Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

That must’ve been tough to have be shared :smirk::joy:


@CocoaCoir Youve been wanting to know if there’s PM resistance, from what I understand about the terps it’s there. So you can breathe easy to grow it without worrying :wink:


They shared me :joy::joy::joy: for quite sometime till I figured it out! :flushed::roll_eyes:


Ah, I think I get the figured it out part :face_with_monocle::eyes::open_mouth:


It was like tag team wrestling :women_wrestling::joy::joy::joy:


I just found this article and it points how unreliable COA testing is and can’t be taken literally. I also didn’t send them top buds, I sent them mid size. Wether how much isn’t the point, but it clear we can see it does contain alpha and beta pinene,myrcrene, the terpinolene, and alpha caryophyllene. I’ve told ya all that’s what I suspected but others, especially lemonine, however that is, I’ll tell you it’s blended so well you can’t tell it’s there. The linalool, alpha humulene, and alpha bisabolol are surprising, but regardless of concentration for the most part I was right about the profile.


I’ve come to agree with that as some sativas have lower THC but the other terps really what pull the high together. THC has become a consumer measurement of quality or potency. I’ve had according to label 33% THC bud that didn’t touch the 21% THC strains as far as quality and length of high.

Seeds landed yesterday wow! You really hooked it up! I’ll get to try a bit of everything! Going for some outdoor flowering. Thanks man.


That’s right, and you know better than anyone how A has that kick to it. It actually proves it’s sativa genus because of the high caryophyllene content to it, but it works so well too, but I’d like to try increase the a and b pinene just a bit more. All and all it’s not a loss, I paid 90 for the package, which 75 is terps alone, so it was 15 extra for potency, which I may do one more with a top bud later on to see how it makes a difference, only 60 for potency. As you said though it’s how the terps blend that actually give the high effects :face_with_raised_eyebrow::facepunch::fire:

Good to hear! Oh yeah, those beans I promised from the B4 and also BX1 should be quite good since you did like how the F3 male did for the NL2 cross. The IC too. Yes this next run will be quite interesting, the BX2 has the terps, but performance will vary. The A2 is a bit shorter structure than I would like to see, but it has that bushel of tops pushing up after the first week, though they seems smaller. Will be doing up updates later. The Maui and TC look vigorous at budding, however IC BX2 B is small and not that potent testing it a day ago. IC x BX2 A looks the best so far. Twice as much as RKS. There will probably be good plants and some not so good. There’s traits I like and a few are questionable. Don’t like how it splits off into thinner branch tops for some plants. I’m already getting the impression BX2 is for elongated strains and not right for already short growing plants :thinking:


Here we go IC x BX2 A at 56 days, and it’s still going a bit but I’m probably harvesting tomorrow

The is a lower branch that ironically has the fullest stick. It is dense too

@firehead the clusters of tops and this conical shaped bud single leaf interspersed is what IC should show


TC and Maui A BX2 at 3 weeks 2-3-24

TC A tops

Maui A tops

These particular 2 are going very profusely, so I like the size at this phase. Should do very well since there’s no hermie pollen to slow them. We’ll see what the next 2 weeks brings :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


A2 and CripXmas A 1 week 2-3-24



I think the best measures to take are : ELEVATE, PULL OPEN the mass of tops and AGRESSIVELY remove crowded/single blades from stems and the base of being topped. Making sure the entire plant is exposed and light filters through. We shall see what happens as the weeks go.


RKS A 53 days total

I think there’s more on this one and finished better. Definitely a stink to the odor . I’ve taken 3 cuts to be seed bearers. I think it’s pretty much done, so I’m chopping. I do like it’s within that window of A2 maturity



@OriginalDankmaster96 I received my packs today, very generous of you. Thanks so much! Now the fun part part of figuring out what to pop first


On a fun sidenote. Decarbed some Crippy Xmas A and ingested via a smoothy at 6:45 PM last night. It’s 2:24 PM the next day and I still feel high. This is the longest I’ve ever been high off of weed in my life. I did feel a bit nauseated after ingestion. I wonder what I could take to ease that feeling next time I try this?


Oh yes, I’ve gone to sleep high as hell and awoke still going. I’ve reported that when I was first smoking CX A and A2. It’s very long lasting through sleep. Makes that COA potency extremely contradicting to say the least. At least I have first hand accounts as proof :face_with_monocle:

Ah thank goodness, 4 down and 2 go. YW, just like @420noob @Greenfingers you earned that generosity, and those who make that choice will get the same benefits, those special extras most don’t get or I have a limited amount from a smaller dusting :wink: As what to start I think you’ll LOVE Maui A BX2, since that combines the original Cripxmas A and double Xmas and you have the B4 and BX1 crossed to an A male. Of course you now have a BX of both the F3 A and B Cripxmas plants to explore. I also think you’ll find benefit to IC


Funny, I smoked some crippy Xmas A and wasn’t worth a shit all day two Saturdays ago.:+1:t2:


I consistently find myself smoking less in a day while still feeling it throughout. Sometimes 3-4 hrs before even needing a refresher :grin:


I’ve just made my CS spray. Took 3/4 cup of bottled water, then simply used the ppm function of Ph pen starting at 9 ppm and added 1/2 tsp CS concentrate. I believe it took about 4-6 tsp to reach 60 ppm. Emptied an eye glass cleaner sprayer and wrapped it in black tape to block light. I’m about to start my first treatment of an A2


Fems here we come.


What is the CS spray you made for? What does it do? I want to wish you luck :four_leaf_clover: with it, but don’t know what it is? :flushed::roll_eyes::face_with_raised_eyebrow::face_with_monocle:

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