Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

GR8 looking :eyes: plants, I like the in depth up dates and the way you give us the stats! :+1::facepunch::ok_hand::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Thanks @MissinBissin @OhNo555 I do my best that I can and seems to be a hallmark of my growing but I always strive for better

Now I’ve got teaser reveal to share. The first female I sexed, sorta partially stuck in flowering trying to revert back put out some glands on the shoots, well the minute I took a whiff of that then I got really excited, not only is it PUNGENT, it has a sugar pine sap smell. It’s incredible! It’s ALL looking promising. I told ya all BX2 was a winner :trophy:


Well, would you look at this! I kept nursing this sad failing little seedling along… and it suddenly started turning green yesterday!

It finally got some roots into the octopot reservoir, and looking like it’s gonna get healthy!

So, now I’ve got 2 of the Island Crippy surviving in Octopots, and I’m pretty surprised and excited by this!


I am extending that high-Five :raised_hands: @OriginalDankmaster96 You called IT !


I’m happy to see you got one to recover. The Maui was impervious to any problems, incredibly resilient during its entire grow and of course Corn wasn’t as I showed during that grow, so I believe it did strengthen health. Keep it between 550-600. That seems to be good enough for their needs. Can’t wait to watch it develop :wink::facepunch::+1:


Here we are, watch BX2 show its expression clearly in each through the self splitting shoots

Maui A


And this is TC by the twist/wrinkle in the leaf but better branching


A2 x BX2

IC B just about a week now. Low stretch with many shoots that split off at the laterals


Beautiful looking girls brother!! Love your dedication


I appreciate that brother :relaxed: Based on the Maui I’d say the selection turned out good, still you can see the dense dwarf growth is hard to control, we did get longer nodes but that growth is about the same as F4


And the biggest question…is she gonna have the strongest pine of them all? Fraser fir perhaps? :grin::christmas_tree::christmas_tree::christmas_tree: Beautiful @OriginalDankmaster96 !


Dam @OriginalDankmaster96 you have really out done yourself on those plants 🪴they are looking :eyes: very full, bushy, and healthy. Colors are stunning :star_struck:! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::+1::wink::facepunch::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Yeah I did get a preview, sugar pine is the impression that comes to mind :yum:


This is what Xmas does, and when you gradually defoliate there’s a shit ton of shoots all over that fill in at the later half.


I have great respect and expectations for this run you got going! :tophat::tophat::tophat:


Not done yet. It was time for their updates too

IC x BX2 A close to 4 weeks now

I don’t know if all that grows into one big clustered stick but if that is any indication of BX2, whoa :open_mouth: We will definitely know “yeild” from the Xmas B is consistent and dominant in expression! :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

RKS B close to 3 weeks. Vegging was great here, now I can’t figure out if it’s food or water causing the clawing of blades. As long as it’s not getting worse, I’m not going to let it get to me. I haven’t gone higher than 600. Trying to treat it more like Maui’s lower ppm


Pictures are Solid! :sunglasses::peace_symbol:

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So I’ve been giving thought to reversing, but when I look at IC B through its first week I see thinner branching spreading out. Usually thin branches aren’t conducive to hold large buds of weight, but many more smaller nuggets. Looking at IC C the plant has a thicker main and compact apical top growth. Since it got stuck in flowering I did get to see how that would look until it reverted to veg. Here I’ll show you what I mean

IC x BX2 C

You can see the outline of what the top would be and the stem holding is thick and rigid.

IC x BX2 B

Here you can see there’s no real top, the growth splits off and the shoots are thinner branches. There’s more sites, thinner and smaller though.

So I think it’s clear the obvious choice should be C as I originally thought. So I’ve decided it will be that one. Now I have a stupid question, I suppose I dilute this silver concentrate 250ppm in water or use it as is ? How much silver to water ? Is tap water ok, or should filtered be used ? Plant should be sprayed down before lights out for 21-28 days approx, is there anything I’m missing :thinking: Trying to have this pre-planned out as I know timing will be key. Pollen dropping too early stalls out flowering and too late misses the window of course

I’ve finally finished getting the CripXmas B x BX2 sorted. A little more Maui and TC still left, but I think it’s getting time for the next run. So WHO is ready to roll or will be soon ? As I’ve said some of it will be a “grow and show” but not all HAS to be. My purpose is general consensus between the 5 used for BX2. Let me say also say regular participants in this thread will get first precedence to run over those not :face_with_monocle:


Run with it bro :sunglasses:, can’t wait to see the outcome! I know you will have GR8 rewards! :facepunch::wink::+1::tophat::fire::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


@OriginalDankmaster96 , I should be ready to grow some in about a month. They will be grown in Coco/Perlite mix.


I’ll be looking forward to it. I just got the Maui, TC A, CXA BX2 into 1 gall. I’m finding out they really like their root space…


Great News and Spectacular work @OriginalDankmaster96.
I’ll Dig-up the deets from our earlier talk, but I have a spot reserved in the 2024 line-up.

It’ll be my first Crippy+