Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

Killing it bro!

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@HolyAngel Nice to see you drop by :relaxed:

@Trae1170 Glad you’re liking the sneak peek of what you’ll be growing

@420noob Thanks bro, I think the BX2 is going to up the game

Oh yeah, I’ve been meaning to ask @HumblePie420 how did you like the Maui x TCxNL2 smoke ? Flavor ? Strong potency ?

We have a LATE growing secondary seedling ing, and this wasn’t here yesterday. It popped overnight. I don’t know what to make of this, but it looks there’s freaks in the TC A BX2 :flushed:


Looking great. Looks like a seed fell out along the way!

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Nope can’t be a separate seed, that happened OVERNIGHT on a sexing plant!

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Vigorous little bugger


Haven’t smoked any yet actually. It’s been curing for a bit now so I’ll roll some up this weekend and take some pics of the end bud results.

Really happy with how dense all the nugs came out on the Maui considering I actually go pretty light on the fertilizers according to my friend who grew commercially for a long time. It’s just the way I like to grow. As little fuss as possible. I think I give the 3 growers I’ve ever tested for a very real life view of how most consumers who purchase seeds will grow them. If I can grow them to fruition, pretty much anyone can.

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I know, I was floored to see this when I went to check sex. I was like that was not here last night lights out.

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I definitely agree, Maui only likes about 650 MAX and even that’s pushing it to curling/clawing point. That’s a nice long cure time, should be very nice. I did roll the 2 together mixed up and it choked the hell out of me :dizzy_face:

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The last time I smelled it around a week ago, it had a strong menthol smell mixed in. Very curious as to how its evolved now.

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Oh that sounds like the undertone in TC, this will probably give you a good idea of what Tampa Crippy is like.

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Maui x TCxNL2 smoke report.

Very heavy on the menthol smell still. Fingers get sticky and gummed up while breaking it up then the smell pours out of it even harder. Smells the whole room up with a distinctive smell. Taste kinda soapy if a very good way if that makes sense. It’s really the only way I can describe the taste. The potency is there and calms the brain and makes life more enjoyable. Really a feel good mood boosting kinda smoke. The high lasted for over 3 hours and made me wanna take a short nap after playing some video games. I love this smoke. No wonder this weed was famous back in Florida. So honored I got to grow and sampler this wonderful girl. I hope she reveges. Thank you @OriginalDankmaster96 You’re on a roll my man.


I had an earlier cross that revegged like a champ and ended up finishing outside after grown and reveg inside. Resilient definitely!


Thats very encouraging, thank you @420noob!


Under the weather for a few days here. Very interesting impression @HumblePie420 I think that may be the gassy funk you refer to as ‘soapy’ but at any rate, I can tell it has the kick of Crippy. The way you describe it, good for gaming then a nap is exactly what it does to me, especially the nap. The duration is also Crippy too. Don’t sweat it too much about revegg, because you’ll be doing Tampa Crippy w BX2 so you’ll get more opportunities for a great keeper :grin:

I’ve decided I’ll be doing S1 of A2 CripXmas since I know not everyone wants to deal w the inconvenience of reg seed

RKS A - ALMOST ready. Cuts are rooted but waiting for roots to get bigger before attempting to plant

RKS B I did take one just in case it does turn out good

IC x BX2 A

You can see the BX2 large center bud structure here, so I definitely can tell the yeild is going to be there

IC x BX2 B

This one shows short branching and growth. I believe it’s the dwarfing of CripXmas showing here

At any rate, I’ve taken 2 cuts each here

We have our FIRST TC BX2 female, and I’m happy to report it’s stable sex too.

CripXmas A x BX2

You can see the dwarfing here too. The leafing arrangement also gets tighter on top, just like the IC x BX2 shows

I have one IC x BX2 I’ve chosen to be a donor reversal to B4 for the outdoor 24’ season

A2 33 days


Here we go, always that 34-35 day mark lift off begins and why it’s important to schwatz or extreme defoliation all the undergrowth and WAIT the first 5 weeks to avoid pinching off the young bud sites.


Nice bro! Looks great


Yeah really, those branches are all buds. Thumbs up :+1::sunglasses:

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Yup, and it’s just starting. Unlike other cultivars that slow, this one goes pedal to the metal for 2 weeks. Even when it looks like it’s done, just keeps going until it’s chopped.


Can’t stop loving that plant! A2

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Oh yeah, thing of beauty

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