Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

Dang thats a high bar. Keep up the great work brotha!


That should be some yummy ass, eyes :eyes: rolling in the back of your head, coma weed! HELL YEAH! :+1: congratulations :tada::champagne::confetti_ball::balloon: again on a very well thought :thought_balloon: out successful run! :facepunch::wink::+1::sunglasses::peace_symbol:

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That’s funny you said that, it DOES exactly what you said about eyes rolling back in the head as you HIT it. The HITS takes no prisoners :grin:

Just for reference that’s 3.5 g’s on the tray. Personally I can only smoke 1/4 of that in a whole day. There’s NO WAY without passing out cold get through it!:dizzy_face:


Bro :sunglasses:, I love :heart: nothing better than that heavy eye :eye: lid feeling that is followed by a comma. I only smoke :dash: for that exact feeling, not looking :eyes: for anything other than to be good and stoned. That what I’m talking about and is right up my alley. Makes listening to music :notes: and playing my guitar’s :guitar: even funnier! :facepunch::wink::+1::sunglasses::peace_symbol: :dash:

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I’ve gotta admit, I’ve found it’s definitely jamming weed to tunes :guitar: Puts in the rhythm :wink:


A2 x BX2 now into her 1 gall and about 2 months. It’s beginning the split off, but what you’re looking is the true dwarf expression showing is under a foot. You can see this plant won’t grow tall, but like a wide ball. Love the odor, exactly like a pine forest :grin: I’m gonna let it get all the shoots up like Maui and then it will be time to flip over.


And another A2 coming down. Definitely pretty flawless. I think about 650-700 is better, than 700 ppm. Doing a nice lean to show there’s weight to it.


Nice looking girl Dank!


She’s so easy to maintain when dialed in properly. Much easier than TC is. It’s why I love the plant so much :yum::wink:


This information on all these strain will be GR8 in the future for anyone getting a chance to grow these fabulous plants 🪴! Success rate should be high as all the growing information is rate here at your fingertips. Plus you can always ask and that is a bonus no one else can offer! :wink::+1::v::facepunch::sunglasses::peace_symbol:

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Man, those look and sound fantastic! Been super impressed with what you’ve sent me to grow. Got a few keepers because of it. Always looking forward to what you’ve got cooking over there my man!!

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I’ve thought at times CripXmas is small popcorn nugget strings, but now I know it’s NOT, compared to the RKS. THIS is RKS ?!? WTF :grimacing: I’m going to be frank, this is the WORST plant I’ve experienced NEXT to some stringy Cherry Bomb I grew in my young days, and I’m way off by time it’s 5 weeks today. Too slow at budding and it’s seeded. I’ve been looking and didn’t see anything until now.

The one in the window looks a little better, but it’s TINY buds. I think I get it, and the odors are interesting for sure (burning rubber stink) but the budding speed and size isn’t worth it, plus it appears to be completely unstable. Nothing can be done here. Extremely sensitive to standard nutrient ppm (most handle 500 fine, this one not so much) I don’t know what else to say, but I’m OVER whatever allure there is.

IF this is how Tampa Crippy went, you’d never seen CripXmas come to fruition. Tampa Crippy blows this shit out of the water, and even that has issues but definitely not size or speed despite intersex trait. I’m still curious about how A smokes and it looks closer to finish but I don’t see any spectacular experience out if it that’s impressionable coming :roll_eyes:🫤 :-1:

RKS B 5 weeks


Probably around 6-7 weeks. I believe I estimated early Feb. I say this marginally better but it still doesn’t meet my standards. When I look at EVERYTHING I’ve done since Sept 2021 only the S1 TC comes a close 2nd. Like I said I’m interested to know how it smokes, but the performance is shit compared to Tampa Crippy and CripXmas eclipses both in many aspects


Unfortunately sometimes things do happen and if this is the only one :point_up:, then you been knocking the ball out of the park quite often :partying_face:. Without these kind of outcomes we wouldn’t be where we are today. No need to be sad :slightly_frowning_face:! Buck up little camper the next home run is just around the corner! I believe! :facepunch::wink::+1::fire::boom::zap::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Oh I completely agree with you :facepunch: I’m just remarking how there’s so much hype and discussion about it across many forums. Now I understand what @vernal meant in the earlier parts of the thread, though Xmas definitely is better material to breed with. I don’t want anyone to think I’m going to breed with anything on whims. Looks good, but when something underperforms I’m dumping it regardless. And yes I’ve had a string of great matches so nothing to complain about there. It was bound to happen, but I’m mainly disappointed I fell for the excitement that seems to surround the discussion of it…


Anticipation of greatness really sucks when you don’t get nothing nears what was described! :slightly_frowning_face::facepunch::wink::+1::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


On a lighter note I’m gonna hunt for that Xmas BX beast again

3 in


I’m here to keep encouraging you on your quest for greatness my friend!


Done! It’s TIME to start getting things out for the next run

@OhNo555 @Greenfingers @HumblePie420 @420noob

A2 x BX2
Maui A x BX2
Island Crippy. @OhNo555 I know you already have it
A-BX1 x CripXmas A (same pollen that did the NLC)
B4 x CripXmas A @HumblePie420 @420noob
CripXmas A x BX2
CripXmas B x BX2
TC A x BX2


That pile of beans 🫘 represents a lot of determination and follow through. Congratulations :tada::balloon::confetti_ball::champagne: on the successful runs! WAHOO :facepunch::wink::+1::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


I’d say sacrifice, but I’m looking forward to YOU joining in this next run :wink::facepunch::grin: Pics would be nice to show, but not necessary as I’ve said before.