Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

sign me up if you have room for this guy…


Alright brother, you’re spot 1


I’ve made it wiki, sign up there


I’m completely backed up at the moment so I’m just going to follow along. I appreciate your generosity and efforts


Nice! Hope they are absolutely killer! I’ll be watching as always


I’m looking forward to the grow and show!

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I just wrote up my first listing. IF anyone who test ran for me wants to add something in I may have missed that makes this a complete description, please let me know. I’m only drafting right now, so I’m suggestive to edits.

Double CripXmas A bx

I’ve heard the clarion call throughout various forums for PINE terps and in 2021 I started my project from with Tampa Crippy XI from Sunshine state. I then sourced Xmas Bud 79 from CSI. I found what’s known as the TK ‘popcorn’ phenotype in TC. After growing TC I knew it needed restructuring and yeild to be better, and add depth to its terp profile.

During my grow I was able to POSITIVELY ID it’s ‘Crippy’ from FL. While alongside I grew 3 Xmas males. 2 stood out, the first crossing was done with a strong minty/funky zero stretch plant that had a classic old school stone.

However, TC has low pollination receptors, the amount of viable seed from 6 sog hydro plants was less than 50. I did another pheno that produced more, but its 21 offspring were unstable intersex hermies. So im not going into that one. Only a single female from TC A x Xmas seedling would bridge sterility and intersex issues. I tried to take a few cuts, but the timing was bad due to cloner Cyanobacteria pathogen.

During flowering I happen to be collecting from a PTK ‘resin male’ (420 New Guy seeds) and that pollen floated in the air to the flowering TC x Xmas that didn’t show intersex. Breaking up the buds, I found 3 seeds. The buds were very piney and minty, very soothing for anxiety. Very TC dom. I sprouted the 3 seeds. Everything takes a drastic turn in luck recombinant. 2 plants showed dwarfism mutants, extremely promising potential.

What will be known as CripXmas phenotype A is a variegated mutated sativa dominant popcorn phenotype of TC and Xmas while PTK recessive in terps, dominant in structure only. Dense short bushy growth. The plant has traits I’ve never ever seen before, thicker gland crusting than G13, lowers that develop into buds (NO it’s not larf) as leaf yellows and drops off, and the best part faster flowering at 49-54 days finish. Buds give off that classic sativa pepper odor mixed with pine and mint. Super sticky goo (NOT for grinders) scissor bud. Soaring stupefying potency. It was a time warp back to the beginning of the 90’s hysteria outbursts of laughter. I knew I had what many growers have been looking for.

I decided to finish bridging the 3 way mutated plant to a short, pole growth, late flowering NL2 from AG seed that was very heavy in pollen dropping and had pine odors. After these seeds were completed I test ran along with half a dozen growers on Overgrow, I was looking for sexual stability and consistency in results I got. There’s one off phenotypes (1-100) , but it’s conclusive, the plant is true breeding material now, is far more viable than the 1st and 2nd generation parents were. I took from popcorn bud to actual full coal tops under 55 days!

Testers reported CUTTING through multiple weaker cultivars potency. Icy cold expansive lung buster. Can make the nose run. Shit eating grins and giggles. Excellent for physical pains and insomnia issues. One tester wanted sleep, and it delivered. I smoke 1/2 much LESS than anything. Lasts 2-2.5 hrs. All but one reported pine/minty/earthy and funk flavors. All loved the size and density. The one problem reported is aversion to wet damp environments prone to bud rot, therefore I’m unable to safely recommend to high humidity grow conditions or outdoors ; greenhouse can pass. I’m working to build more mold/rot resistances in using Hawaiian lineages of Duckfoot and Maui. Off a separate branch of pheno A I made a double BX, this is from the Xmas A, which showed me yeild traits than terp.

IF you’re following my CripXmas linage path, I took a 4th generation offspring female that is a close replica of its parent, larger yielding and crossed the double Xmas male to it of 5th generation . The lineage I’m offering here is as follows: TC x Xmas x PTK x NL2 X TC x Xmas Bud x PTK Xmas. I consider it a double BX as PTK is even more recessive than 3rd generation clone only. I’m now able to offer an even heavier larger budding version from the BX crossing of my A2. The BX2 male, fast flowering, copious large grape clusters , not as tight node spacing but sturdy. Stamen flowers revealed strong potency pine/mint terp. This version should harken back to more to the 1st, except vastly improved overall. I rigorously TEST germination before releasing anything to 60-80% MINIMUM rate and strive for 100% rates.

Clones - 1 week root
Feed up to 700 ppm
Growth 2-4 ft (regular defoliation is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED due to dense growth characteristics)
Minimal stretch 2"
Harvest STARTS at 42 early to 49 late
Yield 1.5 - 2 oz per gall


Holy BOLDNESS @OriginalDankmaster96 I’m getting Hungry-for-Bud just reading those descriptions.
I’m sending you all the positive Vibrations possible on this creation for you. Congrats

Pine Tar Kush rings a bell every single time my Friend


If you’re hungry, I must’ve accomplished what I’m intending here :+1::wink:


Great write up!


Yep good write, congrats on your success and future successes :100:


Amazing write up @OriginalDankmaster96 ! I can’t commit to drop anything more until new year about if that’s ok. I want to let you know before you make your decision. Good job brother.


Thanks everyone, I do appreciate the feedback. Its been a long road to get here, and I’m reminded again WHY CripXmas had to be done. The TC Xmas BX is nearly ready, but AGAIN the ratio of deformity is high for every full formed viable seed. It’s why it will be pricey for a pack when it eventually goes to market. We will be doing a grow and show here as well, so availability will be even more limited, above my current testers that will receive these, those interested sign up the wiki and will be sent in the order of sign ups until a 25% reserve cut off is reached.

TC double Xmas BX


Yes, that’s no problem brother. You can stash until you’re ready to do them :facepunch: That goes for everyone else that needs grace @Greenfingers @HumblePie420 @Rabeats2093


Right on man just wanted to put it out there so no questions. Didn’t want to take someone’s spot.:+1::exploding_head:


Have you germ tested the deformed seeds to see if the plants are normal?


Ah ha, you read my mind :wink:

I did put them in, and I’m actually shocked as I just looked :flushed: That was last night too, so 17 hrs to pop!


Finally it’s time to cut down TC. You can easily see how CripXmas has a far superior structure…

RKS being sexed. I believe the shorter is F but no hair for confirmation, just the oval shape pre calyx

IC x BX2

Short and stubby, but not as tight. I like what I keep seeing here. Also appear uniform.

A2, Maui A, A and TC

A2 and Maui showing more uniform that last generation did

Oh yeah, all 4 TC did sprout and I’ve planted to see if the deformed come up. The 2 going also appear uniform. IF that’s the case, and deformed shells give a healthy seedling might not have to be so restrictive, however CX F3 A and B tons of white/false to an actual mature seed that doesn’t crush or crack. Now if I don’t see the interest on this thread, I’ll be starting another for the grow and show giveaway.

I will be trying to get packs made up over the weekend and ready to send out first of the week to those who’ve been patiently waiting for all this to finish.


Nice, looking great bro! The RKS should be fun :wink:


Could these be the stickiest of the ickiest?