Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

3 months. I told ya I saw something, and wow did the stalk swell unimaginably :flushed::star_struck: I need to take some cuts and run them for when seed plants are finishing up. Perfect smaller plant that doesn’t reach no matter what the light intensity is. To me this could change the height of cannabis plant breeding entirely to short space spaving bushes with maximum light penetration for the full plant. Could this be on the verge of a wild breakthrough :scream:

A2 x TC A


Man bro :sunglasses: you are really killing it and out doing yourself :hushed: WOW, I can’t wait for the next exciting episode. Simply phenomenal and an incredible discovery, well done! :clap::clap::clap::ok_hand::facepunch::+1::wink::blush::sunglasses::v:

IMG_4707 IMG_4239 image


You’re giving me ideas for a new avatar/logo as I was already thinking of a nerdy scientist caricature type of art :thinking: Yeah it seems getting the A2 back into TC is changing the height drastically, should be taller as a TC like expression but it’s even shorter than BX2 plants with a ridiculous 2-3" stalk and no topping/training either. I do have an ability to recognize plants out of the ordinary so it is my edge :face_with_monocle:

TC B and A BX2 bearers just starting to bud, so more dusting to come

A2 bearers just getting started out of cups and growing to be ready in time

RKS cuts growing and nearly ready for their 1/2 gall bags

Everything is on track, NOW I just need the reversal to show bud nanners. Burnt and curling leaf so I can’t see why it won’t :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Now this just proves I’m offering better than seedbanks are giving. Just gotta :heart_eyes: it when someone says this :clap:t2::partying_face:


Just more proof that you do a great job as a breeder and grower.


Yeah guy is new to Strainly so I helped guide him through the first buy, feels good to give someone a positive buying experience with all the unviable/low viability questionable crap out there :relaxed:


Feel free brother to use anything I send you for an avatar and I will stop using it no problem :wink:


This is the TC BX2 plant that had the extra seedling I removed and is close to finishing. Started Feb 8th. When I brought it out, the odor made me break out into sweat. It almost burns the nose. Incredible sticky to touch. 21" tall, BUT impossible to stop TC from doing late nanners. Those that want TC pheno’s will undoubtably have to put up with this nuisance over the many positives it still has. At least my CripXmas is bullet proof, the plant never turned on CS/STS just budding as normal now. Now Hybri X is burnt/crispy edges and tips BUT if it goes normal budding without we’ll know F4 can’t be turned on any reversal product. It will make the F4 production very valuable going to market :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Here’s the other plant I lollipoped the stringy Xmas growth. Now can get an idea of how it looks. Still a nice crown of sugar nuggs. I expect it to finish same time as the other.


had family lived on lake dewy. Also ice fishing therr on all the lakes. So you went to dawg patch then lol (dowaigac) high school. Ya before Bob warren sold the beach silver beach :wink: to the county youd drive right up on beach. we would hook jail workers up with smokes lol. When you said jet skies i already knew your time frame.
sorry to derail thread @OriginalDankmaster96 i was just smoking some morrocan belida not quite cured but wow its got that kick and i tortured this plant. Full sativa that finishes in 7-9wks and is a hash plant they call it kief either way lots of trics! I know a guy that could spare a couple fem seeds if you wanted to play with your pollen a bit.


I was curious about that Beldia and how it smoked as flower and not hash. Have a soft spot for Moroccan old school style hash. Happy to hear it’s good.


@420noob you mean sending some pollen ? Possible. I’ll need to see how many packs I’ll need for the TC plants and what is left of BX2. She sounds like a good candidate for all the benefits :grin:

Now as I was thinking about the Xmas issue, mostly in lower flowers I was explaining to the guy above after getting the WD Crippy, “a solution may be to spray down the the late male flowers as they open with plain water to deactivate pollen and minimize dispersal” as we all know pollen in contact with water is done for dead so as I was writing it, I thought maybe that IS a solution for everyone to chew on when it comes time to flip to simply deactivate with water what shows before it happens :thinking: It’s not heavy by any means, but it’s still a few per nug so moderate if not mitigated early, which was after the fact in my grows trying to figure where it stems from. Now I know the particulars I can only suggest an idea in theory but can’t be certain of the practice :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


No I meant send you a couple seeds and you okay with how you want that’s all bud. If you don’t like the results give them away lol

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Oh thanks for the offer, as much as I’d love to get more and different stock I don’t ask about having things sent with how it triggers the big guy. It’s hard enough convincing him I can make enough in seed to help pay the mortgage to this house to stay and continue working other projects. It’s becoming very clear I’m being filtered in search terms for “pine” flavors so whoever and wherever reading, YOUR support is vital to continuance and the expansion. IF I can pull it off, I will be fine to keep things going, if I fail to receive the support as I claimed this would all bring it will be over in June.


Can you link up your any of your social forums and strainly. I’m in a bunch of cannabis groups and I can get word to quite a few people. Hell if only 4 people come to you from this once they grow you know as well as I do ALL their friends will want as well! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:. Let me help you brother!


That’s exactly what I need some networking brother :clap:t2::facepunch::+1::pray::grin:

Yup I have a link page on X


Here’s some pics of the island crippy runt plant.
She’s a few days past the week 4 marker.
Drinking tons of water and seems happy with higher nutrient concentration (1000ppm)

Buds are starting to get a little chunky.

Smells so far are like pinesol but with a hint of citrus… not lemon though. Sweeter. More like orange.


Yup that’s the Corn, and it sounds like tropical notes of the Maui mixed in. I remember the male had more spice/mint and a hint of tropical. Live smells seem to differ from dried. The fact you need to feed 1000 ppm is proof it’s primarily Corn. Maui needs far less concentration and you would see it curling if it was Maui. It looks great, Maui structure is holding those buds nicely without additional support. Corn does a lull in budding then it really picks up for 6th to 8th week. It may go to 9 weeks. In this plant we’re definitely seeing what I had in mind, and your plant is better than what I showed as more of the mix with the weirder leaf. Anyway thanks for updating. I’m happy to see the goal is most certainly achieved here :grin::clap:t2::pray::+1: Probably plan more Island Crippy for listing after the A2 selfing and RKS crossover


So I’ve come up with contingency ideas just in case Hybri X isn’t successful. The first is for RKS and I rember I found a Xmas pheno male from F3 that was just like dad, so that’s what I’ll use. The next is using B2 male from F4. I remember when I tested both B1 and B2, it was the B2 I liked most potency and flavors and kept to collect so I think CripXmas AB combined could be a unique way to go as back up.


Nice pollen collection right there, good luck with your searches✌️

Here’s my crew, a couple no shows, and a couple on the struggle bus.

Overall, very healthy seedlings, just got their first spritz since planting.

Kinda low humidity, but what ya gonna do

Thanks again for including me​:pray::footprints::us: