Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

Hey my friend check this out. I found one seed in a bud of NL2 when I was rolling a joint. I put it in the soil and this is what grew, identical to the one I grew out earlier this year. Yes it is a female and I just put it in the flower room this weekend.

Here’s a bud shot of the first one I grew.


Very interesting, a selfed seed. I’m glad you still have her. I still have her in various crosses, but the original plant is gone. Didn’t like being root trimmed and never recovered growth. Luckily I have it crossed to the Xmas A in 6 seeds to pop later.


OK folks, the finish line is in sight thankfully. I’ve just tested A and TC seeds… CX A took a dump on me being overwatered because of the root bounding. In retrospect I shouldn’t have grown it as long as I did. Bud looks like crap, but I only care about maturing seed, though there won’t be as many so these will be more selective, particularly ‘grow and show’ able

CX A x BX2

TC A x BX2

About 50 days

CX A and I’m going to let it go a few more to keep maturing seed

Maui A


CX A2 probably starting with this one tomorrow

RKS about a month old

IC x BX2 about 3 weeks

Maui A and A2 sprouts…can you guess which I’ve got my eye on

Deformed A2

@Emeraldgreen Hows your A’s in the hoop house doing ? Show pics when you can. :grin:


Unfortunately since I broke my leg I have not been able to see or care for them. Last time I talked to my boss he said we were getting a bunch of rot. I’m pretty sure it was across everything, since I know he was busy finding the harvest and not paying attention to the hoop house.


So sorry to hear, definitely a lot of bad luck for this years grow. Hopefully next season makes up. Do you still a have a mother plant to try again or didn’t have one ?


I have a couple A B and NLC :grin:. My wife did enjoy smoking the samples! I’ll start working with them at my buddy’s house once he fires back up


Eg sorry to hear about the harvest loss :cry: hope your leg is healing well and not causing as much physical pain even though it’s a pita still. Glad your still got some to work great smoke! @OriginalDankmaster96 killing man! So my outside A got cut a couple weeks ago solid buds lots of trics very frosty. Put about 1/4 of harvest mostly popcorn buds, which were solid as well no larfy buds to speak of, and trim. Got about a half a jar all said and done! This plant in its first flower gave me about a oz in a 1 gal pot then reveg and let it grow about a foot of new growth and wanted to finish outside so dug a hole amended the dirt(really made a hole and added proper soil) and stuck her in the ground. 54 days and was finished with about 5-10% amber same flower time as inside. This plant finishes so fast and hard and that 7-8 week hard harvest time seems like a guarantee. I’ve grow 5 of the As and they finished fastest but the Bs are about a week longer depending on preference.

Damn it took pic of bud but it didn’t load oh well before I smoke some then!


Thank you buddy. Yeah @OriginalDankmaster96 is killing it with all the breeding! We had a terrible year this year for growing. Cold wet overcast season the entire season.

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Sorry to hear that the OD grow has issues. Hopefully something can be salvaged from the run.
@OriginalDankmaster96 the plants good nice and frosty!

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It’ll be fine since any contaminated bud simply goes into the collection for oil extraction. These two years are simply about surviving the market. Thank you


And heal that leg up fast! :grin:

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Can’t heal fast enough. Been eating yunnan biayao every day to speed it up


Well a small bud broke off a few days ago of A2, last night it was dried. So I rolled it…

@TopShelfTrees1 YES, it is WORTH it! The terps were nearly 2-3 times stronger, and I rolled another of the A to compare. Wasn’t as strong as A2 flavor, so I can say unequivocally it does bring out a deeper pronouncement. I was a bit concerned it was going to taste like Pine-Sol, but nope, no lemon. It enhances the existing profile and won’t alter it. I’ll be using this from now on.


Lol the A jar I opened yesterday smell of pine sol very strong but with smoke on about 2 wk cure and had more pine, slight citrus, and dank earthy flavor with menthol on exhale.


I’m getting pure sweetness from my A B. No pine at all. I’m really curious about how indoor smell profile will line up with outdoor.

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That has to be a one off, like Rabeats got. I’m gonna send you A2 and my B4, so you will definitely get the pine, then in Feb I hope to have the IC x BX2 crossed to the B4 for start of the season :wink:


That’s awesome thank you. I appreciate it


Just finished the Maui A

56 days

All that’s left is TC about 9 more days there to finish seed maturation

I’m already collecting A2’s

I’ll be sending soon @SkunkHunt101 @Ottafish @Gpaw :wink:

2 squat IC x BX2 have emerged. One on the left really promising to my standards.


Almost ready to sex these 2. I believe the taller is the male…

A2 and Maui A seedlings

I’ll be pulling the lanky Maui A but definitely see a few good ones here to move on to cups.

CX A and TC A seedlings

2 each for now. May try to sprout one more of each, but I’m over limits as is

Beautiful A2 ready for flipping

So I want to go in more detail about the effects I’m getting from using OIL INTENSIFICATION, A2 was already strong terps but what I’m getting is INTENSE sensation left in the throat, it’s stronger than a inhaling a menthol cigarette! THIS is far different than sugar, and way better. There’s terp specific like I have pine/earth and there’s a general formula too, but I seriously must recommend it. Can’t go wrong for flavor enhancing.


Looks Like Crippy Season is here! I can’t wait to try these out thanks so much!! Keep me tuned in! My Black Triangle X Sowahh are vegging now should be some serious stink in those beans. I plan on hitting that to Disgust-O skunk my smelliest plant and hopefully I can get some of your plants going too this winter. Thanks again everything looks amazing!


Alright, I’m now starting to go through the A bx, however it will be limited to go around. Higher ratio of white/hollow/underdeveloped to mature. I will be requiring a sign up as a result.


Again, this isn’t a test, it’s ‘grow and show’ but this one I’ll need to see the updates. The A2 can be described without needing pics.

I gather @420noob @Greenfingers @HumblePie420 are doing these, so no need for you three, but whoever else wants in, sign up. Each available pack will be sent out in order of wiki sign up to this post until I have to cut it off keeping a 25% reserve.

  2. @OnePassionateGrower