out that will go on this table when they are mostly cleared. second pic she is the leaner and the 3 tops below her are her too.

New England hybrid Hindu Kush, this one is almost identical to her sister next to her. they both started out smelling like kyoho grapes high chew.
They have both morphed into smelling like ripe orange with some rank in the background (good rank) funky almost earthy which Im happy about.
Lately Im growing tired of all the creamy candy terps and long for something fruity and earthy and just different, I think we have a few here that im gonna be happy with.

here is sis.

this is a LIT genetics strain called FLOSEE this is a pheno that kinda got lost in the mix, apparently the lineage of this strain is a mystery but she is a pretty girl and I am looking forward to sampling her.

Here is our skunk #3 seeds are from the same source as the Hindu Kushes.
She stared out smelling like putrid body odor mixed with funk and Im not sure what. :rofl: very acrid and abrasive smell. she has mellowed on that front and started a fruity thing with the funk in the back but still there.
she will be a 9-11 maybe 12 weeker I believe. hopefully worth the wait.
vegging clones now.

FLOSEE # 5 another LIT pheno.
smells fruity and candy with some pie crust in there.
ran her before and she yields okay. good trics and bag appeal…

This is my favorite girl recently. Purple thunder. love love love,
she has everything but the medium yield, she finishes fast and looks, smells fruity funky, earthy and sparkles. she will get run on a full table in the next month or so. honestly I like her so much I told my partner not to sell any of it and we keep it for ourselves…

Ill be putting up another post soon with an update on the other rooms.
finally got the aircon upgraded this morning in anticipation of the heat starting already. plants are vegged for 6 weeks + and the room is getting the ozone treatment tonight. we will be putting them in over the next few days and clearing the veg table for a good cleaning as well. sprouts are doing great as are all moms and cuts.

I am considering an old school commercial sea of green single cola run on half of one of the tables after the next harvest, I have one suitable strain that we can use. we will do a side by side on one table to see the difference in yield and work load as I believe the technique will produce more with less pruning and veg time. The strain is called Glue sniffer from Mendocino 20 twenty.

let me know your experiences with this type of strategy please, Ive done it in the past and had good results on a smaller scale but an interested in any wisdom I can gain from the OGers!!

Well that’s all for today OG!
Anyway have a great day!!!



Okay gang here is a quick update from the farm.

The nursery is looking great.

Plants are being moved into flower room 1 as we speak.
We were delayed for 3-4 days unfortunately so we will have some monsters.

But we have an upgraded ac unit to help fight the blistering heat outside.
It was 35 c today I believe and it will get way higher in the coming days.

here we have the vegged plants that are moving into flower room 1

Nursery shots.

pheno seedlings.

moms spreading out.

Empty cleaned and sanitized room.

New AC unit…

flower room 2

table one. this London fog #4

table 2, this is grand master sexy and 1 Girl crush and one strain my stoned brain can’t remember.

I will take some shots of room 1 with the plants in there soon.
We are gonna veg these just a day maybe two.
we have some motor boat going in and they are a beast of a sativa leaner.

Well Im working my real job right now so have a great day!