Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

Sample finally going out


My two Island Crippys. The runt in the back is actually starting to catch up now. And it’s also a girl. She’s throwing some pre flower pistils. Some weird growth on her, but still doing great now.

Gonna let these keep vegging for a while before flip. I want them to be much larger!!


Looking great @firehead Yeah, I agree, let it shape up more. Looks like the other is runt no more and turning around nicely. The first definitely looks like the one I did, which had minimal Maui influence, mostly branching and bud structure. One thing with Corn is a lull between 4-5 th week, but then it picks up for the remaining weeks.

I’m learning IC BX2 has this same lull, but it’s now in its 2nd phase is still going with no sign of slowing. I believe it’s going to finish bigger than I realize.



Also I’ve decided to give the RKS A another shot, I think it got interrupted by rouge pollen from either IC BX2 A or RKS B, I’m just not seeing an actual sack so I’m going to see how it’s goes without the stall out.

RKS B is close to ready, slight lean but still small bud clusters considering they’ll shrink 1/3 the size dry. As long as RKS A stays clean of sacks I would try to work it better size and faster finishing. RKS and IC BX2/Corn share a similar budding pattern, being unimpressive for first 4 weeks then it turns on as better finish for the last half

And I’ve started flip on CX and A2 BX2 to let shoots stretch up and prevent total root bounding. Well it’s clear you shouldn’t expect large size plants here. It could be BX2 is too short for A2. BX2 is perfect for unruly stretchers, like Maui and TC. There could be pros and cons yet to be determined here. Better for breeding but not so great for stash :thinking:

At any rate, I’ve got the 3 A BX up and hopefully that Xmas pheno is one of them


That’s the attitude to have I love it! I would really love to see what these do as big plants. I did mine in a sog style 1 and 2 gallon pots still pulled close to 2 zips a plant in the 2 gal. I revegged one but wanted to grow it outside so had to put into flower sooner than I would have liked to. I can’t wait to see these as beasts.


Yup I got curious about RSK B, plucked 4 smaller clusters on the branch, so here we go…


Ok, well it does have some pine/mint/herbal musk I’m picking up, but it doesn’t HIT. I didn’t cough. My initial thoughts are it COULD be better. Potency is ok, cerebral like. It’s definitely not Crippy or CripXmas. As is its underwhelming BUT having CripXmas or this IC BX2 crossed into it, new energized line of Skunk. The RKS A must stay ball free, and I will do it.


I took down RKS B. Leaves getting wonky and twisting up, tops look all capped off and some sugar leaves dying back. Weighed 105 wet, so I’m anticipating about 50 dry. I suppose it’s ok, but definitely not worth the time/maintenance without more potency to its effects. My initial impression is less than desired, but it could change once properly dried. Don’t know how A will compare any difference in strength but it already looks more profuse and numerous than B so it could be better. I’ll be able to tell more in 2 more weeks there. I think IF I can get CripXmas F3 male pollen to take, OR use a male from that crossing, will be the best match to RKS :thinking:


Looking :eyes: forward to your analysis :face_with_monocle: and final thoughts :thought_balloon: on this one :point_up:! Hopefully the outcome will be favorable as far as potency goes, time will tell all. :wink::facepunch::+1::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Yes I log in everyday and look for updates on this thread, some fire is being made here :slightly_smiling_face:


TC A and Maui A BX2 2.5 weeks 1/29/24

As this stage it’s really important to start defoliating, especially the larger single blade leaf. She will produce many, and they need to be thinned out. Here you’ll see they’re more cleaned up, this is a gradual process over the course of flowering. Removing shaded leaf molting underneath. Looks good for the 2-3 week mark so I don’t think it will be interrupted

TC left and Maui right

Maui top and underneath structure

TC A top and underneath structure

Again growth stays compact but during stretch that bunch of shoots pushes up but they still stay short, probably 5-6"

There are thought of selfing A2, reversing that cut. With little stretch I’m not so sure BX2 Xmas is right. Has the terps but I’m not so sure about budding for A2. We shall see. 3 days in so too early to speculate :face_with_monocle:


Quick shot of IC BX2 A nug…really frosty now :yum:


I was right 45g dry RKS B. Time to jar


Always looking :eyes: stupendous @OriginalDankmaster96, keeping doing what you’re doing! You have been on the money :yen: with the progress of these grows. Information has been very helpful! :facepunch::wink::+1::partying_face::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


@OhNo555 Always more room for improvement, and you’ll see that as I adjust my feeds to suit different phases. I’ve been learning NPK percentages :face_with_monocle: Mail should be dropping any day now :grin:

I tried an interesting mix roll to get ideas and without question I need to reverse CX A2 and cross it to the A RKS. There are very stony narcotic floaty effects when paired with potency, it goes orbital. I felt drugged for about an hour. I could tell these weren’t CripXmas effects but boosting RKS briefly. Potency will definitely make this old skunk a serious level of fire. I’ve returned A back to the tent and I’m pretty sure nothing is showing, so I’ll let it finish up. IC BX2 B split off too many times, I had concerns these would be small clusters as it started the early stages and that appears to be the case. I don’t think she has size to pass as traits, unless it goes for a 2nd phase to layer I would rule her out for reversal, which only leaves C and shows similarities to A in growth traits, the difference is so far not a hermie going through the whole flowering cycle and back to vegetative. Seems to me it would have shown if it was there stuck in flowering before reverting back to vegetation :thinking:


Great looking :eyes: plant 🪴 bro :sunglasses:, watching all the bro science :test_tube: and the different changes you are putting them through with the results. Notes on changes and development have been very beneficial. :wink::facepunch::+1::sunglasses::peace_symbol:

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Alright, it’s been a week since I sent envelopes. I know of 1 landing, even though a postal employee tore the corner off from what I was told… Please confirm receipt. Then I can start to put together the 2nd round to go out.


It’s IN…now I need help deciphering this report. I do see some high values, but it’s clear I need someone w a bit more experienced to understand what it says.

Edit : treat this as composition rather concentration


I got mine bro :sunglasses:, greatly appreciated the generous gift :gift:! HELL YEAH! WAHOO! You are very very close to where I live. :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::facepunch::wink::+1::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Excellent to see, I was getting a bit nervous. YW brother. Yup I know we’re in the same DVM area :facepunch::+1::grin::evergreen_tree:


I dated a set of identical twins back in the day from your neighborhood :joy::joy::joy: :wink::+1::facepunch::sunglasses::peace_symbol: