Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

Havent smoked it yet, still a couple weeks out on chop. I havent had any good pine bud for years and i got a little happy when this one rolled out some pine scents. Ill come back to you with a smoke report in a few weeks.


@darkillusion Thanks man, and I know how stoner mind slips :crazy_face:

@Dr.VitaminGreen Yeah it took me back to see that many showing after sexing. It’s shock and mixed emotions, like losing an entire crop. This is why I got confused pre-sexing. Yeah, there was no way I was going to send these out and I got a few PM’s asking me to do so

@supershitfuck These aren’t front CSI, it’s New Guy 420. And when I rub stem, I get a forest like odor

However occasionally a lone plant can be recessive among the group. The irony is I MAY have that plant as a lucky break. I’m going to watch it closely through the week, but the more time that passes from now means it’s less likely to show since all the others appeared right after their week of sexing. IF it actually proves to be a true female. I think the best course here is BX to the original Xmas pollen to get away from the unstable TC side, perhaps offer more stability from Xmas. This plant is 1 of the 6 I chose. If this is the case, It’s clear a large number have to be grown out, hermies fleshed out and then selections can begin. It’s possible I may grow out 20 more later from what’s left, except this time only in cups and sexed at 3-4 weeks instead of bigger bags and really vegging out that way whatever does turn isn’t double the time wasted. Whether I do that depend on this plant staying true. As I said low rate, but there is the chance of finding another

Anyway. Recalibrating…

2 Corn and 2 Krippy Kush are in paper towels now. think it’s time to get these into the spotlight and find out if it’s real and/or better

TC A x Xmas - A


This by far I think the better plant. It has a very uniform structure, unlike the B that has more stretch


PTK male

He’s all set up to drop now, so soon come @Jinglepot


What a beauty! Can’t wait! Roms will get flipped soon, I may top them and clean out their room tomorrow and then flip in 2 weeks after recovering from the toppings :metal::metal::metal:


So good news

1 Corn has busted. I think the other is about to go

1 Krippy Kush has busted, but it has this odd black tip. I may put in one more if the other doesn’t crack shortly


Thought about the Forest Dream and decided not the right one, so I saw someone made a post about ordering from AG seeds and immediately NL#2 caught my attention, especially the notation on chem and og parents origination, so I’ve done that instead. I think this is where I need to pheno hunt from.


Look what just arrived…double your pleasure too :grin:


Well folks, I’m going to call this one out of the woods . I would’ve rather had 2-3 good phenos to select from and dust for diversity, but I guess we don’t get what we think we will, still one is something to work from as a foundation. And to be honest, this plant isn’t shabby. It’s stayed at 19” and nodes have tightened up more. The structure supports its own weight, and that exactly what I wanted. The calyx are sizable. Also no excessive MG needs or deficiencies, so I think even that is progress. I’ve taken a cut of this plant. May take one more before too far into flowering. I think BX to Xmas, then to PTK and then to NL#2 will be much more stable. The ideal combination would be potency, glandular density, terpenes from TC, and structure, nodal distance and terpenes from Xmas bud. We’ll have to see what she gives than what I’m hoping for.


Time for side by side comparison. 1 veg 1 mid flower TC B to the TC A x Xmas close to 4th week

Now I’ve marked where stretch began on the budding plant

Now the veg. You start to see how much to expect. Also the lanky axial structure, which requires hull snapping to toughen and become sturdy

Now for the counterpart

This is definitely tighter up the branch. The axial stretch is reduced. Notice how the plant has a rigid structure, not lanky angular branching like it’s parent

We last recorded 18” so it was 1/4 height of stretch and grew another 2” more. So stretching has been reduced by HALF of the original


These 2 branches dusted w PTK

These 2 are Xmas

Finally a close up of the glands just coming in…


2 NL#2 are now going


Well folks, nothing is perfect at first, but it’s a start. So I smell sweet pine now :yum: I’ve noticed a few nanners, but not on every bud. The size is a bit disappointing, but it still has a few more weeks. Almost like the self TC buds. Eventually I want to crack 10 more B pheno and HOPE for one true or at least inactive intersex than full blown hermie. The good news is the Xmas pollen is still viable after long term storage. So Xmas BX and PTK 3 way cross are coming next

Close up of nugget

Close up of top

Purple tips

Finally one good look at all the sites

I’m curious how many would be satisfied to have all the flavor, strong potency but the trade off is smaller buds. Doesn’t necessarily mean total yield, just size. Many more smaller than fewer larger…


they look great. that first picture with the red circle. thats a calyx, i dont think your seeing any male flowers…

unless your thinking that calyx is already pollinated and forming a seed. pull it off and check.

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I’m showing the bract took from the Xmas pollination, but here is the intersex on a lower bud


got ya! i see it for sure! damn that sucks.

Not exactly. There’s a difference between hermaphroditism and intersex. Hermaphroditism is full ball and stick that active, so contamination is a risk whereas the intersex is not, and doesn’t open. They have to be pulled out and split to get the pollen. I’ve found them in dried bud so it’s only appearance. I’m attempting to breed it out using 2 IBL strains PTK and NL#2 so it becomes recessive and offer more stability sexually.


Thank you for the information! Once plucked and split open, is the pollen viable from the intersex flower? And is it like a herm where all pollen is female chromosomes?

Well that’s an interesting Q as when I first saw it I plucked it out and dried it. I had a chocolate haze clone I was trying to self so I went and hit what few grains. Yes it did take, however it was 1. If you go way back where I first ID I showed a seed matured. I did try to crack it, but it didn’t go. I’ve tried a few others, but they only opened and didn’t protrude the tap root. So viability isn’t high. Other strains might be more fertile, but TC doesn’t pollinate all it’s calyx. There’s select that will take and don’t to form false, uneven deformed shells. You can dust pollen all the hairs, but only certain ones take and seeds will form where you didn’t hit, so it’s odd to say the least. It only takes a granule to fertilize so in other strains the viability may be better being so minuscule.

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Very very interesting. I have a lot to learn! Good luck breeding that trait out of your line. I’ll be following along stuck in some pine tar!

Eureka!!! Somehow I found tiny under bud broke off and dried. I just now broke that up and mixed enough shake to get a roll….it’s THERE! I was right A is the proper pheno for this terp. Less gas and more pine, the hit was cooler. It’s clear the Xmas does bring out pinene. I said earlier I noted a sweet pine odor. Now I can say the odor correlates flavor definitely. Granted it’s a tiny sample, I was able to discern the differences. I’m really looking forward to testing in depth when it’s ready, which is probably a week to 10 days


i feel you man, i fucking love pine congratulation! is it pine car freshener? pine wood? pine needles?


I’d say like pine-minty from the few hits. Definitely that ahhh cool aftertaste in the back of the throat :yum: