Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

Reading about this makes me want to try this more and more. Some point I would definitely love to grow some of this


Scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours by sending me referrals for whoever you think is interested in the gear outside OG. Heres my tier of referral rewards. All they have to do is mention your handle and my initials DM96. I will record it, depending on what you want me to gift you is how many you need to get :wink:

Your choice of seed pack on Strainly will be done by me and sent to you.

2 = $25-50
4 = $50-100
6 = $100-150
8 = $150-250


A2 BX2 initial impressions being almost dry at 35g. Heavy terpinolene :evergreen_tree: :snowflake::hot_pepper: Heavy stone in the face, body feels dead weight, eye lids nearly shut and can start to burn. Speech slows considerably to slurring. Stoned feeling gets intense in face, numb, begins to well up inside until it’s clear you’re going to burst out laughing :rofl::laughing: in fits, then it settles BACK into heavy stone, THEN you get another “wave” of fits. It keeps alternating 7-8 times until it levels off some but yeah, strap in because THIS is coaster ride back to how it USED to be. Especially how it starts, because back in the day whatever group I smoked with, after it was done, it wasn’t long until someone cracked up or said something ridiculous and then EVERYONE gets going :joy::joy: Wild effects. A mix of CripXmas and Xmas not pure Xmas like A BX2 is something you’ll want to be able to experience many times over like getting stoned used to be and many think doesn’t exist, well it DOES NOW :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


I do miss them long ago gone teenager days. We seem to always gather places where people had the best sound systems to listen to music :notes: and stare at M TV to watch music :musical_score: videos with the volume on :loud_sound: mute. :shushing_face:


Good times.


You know it! Can’t forget MTV videos or Beavis and Butthead commentating either :rofl::clap:t2::scream:


I got 3 of the Tampa Crippy A x BX2 going now they are small sprouts FYI. Thanks again il keep ya posted OG


All beans sent are floating. Good day all :wave:

Sometimes you gotta just say, what the fuck​:v::footprints::popcorn:


Wow! Look at you stepping it up :clap:t2::scream::seedling::grin: I’m impressed :pray:


Might as well see what’s in there, stuff looks and sounds fantastic, thanks for sending these out to me :space_invader:

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Yes that will give a broader sampling of pheno expressions to see. Nothing is disappointing me for sure. Will be exciting to see a full grow in action. Can’t wait :grin::clap:t2::facepunch:


Yeah I did it! I made 1000 on X :tada::partying_face::tada:


Congrats, it’s a big milestone

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I’m just on strainly reading. First time been to that site but good reading. Thanks for the link

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Thanks. Yeah it took awhile, sometimes you just meander until you really get noticed on there. These days it’s everything to successful brand marketing


I’m enjoying the show wishing I could test some of these fast strong high genetics.


Thanks. Welcome @YescaSmoker. I’m about to shift into total seed production. Eventually you will get to join in with the group :pray::clap:t2::grin: I’ve noticed you’ve been here regularly, so keep watching and it will happen, just like all other OG’s watching who are now growing :wink:


Look :eyes: at you now, WOW :open_mouth: and now with that 1K threshold passed you are a BIG BALLER now. :clap::clap::clap::tophat::ok_hand::wink::facepunch::+1::sunglasses::peace_symbol:

image IMG_4543


Yup it’s getting around on the X sphere, my perseverance is now working and skill is being recognized. Guy in Canada is showing the CripXmas B’s off incredibly and they are so uniform to others he’s growing.

I’m just dusting TC pheno B now. I believe the BX2 will be good here too, which I think could be more stable as 5th generation than F2 showed

So we will be running these NEXT :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Are you all ready to see what the A2 BX2 does after 3 rolls…what a STONED ride :dizzy_face::melting_face: Time slows considerably as you smoke it, then it goes straight to the face
