Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

Interesting observation with the smaller nugs and potency correlation, I’ve also noticed that with certain strains. Maybe there’s more crystals concentration because smaller surface area. Your smoke reports and grow guides are the best I’ve seen. And very cool that it’s all surrounding our beloved crippy.

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You’re probably referring to pics w flash used. I’ll try to take some without it, which plant do you want to see ?


I definitely feel we need to rethink what size truly means growing bud. What I showed last night is all I smoked and get this, I’m still feeling high 12 hrs later!! IF you smoke far less smaller cause it’s stronger, it balances out larger buds that needs more use :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Now you know why nearly all of my reports are complied in Strainbase :grin: If there’s ever a reversion to the compendium I suspect all this data will be there too :wink:


You 🫵 rock 🪨 bro :sunglasses:, now I have been reconsidering what going in next. You 🫵 made this a very hard choice because of all the GR8 information you have been giving us and that generous package :package: I received from you! I couldn’t asked to have a better choice now! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::clap::tophat::ok_hand::facepunch::wink::+1::sunglasses::v:


A2 x TC A at 6 weeks

no flash @nick131740

Stalk is pencil thick now, seems to be branching off at the top too. Showing a lot of promise as it goes

@OhNo555 Im happy to know all the details uncovered as it finishes has helped making the decision :facepunch::pray::relaxed:


I decided to stop fuking around, possibly spinning my wheels. Even though I read about the brand of CS works I have, I believe I’m more guaranteed reversal STS. Apparently already made sprays. Someone already left the seller a review saying it worked so I got it coming in 2 days, supposedly some coating tech to node sites.


Here we go 5th midweek peek

Notice how much denser the glands are from the last shot taken :face_with_monocle: Also beginning to show the color, so it’s definitely finishing FAST to that 42 mark :grin::yum::fire::trophy:


This thread always has some of the more tempting photos. I’m drooling. That’s frosty.


Mostly :dna: but some bro science to finishing :smirk::laughing:


Ok, mail is going out later today (2-22-24)

I’m noticing 2 more watchers @sunra108 @GallacreekD66 :eyes: Stay the course and you’ll join soon enough :wink:

3 RKS cuts are planted in their cups. Getting ready to start the bearers

I’ve also got IC BX2 C planted for reversal and a B4 growing fast, I’ll also do an A2 for the outdoors @Emeraldgreen @MissinBissin :wink:

@firehead Hows the 2 IC’s doing ?

IC BX2 top nug

@OnePassionateGrower Did you get sent the tester pack from beaglz yet ? Let me know when you get it


Haven’t checked the mailbox yet but as soon as they land it’s game time :sunglasses: :call_me_hand:t2:


One of mine turned out to be male :roll_eyes:
The one that was a runt is stretching like mad. Very tall, spindly, tropical looking plant.


That’s Corn if it’s spindly branches, cause Maui traits don’t , so it sounds like dominant pheno of Corn. It’s definitely got the Hawaiian lineage from Ducksfoot


100% @OriginalDankmaster96
I’ll take your project for a walk and give her a good dose of Sunshine.

Thanks again. Happy to do this Outdoors for you.
Cheers @Emeraldgreen


I appreciate the consideration here. I’m going to have to pass since I won’t be able to put them out this year.
Fantastic progress your making. I’m looking forward to seeing how everyone does with them.


@Emeraldgreen NP brother, I understand the circumstances,it’s the leg right ? I’ll have them on hand for you when ready.

Chop time. This TC A is falling down all the way, so can’t even support the weight now. Note filmsier branches seem to be shared in common :face_with_monocle:


The leg is getting better. The susceptibility to mold from last year in my area means my boss won’t let me run them again. If I come up with an alternative outdoor place I’ll let you know.
Looking great

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Oh that issue, I understand, but I honestly don’t think enough defoliation was done to prevent it. Of course I can’t know how dense foliage reacts to wetter air during trials but it’s clear now it’s gotta be thinned out than left on. I’ve already told another guy in a high humidity area in the deep S of MS it’s susceptibility to mold, but they want to run so there’s going to be another round in a prone area to find out IF that is indeed key to prevention.


Ok folks, looks like I’ll make it in time :sweat_smile: Spray just arrived and just starting to see the buddlets coming in


TC and Maui A BX2 Week 6 day 43 (2-24-24)


It’s definitely done! So 42-43 days. Did fatten up more in the last few days. 2 ft finishing height. So a name hit me as I was looking at the glands white diamonds :gem: Somehow I think it sticks :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :star_struck: :yum: Thoughts :thinking:



Maui A BX2

Well she’s definitely got the A expression in budding, although a bit smaller popcorn, cutting off 3 weeks from Maui is hardly anything to complain over and at a finishing height of 2 ft, plus higher gland density and stronger terps. Has that carophyllene terp dominating odor, so A type pheno’s will be found here. I also had another name pop in my head as a result, sugar spiced pine