DaHoodGnome's Place to Learn, Grow, and Heal

I’m leaning towards the ladder now for sure. There are 5 smaller plants and the rest seem to be pretty close in hieght. I thought about raising them up, but its a tight space and I feel it’s best I arrange them best I can and let them work it out amongst themselves.

Here are the smallest of the bunch. The two on the right are feminized The White OG’s and are definitaly behind by a week in growth. But seem to be playing catch up over the last few days.

the two on the left were given to me from my old plug, and although they are small…

…the nodal spacing is short and there has been branch growth where none of the other plants are branching yet. These two were from the last 3 seeds I had. I popped 8+ beans last year and only got two females so I’m hoping I just had bad luck then and got all the males in one go. Fingers crossed. Both plants I grew out smelled super sweet!

I’d say the WOG’s were affected more by the light and poor watering then the others in the tent, which is a shame. I’d like to flip soon as I am anticipating quite a stretch on the rest of the tent. But TWOG’s are not even close to ready and I’ve only had two plants sex so far.

I really like her leaves. They look to have a blue hue to them.

But most importanlty shes showing.

Now I’m really unsure of what I will do with TWOG’s. If the don’t catch up soon I may just take em out and veg em longer under another light and prep em for outdoors. I’d like to flip soon because I foresee the others all stretching a bit and hieght is an issue in my tent.

I was planning on turning the light up with the next wattering.
I was checking the pot this morning and although they are much lighter they are not dry by any means. I think tuesday or wednesday they will want another drink and at that time I will increase the light by another 10%.

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So there have been some big changes in the grow over the last few days. Originally my tent was occupying space in my bedroom, which my partner was not the biggest fan of… So I moved the tent into our storage closet which in turn has given me more room to grow.

These four are under 100 watt LED, set 24 inches from the canopy and on an 18/6 cycle.
Temps are pretty even outside the tent, between 21-25 celcius with an aproximate Rh of 65%.

I’m just waiting for the two regs (right) to show sex, and then I plan on putting them all in 3 gal fabric pots and continuing to veg them until the end of May, where if the regs are female, the two TWOG’s are going outdoors at a friends, one of the others will go outdoors here, and the last will get transplanted and continue to veg under the light as I will attempt to keep as a mother and learn to clone. Hopefully they are stable and if not I take what I learned and start over with different genetics.

This TWOG is throwing out varigation but no distorted growth.

I flipped the light to 12/12 in the tent to force sex and get to this gorw a moving. I know these could stretch a lot and I don’t have much hieght to work with. They are a bit taller then I wanted already and I don’t plan on doing any training. I will just have to see how things work out and learn from there.

Only real problem right now is that all the new growth is coming in super light in color. This could just be from rapid growth as the leaves start to darken as they grow. But I am wary of it perhaps being the start of an Iron deficiency. My Ph has been around 6.2-6.4 when I watered, but I have not checked the run off at all. From what I’ve been reading Iron is best absorbed around 5.0-6.0

If things start to get worse I will try lowering my Ph some. But right now I am leaning towards rapid growth.

Probably not the best picture… But one more male. Thats only two so far. Fingers crossed.

I forgot to take picture of the root mass on the male as I dissgarded it! My bad.
The roots were nuts and already starting to ring around the bottom.
I have a feeling that I’m going to need to increase the volume and frequencies of my watering quite a bit over the following weeks.

Overall I’m pretty pumped about this small expansion. Being able to veg outside of the tent is huge for me. Learning to clone and keep a mother didn’t seem like a doable thing before.

Thanks again to all following along. I’m out for now.

Ciao!! :rainbow: :green_heart: :v:

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Hey Overgrow! Been a minute. And as per usual with me, things have changed, plans fell through, and new oppertunities arose.

Last I posted, I had nine plants of random orgin growing in 1 gal plastic containers in my undersized 2x3.
These plants, be it through genetics, or stress produced by myslef, streched way too much for the height of my grow space and I just had to chop it all down and start over.

I chopped this down so I could do…


These are the 2 WhiteOG’s I popped along side all the others back in March. I decided to try and scrog them on a trellis net woven with twine to make the openings smaller.
These two are in 3Gal fabric pots and are taking 3L of watereach about every 3 days.
I had been slacking not only on the amount given but the frequencies of my waterings and I have noticed a signifigant difference in my plants.
Of these two the smaller one on the left has grown a little slower but seems to have not been as effected by the lack of watering as the larger one on the right, whos new growth was coming in thin and yellow, which has been getting better since they’ve been drinking more.
The light is set 29 inches from the canopy at 50% (140W). RH is around 70%. Temps 24-27 Degrees Celcius.
I plan on letting this stretch up off the net just a bit more before I flip to flower.

As for the other the other two plants I had growing along side the white OG’s

They’re a little light green in spots and one has some yellowing on just a couple bottom leaves. There should be enough nutrients availabe from the soil I belive my PH when watering has been too low (under 6) so I’ve adjuted that and have not seen any progression.

Heres a shot of the whole outdoor garden this year.

Oh yeah… I managed to “clone” a peice of the white og!

So I had taken a few cuttings while cleaning up the bottoms of the white ogs and had just thrown them into the opening of an orange juice container and misted the leaves on a regular basis. Of the two they both sprouted roots but I had forgot to go in and mist on day and one died. So the other went in soil and over the last week or so Its grown both in size and in root mass.

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I made it to week 4.

Sometime in the first week after flip I had forgot to water, let the humidifier run out, and found some very unhappy plants the next moring. While I did manage to get my watering back on some sort of schedual I also managed to not feed the plants. I think I’ve gotten a hold of the situation (myself…) and things are turning around for the better (or best they could be).
I think have to dial back the nutes some. There is some burning on the tips and a couple of the edges on a few leaves.

Neglect aside everything seems fine. The buds have set in nicely and are beggining to smell nice.
The plant on the right has a bit of a lemon cleaner smell going on and the buds are rounder ball shaped then the plant on the left, which has a very pungent dank og fuelness going on and the buds area bit more pointed on top. I’m very excited to see what I get if all my leaves don’t fall to the floor.

I’ve learned a lot of what not to do again. That has to be worth at least twice as much as learning what to do.
2.8 Gallon 3/4 filled fabric pots won’t cut it.
I should build an actual scrog frame and train the plants much earlier.
I’m not going to use a media with any pre charged/slow release nutrients(This is actually my new mantra).
And don’t forget to feed the plants. ffs don’t forget to feed them.

Here are some more bad photos. :slight_smile:

This is actually the most filled out the tent has ever been…

I’m going to build the scrog net much lower then this is set

This is the plant on the left

And this is the plant on the right

Also. I am looking for the next beans now. Atlas seems good and there are some things available to me that perk my interest. Like Cheetah the hut. But if anyone sees this and has a recomendation on some good genetics I would love to hear them.

Peace and love :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :rainbow: :v:

Wow. I need to wake up. I was gravely mistaken about how far along I was into flower.
I switched the light over on Monday, June 3rd. That would put me at the beggining of week 7 right now.
Which makes more sense considering the plants seem to be (to my untrained eye) reaching the end.
The yellowing that was happening on the right side plant I had thought was due to inproper watering and feeding, which very well was part of it, it was also due to light stress.
I had turned my light up from 60% to 70% and then up to 80% over the period of a week or so. It is a 280 watt LED and I pushed it way to far, at least for these plants. The plant on the left took it better over all, but the leaves on the tallest buds are pretty messed up. The plant on the right yellowed up and lost a lot of its leaves. I also observed what I assumed were a few dead trichomes (dark brown almost black heads) on those affected buds which tells me I had that thing up too high (Sorry I’ll try to get a picture).

Anyway. I’m going to finish of the two plants in the tent. I have one left outside that is dealing with a small spider mite problem thats getting the insecticidal soap again today. And if that persisits into flowers setting, I don’t know what I’ll do… Probaby burn it. I really don’t want those buggers inside. I have a lot of house plants!! But even if the outdoor falls through, I’m to have everything planned out and ready for November.

I have not decided on genetics yet but its looking like Cheetah the hut by Atlas, or Purple Ghost Candy by Seedsman. I though about doing one of each but I figure thats double the amount of problems I could end up dealing with, and I don’t need more problems, so two of the same for sure. lol
I’m also going to try feedling my plants more often. I’m not sure but I have a feeling that generally I should be feeding every other watering. Where I have only been giving nutes once a week (if that).

Here are some more bad photos for your enjoyment.

Here you can really see the yellowing and burnt leaves

Some more toasted leaves. I am in the process of slowly removing them.

I changed the camera settings on my phone

Probably the worst of the damage right here

I am definitley washing my buds before I dry them.

I bought a jewlers loupe! Are any of these cloudy?

In this lighting some even look a little amber

Here is what I presume is a cat hair

I like this one!

If anything drastic happens before harvest I’ll update. If not.

Peace and Love Y’all! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :rainbow: :green_heart: :v:

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Yo! Whats up OG! It’s day one of week 8!

Boy was I getting antsy today. I wanted to do something real drastic. Something crazy like chop down the dancing turtles. :crazy_face:
Thankfully I found a way to scratch my itch without doing anything too silly once again!

Instead I opted to cut out the netting, take the plants out of a hair cut, and do some house work in there. I wiped down the whole clostet, including the tent and fans. I also moved the tent into a better position within the closet, giving me a bit more room to move around in there.The air flow seems to be better, the temps have dropped a few degrees. And now I can take photos from farther back. Which is nice because I was pretty much sitting inside the tent before. lol

I’m checking the trichomes a couple times a day. From what I’m observing I think we’re mostly milky, with some amber, and still a few clear heads floating around. Almost all of the amber heads are located on sugar leaves. From everything I’ve read (here) on trichome development and what info is available about the genetics, I’m pretty sure I may have at least this week left, if not another, before they have fully rippened.

This is a bit nerve racking. Being the first time I’ve been able to truly observe the trichomes on my plants.
There is this double edged fear, where at one side I’m afarid of not waiting long enough, and on the other, that I would some how allow the plant to go too far. I know I’m thinking about it a little too much. I’ll just be happy when I’ve done this a few more times and I have a better feel for everything.


Here are some photos!

Post moving/Pre watering. Oh yeah they swapped sides.

This one was on the right. And now its on the left.

This one was on the left, but now its on the right.

And now for something completley different.

(Insert bad trichome shots here)

Peace and Love! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :green_heart: :v:

I know this plant can teach you things. And it has helped me immensely in growing as a person. But even knowing that, I am still in awe of how much growing the plant is teaching me about myself.

Whos caring for who?

Here are some shots from today. Day 52 from flip.

There is one gurthy trichome looking oh so milky (60x)

A mix of clear to amber? (60x)

Trichome heads look swollen and there is a lot of leaning happening (60x + camera zoom 6.9x)

This one reminds me of a Pink Floyed album cover. Obscured by Clouds of Cannabis Smoke.

(Shift+Enter and Ctrl+Enter have two different functions)

Peace and Love !! :slight_smile: :rainbow: :green_heart: :v:

So. I’ve made it to day 55. Tomorrow marks the first day of week 9 and I am excited to take what I’ve learned here and apply it to the next one.
I have been watching the trichomes closely everyday. From what I can obsereve there are probably equal parts clear to amber trichomes on the bract tissues, with mostly being milky. And almost, if not all are leaning over at this point. Seedsman suggests a flowering time of 60-65 days. I’d feel comfortable taking it today. Especially considering all my prior harvest up to this point. But I will wait and chop some time between day 60 and 65.

Current grow aside. I’d like to say a few things about going forward.

After going through and re reading my posts I’ve realized I’d done a piss poor job of documenting what I was doing. So my main goal for the next run will be to do a much better job in regards to that.
The main reason I post here is so that I can see my progression as a grower, and to learn from my mistakes. So I would like to make it easier for myself, and others to follow along.

Other then that, I am pumped to get the next one on. I was gifted a Big Bud Auto from Fastbuds and I will be running that on its own in the tent. Giving me a bit more time to pick out and order some beans for the next photo run. I am leaning towards Bohdi, but I’m looking at 130 CAD for 5 fems. I would grab a pack of regs but I would most likely (100%) attempt a seed run because more beans is better. But I’d like to try and get some smoke first, that is for sure.

Anyways, I feel I’m starting to ramble. Here are some shots from yesteday. I pulled them out of the tent and into the sun to check the trichomes under a different light source and to take these pictures I have right down here.

Peace and Love!! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :rainbow: :green_heart: :v:

The girls got chopped yesterday at day 59. If I had not made so many mistakes I would have waited another 6-10 days for sure. But they are by far the most ripe plants I’ve ever grown. So I am happy there.

I wasn’t able to get any clean 5gal pales to do a propper wash. So I just stripped them of most of their leaves, most of which were around 1 - 1-1/2 inches, dunked them in the tub a few times and gently swirled them around. Then I dangled them above the tub giving them a light shake until a lot of the accsess moisture came off the surface of the plants.
There was some debris left in the tub when it drained and I hope I got most of the crap off.
It’s amazing what you can see under a 60x that you can’t see with the naked eye. I definitely need to do something about the air exchange in there. I do have some ideas, but that will come in time and … money. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

After the dunk in the tub I hung them in the tent with a fan moving the air around and the exhault trying its best to keep it at 60% rh. Its gone as high as 67, as low as 62, but the avarage is 64% and 22 degrees Celcius. If the humidity drops bellow 59% the humidifier should kick in.
It is super hot and humid outside today, but indoors we are ony up by a few pecent from our norm. Hopefully this weather subsides and it evens back out in here.

This won’t be a big yeild, but it be awesome if I ended up with some tasty smoke after all this. Considering I had started these two back in early march, and everything I’ve put them through. I think its about time I got to enjoying them in another manner. And move on with what I’ve learned.

Here’s to what I’m hoping is a long, slow, even dry.

No pictures. Just thoughts.

I’ll update when everything is smokable.

Peace and Love! :crazy_face: :rainbow: :v: :green_heart:

After about five days of hanging, I started to get stem snaps on some of the bigger branches.
I think this happened so quick because I didn’t water for five days before chop. I feel this may have been a little extreme and may just skip the last watering insead going forward. But with temps around 22-24 degrees and a RH of 64%, the buds were crispy on the outsides and I felt it maybe tiem to start triming them up for jars.

The White OG ( The White x Rolex OG )

Plant A. Which would be the plant that was originaly on the right, but after I cut out the net and swapped them around, was on the left, had denser, more round shaped buds, that were very easy to trim. Even most of the smaller pop corn buds were dense enough they didn’t make it into the butter pile.
This plant yeilded 32 grams of small hard nugs.
I can’t put my nose on the smell yet. It isn’t magical. But it taste alright. Kind of spicy. Has a nice smoke though, and the buzz is actually pretty good.

Pant B. Obviously the other one. Had more conical shaped buds that weren’t near as dense but are way more dank! I’ve been trying hard to keep my hands out of the big jar beacause I know It’s just gonna get better over the next week or so. But it is nice! Super fuel, with notes of citrus. Kind of smells like gasoline and roast beef or something. Right up my ally. I have one more of these seeds and I’m hoping shes one of these. This plant yeilded 31 grams, but had a lot more leaf matter to trim off. Not really a complaint here because the smoke is good and I really like the taste.

So not only did I learn a absolute ton of lessons over the last five months. I grew some weed that I can really enjoy smoking. This was an absolute winner in my books. Even with the early chop on the bag seeds, to all the problems I had up to and into flower with these two. Straight Up WINNING!

I think this might be the end. I’d Like to thank everyone who has read, liked, or commented. I really appreciated the input and am forever greatful.
So when I post again I will probably just start a new topic. With a new run. And documented everything very well. Implementing everything I’ve learned read during my time here.

Thanks again for reading!

Peace. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :rainbow: :green_heart: :v:

Love you bye.