Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

I’ve heard a wood chipper works similarly, though not as tidy.


Congratulations @OriginalDankmaster96
It’s great to see you getting recognition for all your efforts.


Yup the girls are rewarding me with their display of my efforts to revitalize their revelance to cannabis heriarchy :face_with_raised_eyebrow: It’s COMING, just like I helped make G13’s revelance before I left…


Ok the last envelope finally landed to @SkunkHunt101 so I’m clear for round 2. I stil have @MikeyMeteor deets, so @OnePassionateGrower @Jpaul @Cartwright @GEMI-CONNECT616 and if @Redrum92 wants to join please send your deets over. I will begin packing this week and may get them out by Fri or Sat, but definitely on Mon.


My to-grow list is unfortunately filled for like the next 9 months. Thank you much! Been loving the show, though!

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Who wants to run my A F4 in hydro ? I have yet for someone to do these hydroponically and see the performance. The tester kit can be forwarded to who steps up to the plate. Pics are required


Too hot in my place. I have a few dwc tubs but am stuck in coco for the time being. These will explode in hydro and seems right for the strain.


Yes, that’s my thinking too. The aero cloner is pretty explosive for rooting cuts. I know it’s good in all types of medium mixes but hydro I don’t know what it could do. Same! Water gets too hot and it’s rot. I have 2 drip/DWC 16 site 350.00 units that sit unused :confused:


I can definitely drop them ina few weeks if that works my buckets are in about mid flower now then I’ll drop these and the others in soil as well.


Yeah I got some southern ag for the res for my last attempt but still was slimy. I usually root clones in the tubs and just move them into coco, since I probably need a chiller to go the distance most of the year. But when I think crippy… I definitely think hydro

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We’re all set for the @OnePassionateGrower Cripxmas A hydro grow show :facepunch::+1::face_with_monocle::pray::star_struck:


That definitely went hand in hand, it was often associated with hydro, dro etc :facepunch:

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Yee haw, I knew I picked the right ones to run. Congratulations on getting your hard work rewarded. I’ve been getting rewarded a couple years now, thanks my friend for letting me ride along.:peace_symbol:


Thanks. Yeah I see TC A BX2 becoming a preferred choice, it’s clear, the dense glands, terps and potency are THERE, it’s just a matter of are the buds big enough to be desired :thinking: Yes, yesterday was attack of the bots but it’s continuing to get noticed more in between, so if bots can help me, bring it, just not the dirty talk ones looking for that desperate sap :smirk: Bottom line, if you’re all happy with what I give after I’ve done it, that’s good enough for me but if not, then I know I need a redirect from that path.


Really thats all that matters. If your happy with it and the people who grow it as well enjoy it, then you did the job completely.


Just a ‘heads up’…

I’ll be starting up a ‘Tester’s grow log’ shortly on the various crosses Dankmaster sent me. Right now they are about a month old (and growing in soil).
I had some fun with that 5:2 (humic/kelp) formulation too. :+1:



So what’s your initial impression after a month ?

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The CripyXmas A2 x BX2 leapt out of the ground so fast they all needed ‘popsicle crutches’ for a couple weeks… :smile: I suspect they will be the tallest…

Initial impressions are: great looking plants, they look like they all have good structure and well shaped and positioned leaves. Not a runt or weirdo to be seen.

They were all a little ‘slow’ so I took the opportunity to hit them with some of that Atlantis 5:2 and boy that perked them right up!
(thanks to @Loggershands for the tip about Atlantis)

They are at the 4th node now so decision time for HST but I think I’ll just go with a couple toppings as the HST always adds a couple weeks.

I missed some of the early pics as the camera battery died (made in 2012)
but the replacement just arrived last week so I’m rolling.



Wow! That’s wonderful to hear about the vigor. I suspect my plant is shorter than what’s going to be average, so that’s great to know there are taller plants to be had😅

Happy to hear you’re feeling positive about the overall structural growth, leaf arrangement and shape, even better you didn’t get any runts/deformed mutants. Sounds like I’ve underestimated the stature of traits. I’ve had concerns of being too short, but I believe you’re telling me that’s not what’s happening on your end, so maybe not the concern I need to worry about :thinking::smiling_face:

Yes, I’ve noted that many times, but it picks up and they do GO. Sounds great, I use Nectar of the gods Zeus Juice in my tea, so definitely helps. Good to know the humics are good to enhance growth rate :facepunch:

They respond extremely favorably to cracking/bending. I’ve said many times Xmas is suited for HST/LST training, that’s how BX3 exploded being bent and hull cracked. Make sure to defoliate the inner parts at times to control denser growth. :+1:

That’s ok, I like how you’ve described everything. I can almost get that mental image of how it went, but I’m looking forward to seeing how it really looks now that you have you cam back :pray::facepunch::eyes::grin:


TC A x BX2 mid 4th week peek. It definitely still going in that building phase, but about to switch over. That LOOKS like 7-8 week frost, but it’s only near the end of the 4th week, imagine 2 more :flushed::snowflake: I’ve got a TC A I just put in the tent, you can guess a whole packet or 2 will be used on the entire plant!