Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

The first run of A and B do clone well the others I can’t speak too. Ya she is squat most of what you grow is a bit taller I wonder if she’ll still yield being squat? That would be shizzle.


So far the A and B IC x BX2 has rooted fast, long healthy roots like B showed. They adjusted well, little shock to cups.


THAT is what I’ve postulated while observing BX2 during growth and pollen drop. I think we’re about to see shortly in the Island Crippy, which I was just looking at, some of the branches have spilt 3 ways so tops are tripling. The A was just added last night and it’s top is splitting off, so if it’s in Island Crippy, it’s definitely going to do them all. Yes the squat structure still remains, the nodes are slightly longer but I’m happy with distance between, actually the C was stuck in flowering so I got a preview and nodes tighten up where main cola would grow from and a lot of tri leaflets. I think it’s going to be there, WITH the added resistance from the Hawaiian lineage this time


WOW what a plant wizard :mage:‍♂ you are glad I got some of them beans 🫘 in that auction you had! HELL YEAH. I knew as I was following along in the thread that this was going to be a real winner!



Awww, well every wizard can have misincantations in their spells :grin: I just follow intuitions that guide me to decisions. And you should get some of the CripXmas too after the new year. I know it would be fav for you :fire:


WAHOO, just let me know as I am all in for more of that! HELL TO THE YEAH :+1:! :star_struck::upside_down_face::slightly_smiling_face::facepunch::sunglasses::santa::christmas_tree::snowman_with_snow::peace_symbol:


More wizardry for @OhNo555

Day 49. I’m letting it go 1-2 more. The lowest are still plumping up. So ridiculous, it should be finished but it’s not :smirk::flushed:



WTG BRO :sunglasses:, I can’t wait to get my hands on all these! WAHOO! :+1::facepunch::wink: 🫨 :boom::comet::fire: :sunglasses::santa::christmas_tree::snowman::v:


Still killing it! Beautiful looking girls

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Thanks brother, all we need is for those slender buds to go to these

and the resistances to wetter conditions, it’s golden. I doubt anymore needs to be done after those 2. In fact I don’t want to tinker too much more once it has more yeild and resistance. The analogy of the wheel comes to mind :wink:


If it ain’t broke don’t fix it , or don’t worry about the horse :horse: going blind just load the wagon he knows what to do. :joy::joy::joy: :comet::boom::tornado::+1::facepunch::sunglasses::santa::christmas_tree::snowman::peace_symbol:

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Exactly. The IPhones are perfect examples, the need to constantly update often has made it worse functioning and interface that’s it’s frustrating to use. I dread their insistent need to “perfect the wheel” :smirk::roll_eyes:


Because instead of fixing the bugs and refining there products, they are in to much of a hurry to pick are pockets! :flushed: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: 🫣 :roll_eyes: 🫨 :grimacing:



IMG_2624 IMG_3032


A2 Day 51 Done. Finished height 30.5"

I’ve quick dried a few small pieces. I’ll only say this ONCE the Terpenez OIL intensifier = :rotating_light::rotating_light::rotating_light::rotating_light::rotating_light::fire: it’s ALL intense choke. You can’t have stronger flavors, the body physiologically can’t handle the hit. No joke :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


ha ha … yeah I will have to buy a few and try them. How long do they suppose to last? Would you be able to use one for multiple jars?

Looking at those buds , they remind me of Bubba Kush… chunky clumps of bud.

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Oh the Terpenez is a finishing oil you add to water about a week to 10 days up to harvest, it’s clear this oil is very synergistic to terpene development. I like using Foop too, but I know this has kicked up intensity of flavor immensely.


The Integra infusion are for after drying. The “say” 3 times, but I think it’s more if you keep it sealed air tight. I just recently got the 67 gram Pinene and Terpoline pack with all the up coming harvesting which is supposedly good for a pound. I’m going to see how long that goes for, use then seal it tight for the next round.


They are looking :eyes: stank, stank, stank. I would love to have some of that one :point_up:Merry DANKMAS to all! :facepunch::crossed_fingers::+1::ok_hand::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


The photos have all been dank! Merry Christmas :gift:


Thanks everyone for your support. Merry Xmas to you all :smiling_face::christmas_tree: