Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

CripXmas A is a lot more denser in gland coverage


Nicely coming along! The As I grew definitely bigger buds and more trics over the Bs. Loves them both. I love your photo staging area lol. I have issues with camera focusing behind plant maybe the black sheet will help? Makes the plants pop and gives you more of a view without distraction.:+1:


I agree, when I was taking pics in the hallway, the beige background was distracting, that’s when I started using the shower stall, but even the grout on the tiles didn’t let the buds stand out or get the good zoomed in focus. I was like I need photography black background, I looked around and saw huge rolls and stands, then it hit me, just use a cheap black twin sheet and tape it up, simple enough :grin:


Thanks my man. I’m for SURE dong these!!

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Excellent write up brother. Big time fun testing those for you. I’ll have some Maui pictures tomorrow as I think I’m gonna bring her down with nice cloudy trichomes. I took pictures today but will post tomorrow. I forgot my email password and have to ask my wife for it.


Looks like I’ve got the description down to a T :face_with_monocle:

@TopShelfTrees1 Yeah I’m looking forward to getting it grown out so I can see if it fits in the scheme of things or something else to work with. We’ll see. I didn’t expect Maui at first, but later that changed to be surprising. I’m looking forward to you popping the A’s and Shoreline, so do tag me when you’re ready :facepunch::relaxed: Good to see you drop by. And if you didn’t see, that OIL terp is the shiznit, definitely no snake oil :laughing: I’d probably recommend that over the Crop Salt cake IF I could only use 1 product.

@420noob Nah, you’ve earned my TRUST, so it’s all good. When one earns my trust, I give latitude :facepunch:

@HumblePie420 I’m looking forward to hearing how you like Maui A, and will give an idea how TC and a double Xmas crossing would be like. I definitely will be keeping you busy with what’s coming.

Alright, now I need more input, I’ve taken a screen shot of selected terps, but I’m guesstimating until I can get gas mass spectrometry done, which I’ll be reserving some of the next A2 to do, but how’s it look ?

Next, I’ve picked out pics, and EVERYONE is getting a few of theirs used in there too.

IMG_3321 IMG_3320 IMG_3319

IMG_3317 IMG_3318 IMG_3323 IMG_3315 IMG_3209 IMG_3207 IMG_3316 IMG_3322 !


Here is the last of the Maui since I took her down early this morning. I left some of the bottom buds since cloning her was not successful. I’ll try to reveg her.

She had a beautiful fade to her but not much smells. That should intensify while drying / curing from my experience. Hope she reveges since I believe this one should be good!

I see a couple of spider webs on her but she was grown outside. Not much in the way of yield but the bud were golf ball sized at least almost all over. I like the resin coat she’s sporting and love that this will be an easy trim as the bud to leaf ratio is outstanding. Can’t wait to see this strain leveled up in your work! @OriginalDankmaster96


Yup, that’s TC. Maui doesn’t purple/gold leaf like that. It should be a stronger version too. Yeah definitely try to revegg, you’ll have a TC phenotype to keep around. Yeah it’s heavier coating than Maui A. Sounds like it did well. My inadvertent accidents are always surprising :thinking::fire::grin:


Ok @Ottafish @Gpaw @SkunkHunt101 , I finally got packs made up. 7 packs each. Now I just need my envelopes printed up…


I am doing cartwheels man thank you so much super stoked to get some new genetics to play with ! Anything you need you let me know thanks


I just snagged my first grower on X to show off CripXmas


Well I thought I had 2 males of the IC x BX2, but I just found out they’re not. So it’s 100% for RKS and IC x BX2



IC x BX2


Looking awesome as always!

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I put in 2 B x BX2 like 3-4 days ago, I forgot and I was sure they rotted going to check, and they’re healthy sprouts. Tells you how viable this batch of beans is going to be :face_with_monocle:


FINALLY envelopes going out today :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Very good sign they’re gonna grow really strong. Sending great vibes brother!


@HumblePie420 I did plant one, but it was like a bouncy spring trying to bury it. Somehow it beheaded itself. We know the seeds are viable, so that’s what I wanted to confirm. Now I have a bizzare occurrence, an A2 sprout from random testing grew out of the paper towels to search for light. Never seen this happen

A few updates

CX A x BX2

Really strong here. The right one has my eye. Left clearly show Xmas deformity and growing out of it. I have about 200 roughly, so not as limited. So probably 5-6 spots open here from who’s default to receive.

Maui A x BX2

TC A x BX2

@Tejas So those deformed seeds sprout, however the sprout was weak. Only one came up. The 2 fully developed seeds are what’s left. Definitely still issues, unlike CripXmas.

A2 x BX2


IC x BX2

One seems to be stuck in flowering, so now I have to wait it out. Both look pretty consistent except for height difference.


Now you know their lack of viability.

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Right, not like these. Besides, after smoking CripXmas A and A2 for months then returning to Tampa Crippy, the straight Crippy is missing balance in terps.


LOL she LIVES on