Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

Merry Christmas @OriginalDankmaster96, I gave some of my cripxmas to my brother in law for his stash. I’m sure he’ll love it.:peace_symbol:


Merry Christmas Everyone!


Merry Christmas @MoBilly and everyone here



The all important data. I’ll be submitting an A2 sample after the new year so we can see what panel cannabinoids and terpenes test at. I personally think it’s going to test high potency %

I’ll be doing the potency package

I’ve found other labs only doing potency. Seems Green Analytics is the only lab for BOTH in a package. 1/8 oz and $100. As soon as it’s dried and cured enough, I’ll be doing the submission


Dam that is funny I live in MD and might try them in the future as they are not far away from where I live! :facepunch::+1::sunglasses::wink::v:


You’ll know if it’s worth it after I report the results and experience. To me they sound best for the cost, but remains to be seen :facepunch::wink:


Almost dry, slightly too wet but enjoy the glistening diamond sparkle :yum:

@RHEC420 Is this what you remember ?

Think I’m gonna bag 2.90 oz


And here we are, tops before I strip them into the jar and the weight was more than I expected.

And I have another 1/2 way through and another clone growing in its bag, and another pre-veg and more cuts about to root. Eventually you can get on a bi weekly harvest cycle with this plant :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


I’ll be curious to hear what he thinks of it. You still got a mom of A ?

Hey @firehead how did those 2 IC seeds work out ?

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One is doing good. The other seems to be dying off. I had a bad bag of soil that really wrecked a bunch of my plants, and seedlings especially were not surviving the bad soil.

But the healthy one is in an octopot, and the roots are just hitting the reservoir. So I’m expecting some explosive growth next week. And I’ll post some pics.


@firehead Im glad one worked out. I get curious about the health of my seeds :thinking: Yeah I’ve had that happen myself, for whatever reasons soil wasn’t good. In fact I’ve dumped black gold for pro mix now to cut happy frog with. I’ll be looking forward to see those pics. I only started one and got lucky, so I’ll wish those same lucky vibes for yours :crossed_fingers:t2::wink:


I don’t have anything cripxmas or anything from you going right now. I have some Romulan, Wreckage Master Bastard Kush, Zamaldelica and blue moon rocks. Plus my whole flower room is full of a project for the community, you included.:peace_symbol:


Yeah. It was a bag of black gold that gave me the issue. I did runoff tests and the pH is crazy low… like 4.2
And no amount of flushing seems to help get it closer to 6.0.
Never had problems with BG before, but I’m not gonna buy it any more. Cause i lost a ton of seedlings and even a couple clones.


I was just trying to decide between black gold and pro mix, other choice was going to be some kinda soil from Maine, thanks @OriginalDankmaster96 & @firehead for the information you posted! :+1::facepunch::ok_hand::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Ah I thought you decided to keep a mom plant of A after the run. Sorry guess I was mistaken but there’s the next iteration with BX2 to come whenever you’re ready run those :wink:


Ya know, I’ve noticed similar problems and that no amount of lime will buffer Ph. It’s like you said stays very acidic and happy frog is already acidic, so that’s no good. Also it’s about 5 bucks cheaper than 2.8 cu of Pro- Mix Mycorrhizae so hardly saving much when getting more medium. BG good for 20-25, not 35 and now deteriorating quality. I’ve even noticed this white stuff in it too, looks like mold I think.


If you’re referring to Coast of Maine soil, I have used it. They sell it at a home and farm store near me. I usually mix it with fox farm ocean forest to add volume to my soil along with pro mix, worm castings and perlite.:peace_symbol:


Ok so next up is RKS

B is about 2 weeks in

Thick branching at the tops. I think this one is going to be the keeper

RKS A about 5 days in

IC x BX2 A

About 3 weeks in. Large center stalk with nuggets clustered all around is what I see here. I’m unsure if this will be worth keeping

IC x BX2 B

This one to me looks like the keeper and unanimous pick for the reversal. I’m very close to planting another rooted cut, then adding it in. Just look at that branching how it’s spilt off multiple times :flushed:

Maui x BX2

Showing the same dense bushiness of IC B. Stalks are thicker now. I continue to like what I see. Looks like it will spilt off too

TC A x BX2

Finally the female sex is stable. Nothing like what happened during F1 grow. So it’s the first TC A female BX I can safely put out.

Finally we have CripXmas A F3 BX2. You can definitely say it’s a dwarf at 13". I don’t know if this will be a “good” plant though. I’m sure there’s runts in the batch and exceptional expressions to be found


Beautiful Work @OriginalDankmaster96 you are one busy Man lol

Great Work indeed!

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