Dank Den Diary's

Oh, yup…

Lots o work. And thank you for the compliment on my room…



Update on the No-Till bed…

Talk about healthy girls…These girls did not have a good start (my fault)…Hardening off not done properly, and pre-mature transplanting…But this bed just clicked all of a sudden…I have seen massive growth in a short period of time.

I am still looking for a good feeding regimen, and tea/supplement list… I need to look through this site for such goodness…

Thanks for all the help so far guys…This No-Till thing is awesome…Definitely the only way I am going to grow my personal smoke from now on…I can’t wait to see the journey this bed is going to take me on haha.

12 days ago…The same bed :

There is 30 Nigerian Nitemare girls in the 4x20 bed…

That’s not all that’s in the bed either…

Looks like I have some other worldly beings trying to scope out my bed…Fkrs better not make any crop circles in there…


FWIW, here is my watering schedule.

Watering is done every two-three days. Every other watering is one of the following teas:

Sul-po-mag - Once a month
1 Gallon Water
1 Teaspoon Sul-po-mag
Add an airstone with the water and sul-po-mag and let set for a couple of days until soluble.

Neem/Kelp tea - Once a month
5 gallons Water
1 cup Neem Meal
1/2 cup Kelp Meal
1/4 teaspoon Aloe Powder
5 ml Silica
Place neem and kelp in a tea bag (I use a bag my worms came in) and steep overnight. Add aloe and silica before drenching the soil.

Malted Barley Tea - Once a week
1 gallon Water
1 oz. (28 grams) Malted Barley Powder
15 ml Fulvic Acid
1/4 teaspoon Aloe Powder
5 ml Silica
Grind malted barley powder in an old coffee grinder and place in a tea bag. Steep for no longer than four hours. Add fulvic acid, aloe, and silica before drenching the soil.

Coconut Water Tea - Once a week
1 gallon Water
1 teaspoon Coconut Water Powder
15 ml Fulvic Acid
1/4 teaspoon Aloe Powder
5 ml Silica
Mix all ingredients and drench soil.

Foliar Spray (IPM) - Once a week
1 gallon Water
15 ml Neem Oil
1/4 teaspoon Aloe Powder
10 ml Silica
In a small shot glass add silica to the neem oil and stir until completely homogenous. Add to warm (at least 75F) and mix thoroughly. Add aloe and spray immediately before lights out.


Awesome post Reiko,

I appreciate the info man…You just saved me some time and perhaps a bit of confusion haha.

I am sure it covers everything I need…

Thanks very much for your help Mano…



Bro you’re a champ! i bet that was not an easy task. Do you have a hand in there or do you do it all by yourself?


Thanks Fire…

I mostly did it myself…I had a hand with transplanting for a couple of hours one day. But other than that…It was some late nights/early mornings haha…It needs to get staked and pruned this weekend…So there is another 2 days…But…After that, it should be fairly smooth sailing (knock on wood).

I do have an Ol’Lady to help with the odd thing, when she is not busy…But she has been busy. She smokes a lot, so I don’t mind telling her to get her grubbies on, and bring some elbow grease…

I need to get a pic of the shop now…It has grown a lot since the last update… The No-Till bed has over doubled in size, in the last week alone.

Next, I get to go hard in my trailer…I need to fix a couple of small things, and that’s pretty much her. That job seems tiny in comparison. I think I will be growing a bunch of Blue Kush? As I had a bunch of rooted clones fall into my lap, and the mothers we have are cloned out right now…

Thanks for the interest Fire…I am saving those beans I received (from a nice fellow) for another rainy day, as it always is, where I live haha I don’t have any room in my veg/momma room at this time.



Wow man that bed looks great. Im Curious to see how this goes and how the plants fight for space etc… How long are you going to veg them before flipping?



Yep you’re a champ haha! That’s awesome your old lady gives a hand here and there.

No rush and no worries on the beans bro you’ll get to em when you get to em :slight_smile:


Thanks Buddy!

It has doubled in size, in the last week…If this is any indication for how the No-Till will work, it is silly to not go full No-Till haha…Right now the plants look more healthy and happy, than my normal Super Soil recipe.

Yes, the girls are already pushing each other around in the bed…But I am going to Scrog the bed when I do my prune this weekend. When I do that, I am giving them a haircut, and it should give them a bit more room (for a little while anyways).

I kicked the room a week and a half ago…I had them vegging from a clone, when I fired them in there. Not the best way to start the bed off, but it seems to have caught up now… They were clones that only had a couple of roots when I put them in there. I normally veg in beer cups, then 1 gallons before I do my final transplant. This situation…I had no choice. I had no room, or time to do it this run. Next run, I will have them already in beer cups, at least, before they get thrown into the 4x20 bed.

I have to also thank @Tinytuttle …He helped me figure out some of this, and kept me from losing my shit, due to the good bugs, and stuff I was seeing in my bed. It almost had me worried haha.



As long as I have my tunes, a cold drink and some hoots…I can usually rock a 12 hour shift…It is a hell of a lot easier, and enjoyable, than some of the regular jobs I have had… It does not really seem like work, when you love doing it :slight_smile:

Time fly’s in there, and at the end of the shift, when you see a room like this all happy, clean, and organized, it soothes even my worst O.C.D episodes…

And yeah, my Ol’Lady is a good gal…She never minds getting to know the girls she going to light up one day…She likes the whole growing thing, and getting her hands dirty. She is a hair dresser as well (I did this on purpose) so her trimming skills are on point.

I am blessed that way, as I have many friends that had to quit growing because their wives said enough…Although, the money hungry ones, said “OK”, after they seen a decrease in treasure coming home…

Edit: The REAL work starts, when the other side of the fkn shop gets lit up haha…


Glad the plants are clicking along! Let’s see see a pic of some of those sexy bitches! lol


I’ll take a pic tonight, right before the lites turn on…They are pretty happy girls right now.



@Tinytuttle Here’s a couple I managed t get while the lights were off…They are about a week and a half in flower here…



Looks like that bed is kicking ass and taking names! Next! Your right happy looking girls!


Hey Reiko…While looking for ingredients for feeding my bed, I came across this stuff…

Have you used it before for your girls? It looks like if you were to use it…Only very small amounts may be needed? Or is this not good to use for pants?

Thanks in advance Dude…



Thanks for the kind words Tiny…

Perhaps one day, we will see the entire shop No-Tilled haha…



Not used it myself. Its essentially humic/fulvic acids. Cheaper to use FulPower IMO.


Iv researched it a bit I think it could be beneficial another member here @lotus710 has mentioned using it before but haven’t heard much of hide or hair from him recently iv thought it was kinda of pricey IMO IIRCC.


Roger that…Thanks fellas…
Even for a personal supplement…That Shilajit looks pretty good for humans…



Right on Kobra for some reason this hasn’t showed up on my radar until now. Looks tight and looking forward to keeping up from here on in