Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

Man you got lights all around them plant 🪴, no wonder they grow so well! :facepunch::+1::wink::partying_face::sunglasses::v:


Yeah it’s like a giant phototron :grin:


That is funny :grin: as shit :poop:. I had one in the late 70s and I did my first indoor grow in it. Saved my money :dollar: all summer long to buy it from an ad in the High Times Magazine. :laughing::rofl::joy::sweat_smile:


I fell for it too back in late 95, and I thought it was self contained unit, just plug in and go. The medium spaghnum moss wasn’t the right choice, realized lights weren’t strong enough and the well wasn’t enough space. I should’ve have seen it was good for seedling starts 🤦but it collected dus and eventually dumped it. I think I got about 14 grams from NL x Hawaiian and just said nah, not worth it. The funny thing is I do look occasionally as I wish I had the extra cab of space to use NOW 🥹


Yeah I was only pulling about a half zip to a little bit over a zip per run, but in combination with other grows it kept me in weed all year round. Back then timing was everything to always have weed and it served its purpose. Soon as I went with HID light I never looked :eyes: back. :wink::sunglasses::v:

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Smart cookie :face_with_monocle: I didn’t utilize mine being annoyed as I should have done. Gotta give you the props :facepunch::clap:t2::+1:

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I’ve seen some interesting upgrades done to the Phototrons. Mounting Bridgelux LED strips in the corners and an LED shop light in the top…

Of course, those U shaped T12 tubes are about as common as ‘fur on a frog’ nowadays… :smirk:
One of the issues is keeping the plant fairly small… about ‘Crippy small’ would work… :smile: …especially if you manifolded it.
(don’t mind me, I’m just taking a break… working on the intro for the thread)



24 hrs later, we have life

And 24 more hours, 25 of 29 up or peeking :+1:


What a read! You’ve done so much work here. I was pointed from my thread looking for lemon and pine strains. I wanted to do a similar project for each.


@OriginalDankmaster96 is the man :man: to talk to about that pine :evergreen_tree: taste :tongue: you are looking :eyes: for, so you are in the right :+1: place. :wink::facepunch::ok_hand::+1::sunglasses::v:


I believe it!

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Yes Dankmaster they made it! The reason i signed up to OG is complete. I’m outta here. Just joking. I already soaked the Tampa cross and will make some space for the rest. I’ll be chopping a few plants soon in the flower tent.

I appreciate it so much and will keep everyone updated. I’ll try to get good versions going of each one.


Now I have to review all your notes. In general do they like heavy feeds when they get going or more gentle treatment?

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Thanks I appreciate it, yes I saw your thread. @firehead tagged me. I posted the CoA on your thread. Yeah it has both terps, ironically you can’t tell limonene is in it. It’s been a road, but I’ve learned pine is NOT a single terp, although you’d initially get that impression but a profile of multiple combined terps that gives the notable “pine” flavor that’s icy minty cool. I’ll tell ya it takes strains within the same family to keep the terps within parameters from drifting to where you don’t want them to end up. There’s definitely a preliminary blueprint to use. Of course I have ingredients available too if that’s of interest :grin: Anyway, welcome aboard :clap:t2::facepunch::pray:


Thank you for the welcome. I figure I’ve gotta figure out my space issue before I can make a real attempt at it, but I will definitely be in your dms when I’m ready lol.

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That’s good to see :grin: Damm did they take their sweet time up there. I was nearly sure they’d been swiped out somehow :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Probably hear @OnePassionateGrower got his too :sweat_smile:


The envelope looked like it had a footprint on it, seriously. I was surprised and not expecting it. Everything inside perfect.

Nice packing.


Around 500-600 ppm is about right, you might max at 700 at peak, but that’s about it. Actually forgiving to nutrients


Yeah I don’t assume things are handled well at all, it was definitely smart to add that bubble pack. I’ll be doing that from now on based on that pic. Sheesh :roll_eyes:


Yeah and I thought my mailman liked me. I wonder what he does to his enemies. Haha mission successful. I need to tip him or bake him crippy cookies or something.