Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

Plants are looking killer my man! Big respect for keeping the dream alive and moving this great project forward.


Why don’t you reverse both?

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Matter of space for one, the 2nd is I won’t know which did inadvertent pollinations, so I lose the ability to ID and 3rd budding structure is more important than growth. We grow the plants to get branches/sites. I would’ve rather B keep its laterals closer together on the main, than splitting off too many times. Looked great during veg, now it looks small sites, much smaller than RKS is doing. Could change in the weeks to come, but it is bound and may be a factor. C grew strong in its cup since Sept so it put up with the bounding much longer than B and stayed healthy for months and nodes were tight as it partially did its budding, so the pre-budding characteristics are more favorable than what B is doing currently, does this make sense ?


Yes it does. Good luck with the reversal.


Yes!! That looks like her! Would need to give her the smell / taste test lol


I am super ready! I got a full room waiting on crippy! Let’s Grow Fam!


Here’s my two Island Crippys in their octopups.
The one in the back is the runt I didn’t think would survive. But it is actually doing pretty good, compared to where it was a couple weeks ago!
The one in the front is really putting good roots into the res, and stating to thrive :+1:


Excellent to hear about the runt! The healthy one looks very similar to what I started, and the way it’s growing definitely strikes me as female too. Sounds like you’re enjoying how it’s going, and that makes me feel good to know Corn was worth doing the crossover to Maui. Can’t wait to see how it develops :facepunch::grin:


Looking :eyes: stupendous bro :sunglasses: as always, would expect nothing less from you! :facepunch::wink::sunglasses::tophat::clap::+1::peace_symbol:

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I bet you’ll be popping your beans soon from all the inspiration :wink:


Just commenting on what I have seen and feel. Got to be honest. I think :face_with_monocle: their are many others posting in your thread as well as me that like what they are seeing :eyes: too! :wink::+1::facepunch::sunglasses::peace_symbol:

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Thanks and to show my appreciation, I’ll getting you some of the new wizardry to experience :grin::facepunch::fire:


You are a very generous person, really appreciate what you are doing! :tophat::clap::tophat::clap::tophat::clap::upside_down_face::slightly_smiling_face::tada::+1::wink::facepunch::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Remember what teachers said no such thing! Lol on that note I haven’t done this process but everything lve read says use distilled water so no other chemical reactions can happen. There should be reviews and YouTube videos letting you know all the particlers and how much lee way you can have on concentration. People on YouTube love to tell you how to use other people product but some actually show results good or bad and not just push product. Love this project of yours still kicking it good I see.

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I just peeked. You might be right about a female.
I know it’s not the most reliable method, but looking female to me. I’ll be super happy if that’s the case. Will cut clones before flipping to flower…


Well I’m a bit disappointed, but I’ve been trying to figure why RKS B is so slow and small budding, and a lower cluster stuck out, went closer in and BAM I was like I saw something suspicious earlier the way the calyx were starting to blow up like they’re pollinated… Anyway unlike a late nanner, THIS is the unstable shit hermie, so it’s out. Incredible vegetative growth but absolutely fell flat for flowering. It does have a a stink burned rubber odor,but nothing will be done here unfortunately. Now maybe the RKS A wont but I’ll have to watch closely everyday to see how it goes. It looks like the IC BX2 A got hit, and now I know why it looked slower too the first few weeks. Unlike other seeds those will be tossed when I pick through the bud as I know those are going to be all hermies too.

I thought about trimming the buds, then I thought just let it finish in the window instead. Maybe there will be something to enjoy for the 2nd half. Getting rid of the cuts made room for A2 instead.


So I’m moving in Maui and TC A BX2 to start flip. I think these will bud better if you don’t over veg them too long. They’re about 20-22"

Maui left

TC A right


Getting it ready to go this week brothers :wink: I can’t wait to see what’s revealed…anyone want to take a guess what the THC and terps % will read. Keep in mind TC alone has shown purported test at 30%


34.1 thc, 3% terp? :yum:


Yeah at least that. I keep saying it’s much stronger than plain TC. I think it’s north of 35% and 8-10% terps