Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

Thanks @ChronicMcBudz Yes, one seed immediately started showing Xmas in the A group, which I’m glad I did include a few. The stalk is so thick it can’t be hull crushed. I didn’t expect Xmas to be so easy to find, but it’s very distinct in characteristics. If this Xmas was a female, I would only have one option as only one B group is male. Stay tuned to see how these plants do from their initial height, and how squat they remain at the end of stretch


Range 12-14”

A shows what I don’t want to see



Week 7

Plant I is an example of what I’m looking for, and you can see from its mother, it’s no longer the same plant structure. It’s shorter and sturdier, also uniform in growth.


A and B

B is more elongated than A. I had to tie down the 4 new shoots. C is shorter than both A and B. I will use the hybrid Xmas male on B and a batch of testers can sign up to see how that does. I feel the Xmas and TC A are right together as far as the terp profile goes, so it could be exceptionally piney.

This hybrid Xmas male is showing me it’s worth keeping around. Probably one of the shortest males next to the FW I’ve seen. Even Xmas C did stretch some. This one has none. Also the stalks are still getting thicker and harder. Doesn’t seem to be going full bore on the nanners yet, so I’m hoping it’s in grow stasis so I can flip it when ready to dust in 2-3 more weeks. I want to stagger as late as possible to get the highest amount of fresh calyx clusters. Dust too early and there will be far less…

Tomorrow plants F G H I and PTK A will join the first group. So far our 1st group is doing great w very minimal stretch :+1:

Oh yeah I’m going from these monstrosities shortly…those stalks are about 6” in diameter btw

to 2 new manageable bonsai moms


lookin real good


@Shamus Thanks man, I appreciate your noticing. Oh btw did you notice any calyx without hairs during sexing ? Its the dammdest thing, but hairs don’t want to show…

Here we go

Number on bag corresponds to height of stretch

Plants B and E were later sexing males. Easy to get confused until the stem and ball protrusion begins…

Plant A is axed as well

Next set


Starting height on the bags


It’s not outlandish that they aren’t

Mine did a lot of weird stuff


This is quite the slide show…took me an hr to do just the pics

Group B pheno

C - 18” total height

Stretching is 1/4 of plant height. Compact nodes, although I need to watch it closely dropping a ball. If it gets bad, it won’t be part of the seed mix from the best plants

D- was late to sex and revealed its balls, however it’s 2nd best of males

Range 15-18”

F - Bushy profile and compact so far. Axial lateral stretch is what I’m watching for

G - Taller but still bushy and compact. Nodes are compact. Watching axial stretch

H - Slightly sparser profile, still compact structure and nodes. Again axial stretching is a major issue w TC in cola formation

I- Thickest bush structure. Responds well to hull snapping. Shortest of the set. This is the plant I don’t think I have to be concerned about axial stretching. In the current running this is #1

Last set 6-20-22

K- Is like C, G and H, though shorter and I gave extra veg time while the others sexed

L - is like F and I in structure, bushy profile and compact

Both have to be elevated. Will watch axial stretching

Plant N - same as C G and H, although more elongated. Some axial stretching. If it gets bad, N will be out of the mix

Group A pheno

A - Slightly lanky, still bushy and compact. It’s clear which phenos show TC

B - Just like I, except phyllotaxy is different and splotches on leaves. There’s no doubt it’s Xmas. It’s short and sturdy, nodes are close. Will watch for axial stretch. #2nd best


Well this was the last male… I’m flipping it now to prepare collection for @Jinglepot Romulans. He’s staying quite short, also unmistakable gasoline and pine odor rub

Xmas pheno male

Now set up, I’ve tilt him and tied so he hangs over the foil. I’ve also defoliated underneath so pollen drops on the foil and not on leaves. Still very short. No stretch whatsoever. It’s underway now

He’s already dropping…I just removed him from the tent, so good timing

PTK A and B

Both have been given bigger bags. Both are super cropped 6-8 toppings where I bent the tops into S branches. There’s no room, so I’m going to just let them go for now and grow much denser

And the 3 males still left. A and M are gone the elongation showed in the tops so that made it easy.

Middle is D, right Is E and left is B

7 males
11 females

Finally we have 3 pheno B cuts. They went from their solo cups into the bags to start their flip. You can clearly see how the axial stretches out from the nodes

Overhead canopy

Umol 500-1060
Ppm top down 950-1000 - NFTG, liquid Karma, cal mag pro, Early bloomer and microbe brew
Ph 6.0-6.15
45-60% RH

Foliar 500-550

300 ppm cal-mag pro
1/8 tsp - 32oz

Liquid Karma
Tiger Bloom
Easy weed

Whew that was long, but hope everyone has a general idea of what’s happening so far and that you’re liking what you see. If so, be ready to sign up for testing around late July early Aug


That WAS long, but awesome and worth every second of the read, love the pics, documentation and detail!! Well done, I can’t wait!


Well folks, I had to do what’s hard and difficult but right. All but 2 are gone, including the male. The 2 still left I haven’t confirmed as true sexes, but I’m almost sure they will revert to herm as well. I had my suspicions seeing 2 of my phenos showing the nanners means it’s unstable to work w. It’s confirmed though seeds can’t be made from the Tampa Crippy. It’s a stash strain only. So those that do want it, you’ll have to suck it up and pay the price at Sunshine or wait for me to steward the cuts when I have to stop growing. I’ve decided to move the 2 PTK’s in. Once they get to 3 weeks, I’m going to pull out the Xmas pollen and hit the lowers, once I know it’s taken, those that want to test this one be ready in 2 months closer to Sept. Some of the pheno clones that were going to be used as seed bearers were just added in to make up for loss. Anyway, I’ll probably start a separate journal for PTK once it gets going in a week…


After hearing this news I am not really sure I would want to try anything else from Sunshine.


Yes, I can’t argue there about others. The breeding practices are questionable. I was saying the original seed is fine to grow out and have a mom. Its seed from those seeds that are a dead end. Its a cut only plant effectively from originals bought. I don’t know if this is a fail safe to keep it from being crossed and shared freely, but the resulting seed won’t be stable sexually. Maybe he knows no one can make anything else w it…his secret copyright ? I won’t excuse this as good ethics to be releasing unstable intersex genetics, but obviously it’s cashing on the name enough to be stash only, not true breeding.


I was thinking the same about a copyright, would make sense. I am going to have to see how my TC seeds do before I consider dealing with Sunshine again. I do not mind not being able to make seeds with this strain as long as the bud it makes is :fire:


Yes, that will definitely cinch it then if you get the intersex part too, but despite that, it’s the ONLY intersex plant I’d keep. Serious :fire: :fire:! I slobbered all over myself holding a hit in today and the coughing fit was long to calm down from. It takes no prisoners each and every time. The one you like hits the absolute hardest too


Just sucks, I have a small amount of SFV OG pollen I really wanted to use on this strain.


LOL you’re telling me…on my 46th birthday going though each plant, there’s a sack, and another, one by one, I’m like it’s most so called females that have turned. In my mind I’m thinking I’ll just grow them out, but I know the time won’t be worth the heavily seeded yield. Definitely not a happy way to end the day taking the fiskars to the 12 trunks and cleaning up, but had to accept it’s over for TC in respects to the pine version of it and look forward w the PTK, which I might add are really thick and bushy w about 10-12 heads now, and they do have a forest like odor too. Might be the better bearer anyway.


Well Happy Birthday…damn brownie made me forget to say it sooner. :crazy_face:
Guess I might have to move the old school Florida seeds I got from Astro up a little sooner.


Damn, that blows @OriginalDankmaster96 I’m sorry you had to waste time and effort. Super disheartening confirming to yourself, I know it.

Thank you for doing the test for the community though, it’s much appreciated.

I still want to get my hands on a cutting, but now I know to stray from anything bred with it.

Looking forward to the PTK. :peace_symbol:


i’m a pine junkie, i grown out 4 female PTK from CSI, no pine… it’s like melons, is that the same PTK y’all are working with here? is there pine phenos in the PTKs?


Ive got a pine smelling plant from a pollen chuck i did. Its a 3 way of Stardawg, Triangle Kush, and Blue Dream. Super piney through flower until the end when its more fuel/gas/kerosene soaked pine… i have only grown one seed from this chuck but its what ive gotten from it. Ive got extras if you want to peel through some?


these parts mmmmmmm

@DefNSmokn sounds fucking awesome man, i don’t want to say yeah and then never pop 'em like i did with someone else seeds, how does it smoke? i’m getting a lot of barbasol/pine perfume type in my current grow, havn’t smelled that before