Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

Nice to see you @TopShelfTrees1 Yes, I’m slowly getting off the ground. The CripXmas has just begun to GET OUT there. I suspect once more smoke this bud and realize how well balanced the terp profile is, I’m going to get increasing interest, let alone the dwarfism that can be used to tame wild stretchers and accelerated flowering speed. I believe you’ll see a number of uses for CripXmas :wink:

You know it brother, because it’s always the 1st bag/jar to empty and your 1st is the BEST That’s how I know it’s hard to beat currently, but I’m looking forward to getting one with that BX size boost, then it’s going to be a superstar. Speaking of, I’ll be ready to send you all the BX2 crosses to run after the New Year… I’m curious does the 90’s Kush cut relate to Crippy any ? (Triangle Kush pheno)


Just ordered

Considering I tried Boveda packs and wasn’t happy with how the buds were absorbing it, I’ll be TESTING a small amount of TC before doing it all and of course A2 when ready. Said to be reusable 2 times. Just like the CS Cake and Terpenez, I’ll know if it works or doesn’t :smirk:


I’ve been thinking what the RKS should be crossed with, and after breaking out the BX3 months being in the grove bag, the smell hit me. The DIRTY musty locker funk that Xmas gives could be a complement, I also think the Crippy/PTK could increase potency. My BX is no joke, it shitfaced me after 2 roll ups. On the next run I want a brave soul to TEST the limits of their tolerance to point of tapping out to see how far you can endure the onslaught. Think you’re up to the challenge :thinking::smiling_imp:

Actually WHOEVER wants to trial run RKS x BX2, I’ll do a branch and when it’s ready, I’ll send the seeds and you’ll begin the full grow and show for all to see if it works…who’s stepping up to the plate ? :thinking:


So this soaks terps into your weed? Sounds weird.

Why would you want/need that?

First, it’s a banner ad on Strainly so I don’t think it’s junk. Second if it enhances terp flavors without anything off, I’m all for it. I’m a person who EXPERIMENTS :wink: it’s how my mind operates. And since I’m so sensitive being an autistic, I will know how it changes from the original state. 24 bucks for 6 packs isn’t bad. It’s 4 a pack.


No it doesn’t have any pine really. Imo it had skunky, earthy, dank flavor. It hits hard but not heavy like the tk.

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Wow, what a great thread! I’ve been reading the last 3+ days and not quite made it through the whole thread but it has been a fantastic read! The quest for the pine above all others seems to be taking the strain to new and awesome heights. Great work @OriginalDankmaster96. This is exactly what I have in my head when I think of some of the best smoke I ran across in the 90’s…damn I miss it so much!! Reading through what has gone into this it is apparent you are very passionate about this and congrats on reaping the rewards, plus learning even more along the way. Ok, back to reading. :open_book:


Welcome @Jpaul I’m happy you’ve enjoyed reading through the progress. Oh yes, CripXmas is very well balanced. I’ve seen dispos trying to capitalize from getting “pine” names even, but not really a deep pronouncement. This is IT! Getting the plant was like a dream come true, now I’ve got to get it out there. Going into the New Year, I’ll be doing the The GREAT CripXmas BX2 grow and show giveaway where I give out 10 full packs for those individuals ready to show OG what they get to form general concensus, so get to reading and interacting to earn your T2 status to join in! :wink:



Clone is planted. First damped off, but the back up is holding thankfully.


IC x BX2

A on the L and B on the R. Both are showing dwarfism, along with that multi-branching tops trait. I do believe BX2 will show us more yeild and bigger buds. A shows us a large top structure.

A2 39 days.

Finally we have the 4 A2 x BX2, and these are shorter than the last 3. It indicates fems possibly. I planted 1/2 way down, and they’re barely above rim at 1 MONTH…what does that tell you, it should say dwarfing is coming out consistently in ALL the BX2 crosses :face_with_monocle::grin:

Been 24 years since I made water hash. I bought bubble bags from bubble man back then, found some good ones on Amazon for 29 called Hyindoor, but I made a stoner boo boo and used a hand blender attachment when the wisk attachment fell off, you guess it, ripped up the 220 micron bag, so had to get another set, but I got 3 2 g balls rolled in kief from only HALF my bag of 2 lbs of trim


Not a bad score on the hash! After I make bubble hash I let the plant material dry. Decarb, break-up buds, and put in instapot with just enough coconut oil to cover it. Put it on keep warm which is 140° for 24 hrs. Bingo! Infused oil an yes they have kick! Take 2 and about 1-1.5 hrs later you are floating whole body and mind high. Then smoke and you are toasted. It’s Fucking great I’ll squeeze every bit of cannabinoid out as I can!

i can’t imagine how strong they would be if I didn’t make hash first?:thinking::exploding_head:

Damn love how those stack those either side nugs all the way up


Well look at you encapsulating canna oil pills…you’ve definitely advanced brother :facepunch: I think I may try that in my rice cooker sometime. CripXmas hash is INSANE :fire::fire::fire::flushed: It’s BACK to those days I described a year ago at this time, zombie fubar eye stings! Yeah these last 10-12 days as you know are frenetic, faster than the next and that’s the special part, unparalleled speed with all the new sites just blowing up out of nowhere. That’s what makes it so productive, without that, I’d say probably not as much and smaller buds, still quality is top of the bar. Oh yeah I made a new cover for the listing in collage format.

One years of trim hash hit…watch as it blows my head off holding it



Just arrived. So it’s a 2x2 gel pack. It doesn’t have ANY odor. I put a couple nugs in a jar. Supposed to leave it unopened 24-72 hrs. Tomorrow I will smoke the TC WITHOUT infusion BEFORE I test the infused pieces to tell what changes happened between or nothing noticeable between them both. It is INTERESTING they make spice part of the profile, and definitely herbals fit too. Anyway test is underway

Oh yeah, I forgot :crazy_face: RKS A began night 1


Round 1

So, the first 24 hrs are in. SIGNIFICANT difference

The piece without doesn’t have much odor

The piece with INTEGRA terp infusion DOES and it looks like it’s cured further

Gets more interesting :face_with_monocle:

When I rolled it up, (sticky needed the scissors)then lit it, IMMEDIATELY reminded me of a bag from the 92-95, hit incredibly hard and I could taste that old funk behind the pine, it’s that funk most know Crippy from too. It’s lingers in the mouth after and through the sinuses. Honestly I don’t have the BEST dry conditions but THESE compensate to make buds their BEST. That’s what it does, and by popping these in the terps become their BEST, like it was optimally dried/cured. I’m going to to do the 48 and 72 hrs to see how it develops but I’m SOLD unequivocally hands down :face_with_raised_eyebrow: And I’ll say this I suppose if you have Cannatrol, probably not, but other than it YEAH, you’d be missing out. Everyone should know by now, I don’t hype. I easily know differences and improvements. My senses are hypersensitive to it. I’ll use THESE over anything else for curing packs. Boveda MOVE the FUK OVER! :smirk:


I actually prefer the original integra boosts over boveda too, I remember speaking with the guy who made them/owns it many years ago at my vape shop and he explained how the salts in bovedas altered the consistency and the terpenes significantly and how he spent years figuring out how to improve on it, especially as the bovedas were made for cigars/tobacco and not terpene rich cannabis, I tried a few side by sides and was sold, especially on the altering the consistency of the nugs, makes them spongy and definitely “cardboards up” the terps, the boosts always remained the same consistency (at least up to a month or so) and definitely worked on replenishing moisture without degrading things much at all imho. So do these ones add terps/flavour ? Or are they the same as the originals just improved ?


Oh my, you just answered why Boveda is terrible. Boveda definitely absorbed something and I had to remove it, so it’s salts. I could tell something off about Boveda and never bothered to use again. I definitely agree it was starting to alter flavors fast and that makes sense what’s designed for too, keeping tobacco/cigars moist and fresh. I akin cannabis to a sponge, it has this way of absorbing too, especially chemical compounds into it. I’ve been leery of using other products that claim “boosting terpenes” but the way these are described definitely got my attention and they were having a sale, so I was like, let’s find out and yeah, its good to hear you prefer these too. I’m behind it :100::facepunch::fire::sunglasses:

Yes, I believe there’s a pine infusion to it. Seems more pronounced and intense, the combination of Terpnez and this has ice lingering my lips. I don’t know how much more it can go, but I think it’s reaching an apex :cold_face::exploding_head:


Very interesting…… :thinking:


Nice, I might have to try these along with the one for infusing citrus.

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You won’t be disappointed, the Terpenez oil intensifier and these INTEGRA packs are a terp bomb to be experienced.

I’m feeling iffy about the A2 x BX2 ratio, seems to be more males appearing. So I think it’s time to do mass selfing for A2, B4, TC A and TC B and BX1 and cross in the IC x BX2 donor as fem versions, these would be the master lines combining all together BOTH pheno’s of Crippy and Xmas. This would be my first time attempting to make fem seeds. I would be looking at early to mid Feb to begin this run.


I think I got my first A2 x BX2 female, it’s that unmistakable shape but no hair