Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

Yup, I’m pretty convinced this is the case. I kept saying over and over, “I’m way too high” last night in a stupor of being plastered. It kept giving me the impression cure is going to make this bud scary to experience. Seriously almost too much. Let’s put it this way, do I want stronger? NO! Me saying I don’t want stronger is speaking volumes and I don’t often say something makes me tap out to stop smoking, cause frankly I like to smoke and enjoy the flavor but this OMG blows the lungs out, it’s incredibly brutal and you will cough your brains out until it nearly hurts to stop :flushed::exploding_head:

This has to be one of the most ruthless smokes I’ve encountered yet. Both Maui and TC have a potency that equals a 10 on the scale. As I said the terps are so loud and burns, in fact I’ve let out louder yells on my exhale than CripXmas gave, so yeah get ready it is most unequivocally THAT 1-2 hitter quitter caliber. I’ve brought it back. CripXmas being crossed into TC and Maui has far exceeded expectations. If not for the potency, terps and flowering time, I’d be questioning BX2, but as I’ve said pros and cons, which is becoming more pro as I experience it. The rouge seed is annoying, even so the amount of bud that you need is pinner size so in a way it balances out considerably. I’d like it not to have the nanners, however both Xmas males showed stable sex before being collected so I doubt anything could be done to prevent it. It’s really CSI Humboldt Seeds responsibility for doing the Xmas Bud production, but we’ll just have to work around the issue, maybe TC A BX2 crossed into the A2 CripXmas will stabilize sex better :thinking:


Ok hold on to your hats, cause now I’m stunned. CripXmas A x BX2 is finishing at 35 days!!! It’s really just finishing the maturing at this stage. I thought there was another week, but that’s the later end. Actually the puffed calyxes have immature seed. They squish like a grape when I squeeze. Obviously a very desperate attempt that’s too late to matter.

And A2 is going that way too…35-42 days. It doesn’t get better than this than the auto total time of seed to harvest :flushed:


That’s some “sticks to the wall” frostiness. It could make your eyeballs sticky just looking at it.


Oh yeah, the glands are insane in CripXmas, but it’s the double Xmas on top of that is even denser coverage. It’s the true sugar nug you can’t smoke a lot of it be hurt tryin :scream: Needs scissors to break it up, it’s that gooey dried


Want this in my tent soon. Already making plans. Out of likes at the moment.


Those have got to be the most sticky, dank, smelly buds and some of the best you have grown! Dam they look :eyes: GR8! Big chunks of popcorn :popcorn:! :clap::tophat::clap::tophat::clap::tophat::+1::wink::facepunch::+1::peace_symbol::partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:

Well done :+1:! :open_mouth:


Thanks. It’s very gooey to the touch, despite the seeded parts. Unfortunately I’ve seen a number of male full flowers so this won’t be kept. Perhaps another plant will be better without this Xmas wispy growth. I’m glad I can give a read on what to look for and watch out before everyone gets going :smiling_face: Going to be interesting to find out how it smokes, but it’s looks pretty conclusive across the 4 what the results are. I was antsy until some results appeared in the IC BX2 but now I know what’s going to generally happen as overall results and it’s more positives than negatives :evergreen_tree::popcorn::fire::ice_cube::exploding_head::melting_face:


CripXmas A BX2

So I’m getting curious about what the buds tell us about this particular pheno. It’s definitely Xmas. It actually smoked like my Xmas C male, it’s probably pure terpinolene, but it didn’t kick much, I’ll use the analogy @Jpaul said “like a Kool smoke”

Bigger tokes hit harder, then I like “I’m just not getting much” so I roll another, and after that I was like “I guess it’s not ready to cut down” so I go in and take a look with the loupe, sure enough I see some amber heads, but some clear still. So as I walk away after about 15 mins BOOM :exploding_head: I get hit, and stagger. I’m like WTF and THEN I realized what this is, it’s the creeper effect!!

So another riddle has been solved. Xmas Bud is the infamous creeper bud, it’s definitely one I’ve heard being sought after in forums. This is one you can’t get fooled on or be really blasted unexpectedly, it’s definitely a real heavy stoned feeling.

The budding structure is my biggest concern with how it’s trying to put out pollen pods and nanners at the finish, and going back to IC BX2 A showed me that same structure to middle and lower branches, just not as bad.

It leads me to believe Xmas bud crossed 3 times to itself is too hermie prone. I’ll probably say Xmas Bud is best as gland production, terps and effects to a whole genetic make up with other lines that balance it out.

As a plant on its own there are troublesome issues not to ignore. I tend to also believe this budding structure is from the Xmas A male as I kinda remember a wispy like pollen flower structure. At any rate CripXmas A cut and F4 don’t have A. Right now the F4 is impervious to CS/STS so I’m spraying the 240 ppm straight, no diluting until I see balls. I’ve made contingency by treating another cut with Hybri X, even though I’m not thrilled how the pollen is produced with this spray. Anyway, I think the best solution is lollipop this growth early from normal buds and put the energy in the crown of tops, less of this wispy growth or none will be the more stable plants to keep if thats the decision @420noob @HumblePie420 @Greenfingers


Rightyo daddyo! That is usually my go to style no matter what the plant structure is also I “try” for a even canopy most of the time so the lowers are blocked and go. The last time I grew these I did a sog style grow and that’s not the way I think. I’m gonna pick 2 strains to start drop 5 of each then pick 2 solid looking females(who am I trying to kid :joy: if they got pistils I’m gonna grow em out :rofl:) and train those out and really open up, top, and some good ol bondage to see what I can get these ladies to do! Thanks for the heads up brother.


Ooooooh the very sought after creeper :eyes: effect ! How was the heavy eye :eye: lid factor, that is one effect that I am always after. One of my favorite parts of getting high. I am now very excited about this strain! WTG bro :sunglasses:! :+1::wink::facepunch::open_mouth::ok_hand::peace_symbol:


I believe that’s more of the factor for TC A BX2, but I will say how it feels has that creeping effect gradually getting stronger. When I first tested the Xmas bud male it was a classic stoned buzz I was really happy, it said old school style to me. Mind you I only tested flash dry CripXmas A BX2, so we’ll have to see how the normal dried bud smokes and if it makes me squint to see. I have had instances where my lids were nearly shut on TC A BX2, also cured bud is starting to have more Xmas terps. I’m confident it’s going to check all your boxes and then some :face_with_raised_eyebrow::wink::grin::facepunch::pray:


its really interesting how diverse some of these plants actually are in flavor, thc / cbd ratios, and overall effect. im a huge fan of full flavor lower thc buds, those breakfast bowls leave me more clear headed and able to conquer the day but of course that creeper bud is a must to keep on hand. not for the morning though


My Island Crippy runt plant is not a runt anymore!
She wasn’t looking too healthy for a couple weeks. I upped the nutrients and bam, she turned a deep green and looks great! Buds are starting to form and hopefully some nice smells coming soon!


Yeah I can see the Maui structure in the plant, that’s good, you want that. Corn is too spindly to hold weight and would require stakes all over. You probably see why I chose that male with how thick that branching is :face_with_raised_eyebrow:I’m betting it’s Corn bud traits while being Maui pheno. I can see that red in the stalk. I’d say you’ll get caryophyllene and terpinolene odors. Often a good mix is better than the dominant parent. I think you’ll be able to show a better Island Crippy than I did. Hope you snagged cuts just in case it’s a special :grin::facepunch::fire: :seedling: Looking great brother, :pray: for updating.


Man, that cripxmas a I grew of yours can get so strong that some of my friends got nauseous from being so high. We made about an ounce of decarb for edibles and some people stayed high for over 24 hours. Myself, was around 17 hours of a STRONG high. I had to cut my intake of that batch of edibles way down. Such great stuff. Now you say that what you sent me is even stronger?!! Can’t wait to dig in


Yeah I smoked the Maui BX2 before going to sleep and started to wake up nauseated a bit. I was like “please pass and let me go back to sleep” :sweat_smile: I was granted reprieve by my stomach thankfully, but WOW brother, you just laid a bomb on potency proof. That is insane. Someway and somehow we need to get it circulating in the dispensaries :face_with_monocle: Amazing, I’m taking your post to X. I can smoke more A2 than I can TC BX2 so that should tell you something :grin:


This sounds like an amazing strain, 1-2 punch out!!!


@HumblePie420 is definitely confirming it’s that 2-3 hitter that most people think has been outbred with poly hybrids floating around. That testimony makes me feel ‘slightly’ cheated out of winning the Z Labs cup :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


@OriginalDankmaster96 I’m glad you’ve spend the required time to keep this going. For most this type of plant is only folklore


I’m newer to the forum and since coming across your thread post I’ve been taking my time with reading what you’ve been upto and It’s been very interesting and informative. Thanks for taking time to elaborate what you’re doing so I can understand the process and become better educated