Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

Yes, if you know bubblegum, that’s about as close to familiar, but it doesn’t smell that way dried, more of the pine/mint. It tickles the nose a bit being pungent.


Out of 9 females I grew not one went over 7 wks and that’s with some good amber. The short flowering time has stuck through the crossing process.


Yes indeed, dominantly expressed in BX2 now, which I think is shorter time than F4 showed. I knew when I was flowering the A and B for the first time, this is specifically exclusive to those 2 plants. Also I think too much amber reduces THC, I believe Crippy is better and longer lasting mostly cloudy glands. I think this is why the test didn’t show the right THC content.


Also remember that it’s not just the THC but all the cannabinoids together that create the effects. That being said I’ve smoked lower % THC bud that blasted me out of my mind and for longer than the really high THC %. Most strains I’ve smoked that claimed over 30% THC got you high but it wasn’t a layered or complex high and didn’t last past the smell of weed coming from your clothes. If people can’t smell it then you aren’t high anymore. That just seems like a waste I’d rather smoke a joint every 3 hours than have to smoke a bowl every 15 minutes then couchlock and fall asleep. You got the goods brother!


You’re right, it’s not JUST the one cannabinoid that makes effects. I feel it’s very contradictory when I claim potency is strong that it can’t be put on paper as proof, but as the guy who made it a mission to track down AB G13 I would hope that’s proof alone without needing paper stats to back I know strong potency and not hyping it up. So I’m glad I have your confidence brother, not just my claims :facepunch::pray::sweat_smile:

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I learned this before I had started growing. Getting edibles from the dispensary really opened my eyes to this. The THC only gummies were enh at best now the 1:1 THC:cbd whole hell ya whole body high felt like you were floating but still had a head change just not heavy eyes. You got my confidence cause you show all and I’ve grown your work. Ive smoked it and made me stupid lol in the best possible way :rofl:. I just redeemed a couple free prerolls from dispensary Sunday. Omg what fu#$ing shit! Super lemon Haze was one “22%” THC wanted nice sativa high 1g joint split with my girl and didn’t feel a thing. Ok got gelato 28% THC tastes fire but 15 mins after smoking bowl I was packing another after 1 hour 3 bowls I’m sleeping LAME! Thought breaking joint into bowl and gelato being good usually should be straight nope garbage.


Thats awesome, I would love work the shorter flowering time into one of my projects down the line.

AB G13, I haven’t heard of that one in so long. Where you able to track that one down @OriginalDankmaster96?


Looking at the geneology, where do you figure the short flowering time came from? …inquiring minds… :smirk:



It was on a forum called Marijuana.com in 98, I think AB was in OH. He had plans to go S , so I got him to stop through DC. I had just harvested fore arm colas from AK47 to bring him one. It was funny though, when I arrived at their room both him and his wife bolted to hide in the bathroom thinking it was security :joy: He had brought his last G13 bud from last harvest for me to test so I could confirm any relation to G13xNL2, and it all matched. G13 x NL2 was nearly identical to the bud I tested, so that’s how I knew I had it, otherwise without going by the G13 x NL2 it would have been very difficult to find the lead. He definitely didn’t realize how sought after the plant was, as just a “cut passed down” which when I leaned that it told me likely match, since was G13 cut only. He became part of the club for awhile, until he made a stupid decision to bet a member on the Super Bowl, well he lost his bet and it became a huge issue to welsh. Everyone felt he should own up and I told him to pay his debt but he didn’t and he left co-op/IRC never to be seen again…


So I’m inclined to believe it’s Xmas Bud, TC and PTK are both 8-9 weeks on the longer end, with only 3 suspects to CripXmas it singles out Xmas as the likely contributor :grin: IF it’s not Xmas, then it must be the combination that gave me the line. In that case it was rare to result in shorter flowering and can’t be recreated without CripXmas.


Well we have an answer… Can a double Xmas Bud be recrossed into CripXmas :thinking: The answer is NO. I now see Xmas Bud as too hermie prone going back into itself. It’s unfortunately more seeded than I’m comfortable with. I believe the A2 was affected being next to it but I’m not seeing on that one when I look through it. It’s a shame but the path is AWAY from Xmas :confused:

Pic shows invasive nanner protruding, not secured in a bud like TC has, it’s the Xmas bud structure showing it so I’m inclined to believe Xmas Bud is responsible for invasive traits. All I can say is keep watch, and bin if anything gets too bad. So far I think TC and Maui BX of Xmas will be ok, but the A towards more Xmas is definitely unstable to continue :face_with_monocle:


Ok this stringy sativa like bud growth is what’s responsible, we can see what happens stripped off early from the normal budding pattern, but yeah Xmas is definitely the culprit. When Rabeats showed that weird Xmas budding side, it’s the same trait I’m seeing now. I believe pheno’s that don’t show this will be fine, but dominant leaning Xmas won’t, it’s either strip it or just bin. I’ve removed both a TC and A from tent showing these. Will be stripping the early TC of its lowers, the tops don’t show it.


Thanks for including me. I will admire them for a bit, then somebody’s getting wet🧜‍♀️


Ok so this is definitely interesting, because despite this issue with certain Xmas pheno’s the potency is crazy! Last night I rolled the TC A BX2 at 12 am, I felt slight nauseous after smoking and stopped, well it subsided and for the next 6hs while I gamed it lasted until I about 7am, I absolutely didn’t even feel the need to smoke anymore to go to sleep. I’ve found testing myself, only can make it to 2 small rolls before passing out cold, so I’ll just say right now NOBODY is smoking lots of this bud. I’m already noticing my uses has reduced even further, you’d be smoking a bowl every 4-5 hrs maybe even longer, THIS is more lasting than F4 CripXmas is turning out :flushed:


Great to see! I had a feeling more were about to drop. YW :grin:


Thc means nothing! The state and business like it for tax reasons and sales point


An uneducated buyer at the dispensary is there best friend, most people that only smoke :dash: are very naive and only know what their friends are telling them. That’s what separates the suckers from there money. :laughing::rofl::joy::sweat_smile: :ok_hand::wink::+1::facepunch::sunglasses::partying_face::peace_symbol:


You can’t even educate them either. It’s sad


So ironic, something in me said to “research” what’s being offered before when I bought from the delivery services here, unless it was something I knew well, like Bubblegum or most Hazes. For the most part I always stuck with older classics and sativa hybrids if I didn’t know the lineage well. The new fandagled stuff just doesn’t interest me, especially the price gouging :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Hey when you got a free joint to redeem figure should go for nice sativa and was totally bummed out. The first A and B I can a test to the not smoking as much but if you increases terps and potency hand in hand lol that’s something I can’t wait to smoke brother!