Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

Thanks, it’s been a juggling act trying to supply myself and have the spaces to do my work after my jars are filled to fall back on, but somehow I manage to pull it off. Definitely, until I got the combination for the popcorn pheno, it was only something we could only dream for, but now it’s back and I’ve proliferated these genetics widely but I’m only getting started to go full bore. Anyway, I see you’re checking in regularly, so won’t be long until you’re growing it too :facepunch::pray::grin:


I find myself spending all my free time on this forum trying to learn and become a better stuard of the cannabis plant. I am curious of different grow styles so am in the process of trying them, documenting, failing or successful its my process.


Wow I appreciate that, I can only say this is why a lot of my data was put up on Strainbase for various strains. My details are very precise and sheds a lot of insight to the multi aspects of the plant and buds as I unravel the traits to “read” the plant. It’s also my autistic nature, so I’m happy you’ve found it enjoyable to read, not everyone likes how I express myself, but so much for human nature :joy::pray::facepunch::clap:t2:

I’ve taught at least a dozen newcomers, and even set them up with seeds, so don’t hesitate to ask me anything if you need help. I will try whatever I can answer and solve.


I appreciate that and I may lean on your experience from time to time since you’ve offered. Keep up the detailed work many of us appreciate it :slight_smile:


I did take a clone of her. I’m hoping she roots soon. If not, I’m going to try a re-veg of the mom. Because I do really like the structure of this plant! :heart:


White Diamonds ‘popcorn’ FL Crippy is now active

This was a bonus in my initial offering of Double CripXmas , however it’s exceeded my expectations. Let’s dive in, I’ll explain more of my BX2. Tampa Crippy is NOT the true Crippy plant. It is a worked version that contains the lineage within, which if the right combination happens you get the real deal popcorn plant that’s densely coated in trichs, has extremely pronounced potency and terpenes.

My CripXmas A F3 is crossed to a 2nd Xmas male, resulting in passing the popcorn plant to everything crossed to this BX2. There’s more, this especially concerns flowering time, which is 35-42 days, yes you heard that right. Some of the fastest flowering time I’ve ever seen. The plant doesn’t reach for light, self splits its growing shoots without topping and will grow between 2-3 ft max vertically 2 oz per gallon. It clones fast and very extensive root system.

This is the old time sugar nuggets. Dense glazed cones hence why I’m calling it White Diamonds Crippy. The gland ratio is much higher than its original parent. The CripXmas combined to Xmas Bud then back to Tampa Crippy has brought back the REAL plant from the 90’s.

However few Xmas phenotypes will exhibit a wispy calyx/singke leaf at the lowers/middles that is hermie prone, most pheno’s won’t do this and will be the better plants to keep that show normal budding. Due diligence to strip this bizarre growth off is the best solution.

The potency is extremely strong here. I’ve had 6 hr long highs and longer. This is THAT, 1-3 hitter quitter, you WON’T smoke 2 J’s or a full bowl or be wrecked as your head throbs and wonder why you did. More Xmas adds higher Terpinolene and a creeper effect to this potency boost.

This is the Crippy most would remember seeing the buds with their eyes and smelling it. Other than Xmas Bud structures it’s PERFECT, fast flowering, high yeild, dense sticky low leaf popcorn full of minty cool pine that’s ridiculously potent.

Unfortunately the seed has a low ratio of fully formed to deformed so the price has to reflect this issue to get it, along with potency, fast flowering and terps. This is the only TRUE FL Crippy that I’m making available now and will have more seed stock coming later.

You will get 10 hand picked fully formed seeds that don’t crush, packed into a centrifuge tube between cotton. I ensure an 80% germination rate on seed I select to pack, so no seed is unchecked before going out. Seed I throw out of sorting is usually 30% viable so you are getting the ‘best’ seeds shipped USPS ground advantage within 2 days


thats insane if true. i thought 50d was pushing it. well done

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Definitely. Amber heads already appear at 35, so if it’s amber it’s in rapid maturity


thats crazy. did you notice the trait associated with any other traits? im a hobbiest so my overall numbers are limited but i have grown a ton of commercial cuts. the short flowering plants ive grown were all ~50d, stayed wildly short but were slow veggers. id be curious of your line has features we could expand on as a community.

ive kinda given up on the shorter flowering plants because the ones ive had access to had Cardboard Terps Syndrome and werent worth running. super excited to see this play out, especially if the terps hold. even if she was 50 days but had good terps that would be a huge win


Ratio of glands significantly increased from CripXmas to BX2. CripXmas 45-49, now BX2 (double Xmas Bud) is 35-42. I suspect it’s the double Xmas. CripXmas gives it everything to fall back on than what it lacks. Terps, potency, effects, gland ratio and flowering times are CONSISTENT across the 4 parents with BX2. It’s most definitely has benefits to the community. There’s nothing faster than autos. If I remember correctly, Mighty Mite is a 35 day fast outdoor line


That’s really impressive.

The fastest I know of is UEL (Ultra Early Love) at 6~7 weeks. Have you run any of the crosses outside to check inherent resistances?



cant wait. every time i poke my head in here youre making exponential progress. honestly though, a 50 day line with good terps is a solid accomplishment. i dont really need a 35 day plant but i absolutely see a huge value in a terp forward 50 dayer


Someone in Mississippi has the beans and told me he’s going outdoor with them. Another up in your neck is going outside too. I’ve stressed defoliating to thin the thick growth. I know there was a problem but the outdoor plants didn’t get thinned out. I think that was a major contributor to boytritis/rot, so do we hold genetics responsible or the grower if the plant needs to be thinned of dense foliage :face_with_monocle::thinking::wink:


A 35 day flowering plant is definitely something of commercial value.
You might want to ‘hold them close’ because of that.



TC A and Maui A BX2 1 week 1-21-24

TC and Maui A BX2 Week 6 day 43 (2-24-24)

Those are the dates I’ve recorded


Mississippi will be interesting, the parts I’ve been in are ‘no stranger’ to high RH. If they do well there that’s a big plus.

A tight structure could complicate things but in my experience, when grown in an outside environment, plants tend to open up more than indoors. If so, that might mitigate some issues.

Mine are almost hitting a foot now and are due for some up-potting today. I’m seeing hints of boys on several and one confirmed girl.



Yeah, that’s my thinking too. I was going to let this person do extra tester pack of A but I decided against it when he said outdoors, but he also said he doesn’t get mold how he grows, so I’ll get him A’s in a month to run down there and see if he’s right.

It’s definitely an overgrowth of leaf in vegetation, why I don’t know, but TC is quite dense of its foliage along with NL2 so those 2 could be the parental traits responsible.

Awesome Brother, I’m looking forward to seeing her soon :wink::facepunch:


CripXmas A BX2

Yeah it’s done folks, 36 days today. Started 1-27-24

And yes there is a fair bit of amber, not just a gland or two :flushed::star_struck: Extemely dense, just like I told ya :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

A2 is not far behind her either :grin: Probably a few more days more. So everyone growing A2, will assuredly get it :wink:


Very true statement. I grew 9 plants of his earlier version and not one went over 7 wks and that was sitting on them wanting more amber. 5 wks and I was blown away almost all cloudy.

I also might try and get a few outside this year as well. The reveg I planted outside in the ground did amazing and that’s in high plains desert.


Thanks brother, I appreciate backing that up :clap:t2::facepunch::grin: Good plan on the grow, but if it’s normal buds for A2, don’t trim the lowers/sides off. It still applies at the finish so you would reduce your yeild :face_with_raised_eyebrow: