Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

If yield and knock you in your ass I’d go with this one but @OriginalDankmaster96 definitely will steer you better than me. Also these have been worked more than the ones I ran


Not so sure on that one. I hope it does without a hermie interuption. I’m searching for that Xmas monster again. She definitely had wider fingers than A BX1, then again I could infuse A2 in BX1 larger buds :thinking:


These are the seeds I purchased from you. Sounds like the Double CripXmas BF4 is the way to go.



This might be better discussed in a dm.


I abbreviate CripXmas as CX


So today I went in for more defoliating, as I was getting to the bases of clusters I noticed the 2-3 nanners sticking out of the TC A BX2 side nug, so I decided to inspect both Maui and TC A further and found a few calyx that have the nanners inside. Oh the horror :scream:So expect to get a few false/rouge seeds. I honestly see no escaping this 100%. Both Corn and TC do it, so that tells me it’s coded within its lineage. Certainly makes trying to BX TC difficult and cross Corn and TC together, even if the male/female shows no signs of intersex, but personally I don’t think it’s bad to be anal over that juxtaposes heavily seeded buds of little volume… Personally I’m not seeing stability plants had in the mid-late 90’s to present day either, so there are factors of time era that’s part of it :face_with_monocle:


14 days of 12/12 is all it took to get a male to show its sex from the A BX vs growing 2-3 weeks plus week of flip. It’s easily distinguishable tiny grape top. I’ll never again grow seed to sex, I’ll sex the seed to see if the plant grows to it’s full potential after. A strong plant of the A2 x TC quickly showed its large leaves but the other one hasn’t and remains runty, so I’ll be pulling it than waste time.



A2 x TC A 1 runt


I love how detailed you are my man.


Thanks, I’m trying to put where we are into perspective, and it’s mix of pros and cons at this point. I weigh the F4 to BX2, and currently the F4 for A looks better structure. There is a possibility the double Xmas male BXing isn’t quite right for CX keeping it too short, despite having the terps but really lanky sativa linages could be the ticket instead. I’m very critical of my work but it may be liked more than I realize once you and others dive in. I could say didn’t turn out well after all, but have others saying they did like it will tell me I was too critical in perspective :wink:


CH D is Chocolate Haze pheho D, had more Indica and purple coloring, somewhat piney, but actually a good weighty bud structure…you see where the gears in my head are going :face_with_monocle:


And the NL#2 x CripXmas pheno C male, which I was able to ID as A. @420noob you were particularly impressed with how this did, especially the cola size.

So I’m thinking one of these may be the better direction forward than double Xmas into the line. I particularly don’t like the tiny multi clusters. I’m seeing Xmas A change the budding structure in every plant. At any rate, I think too much Xmas isn’t going to be right due to how it alters buds, so I won’t be working with BX2 in CripXmas after I’m done with the current plants. It’s a difficult choice after all the time I spent to plan the seeds, but the Maui and TC may be right. Maui is super sticky just with a brush of the hand. So I don’t expect anyone to waste time running the A2 and A BX2, as I feel these are turning out to be more breeding plants to be used for sativa lines than actual bud stash. Those 2 I’m leaving up to your individual discretion to do or stash away for breeding uses when time calls for it.


They landed today @OriginalDankmaster96, I’ll get them going asap.


Great to see! You decide what you want to do. Anyone can wait to see how the A and A2 finish to decide if they want to pop those. I sent the BX1 x A so that should be an interesting mix to run, just stay on top of defoliating more if you decide to go outside with it.


@OriginalDankmaster96, youre doing gods work here! ive been on the hunt for that piney grail for a solid minute. ive got the candy terp space covered but nothing even remotely amazing yet in the piney citrus space. . every once in awhile i pop in here and it feels like youre making exponential progress as you work through the problem domain.

I particularly don’t like the tiny multi clusters

if youre hunting for hazy thing, the tiny multiclusters seem to be at least superficially associated that creative speedy daytime high. i know it might not be what youre optimizing for especially since it adds trimming cost.

super stoked to see where this goes.


Do you have a preference of what you would like to see. I’ll grow whatever you want. I am leaning toward maybe 4 of them Maui A, Tampa Crippy A, Cripxmas A2, Island Crippy F1. How’s that sound?

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Thanks brother, nice to see you keeping up with the progress. Now that IS an interesting point I didn’t think of as haze (would make sense with the airy foxtail) but let me show what I’m talking about to see if that’s what adds up…

Maui A x BX2 4 weeks

This is the IC B x BX2 almost ready chop

It’s like a set of 3 small bud clusters followed by many single interspersed leaf pattern, but if that’s what you’re saying is associated to haze highs, you just may have given me a pro that outweighs the con. I just don’t want folks disappointed over small buds, even with potency and terps. That won’t make me feel confident it’s a positive direction to keep going with, but I’m also forgetting I was going to do all the BX2 by consensus to see which is favored. You are more than welcome to get on this to add to it, and I’ll put you in for the 2nd round to send out. PM the deets if you will. I’m just waiting on @SkunkHunt101 to confirm his to begin packing.


No preference. You decide what interests you most to run :wink:


Ya the airy foxtail could very much be because of sativa traits. I see why you don’t like as much because your lowers were full solid buds. Those lowers don’t look like the first A and B with the tight dense buds on lowers and in middle.

My fat bastard sativa dom hybrid foxtailing about last 2 weeks.

I had an Oaxacan do that as well but all it’s growth was kinda foxtaily.


Week 4 2-10-24

TC and Maui A BX2


Now you can see the same GLAZING showing as BX A females did. That is THERE. I’m boosting my P more in graduated steps than loading it like I used to do, so there’s a positive point to the column :face_with_monocle:


Maui A x BX2

Starting to show the A expression well here. I’m closely watching how the generative/maturity phase fills these smaller clusters as that may be a better finish. We’ll see how it continues, but I hope ya all are liking what I’m showing as it unfolds :grin:


Exactly brother, I guess we’ll have to see if the trade off is worth it. That what you’ll weigh in after the grow. We’ll leave it as do the pros outweigh cons :thinking::facepunch:


CX A and A2 BX2 2-10-24 2 weeks



The only thing I’ll say for now is DO NOT slack on defoliating either of these. I will say the clustered top is quite numerous on A2, I just hope it’s not too small and airy like the IC BX2 B. I need to take picks of that and chop it