Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

That looks :eyes: like quite an ambitious @Cartwright project you got started there. Whatcha got planned for all the little people? :face_with_monocle::facepunch::+1::ok_hand::sunglasses::v:


I’m doing this for the love of the plant. Dank asked me to hop on board, and I obliged. A little late for a long veg indoor run, so wheels :brain: are turning.

Prob get down to 10-15 fems in a few weeks, eyeball for a great male, if none found I will run small plants for sinse, clone them, and get a few going od :slight_smile:

At least, that is the plan for now. Things change quick around here, so i will be tracking their progress closely here for Dank and the peeps :raised_hands:


Are you @Cartwright going to be posting, here if not then we’re can we watch this one :point_up: unfold? I am very interested. Frequent poster in this thread 🪡 as I have been following along very closely. :wink::face_with_monocle::star_struck::facepunch::+1::ok_hand::sunglasses::v:


Yeah I know some seedlings don’t make it, just luck of the draw, but good to hear you like the overall health. Don’t worry too much about humidity, they do like drier air anyway :smiling_face: TY for the update



This thread 🪡 rocks 🪨 and is very detailed oriented, informative and the pics are truly GR8. :facepunch::+1::star_struck::wink::blush::partying_face::sunglasses::ok_hand:


Yes, I will update here for sure☘️


Getting a new avatar made.

@OhNo555 dig up more scientists characters and anything you think may fit a representative depiction of me. It will allow me to shoot additional ideas to the artist :pray::clap:t2::+1:

This is the style of art I like, what do you all think ?


I’m also in the process of hiring a cannabis gig marketer from Fivver, to promote Strainly profile page, seo optimization search terms and around 100 back links across the net

Here’s what I’m getting


I could not be more happier for, because of all the intricate details, effort, work, and time you have devoted to your research :microscope: for this project. I will continue to post pics that I think :thinking: might be relevant to your search :mag:, always glad to help out a friend. :wink::+1::facepunch::blush::ok_hand::sunglasses::v:



I think that’s the first time anyone knew about the patch! lol I’ll give you my info in dm, I’m certain we’ve crossed paths on the ice. Fishing hard water makes for a community like the one here; super cool, super stoned lol


I had my doubts reversal was going to even work, but apparently Hybri X is definitely for plants that don’t respond to typical STS/CS treatments :face_with_monocle: Anyway, I’m seeing the transformation now. These look more male flowers than female, and then I spotted the sack within, so it’s ON like Donkey Kong :face_with_raised_eyebrow::partying_face::sweat_smile:


Going for fems hell ya! Those are so much more up my alley with limited space! Hopefully it keeps all the goodies you bred in. Gonna be dropping some of the new batch of seeds in couple of weeks. Definitely gonna be running a few outside in the desert here so you will get to see how they deal with 100°+ and <20%rh! The reveg did well last year outside but let’s see how this goes! I have a couple hundred followers on X I can link up and see what I can get rolling for you bro! Oh ya no family or friends it’s just growing communities mostly.


Yes It’s important to get these, if I’m going to move this line faster in circulation to hopefully get it into dispensaries to be tried out. I know I’m not going to get much without doing these. Sure there’s demand for regs, but having only regs won’t go far. I can’t see why it won’t be near replica copies of A2 CripXmas selfed. You’ll be getting some selfed A2 and taste the 90s to find out when done :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

You should go look @Gpaw thread. You can see the B4 x CripXmas F3 how it looks. I’m thinking those are going to an interesting combo when we see the buds. High fem ratio on that one

Thanks that’s really helpful bro. I’m sure there’s more of a desire to get fem versions, but not everyone likes fems for a variety of reasons so could be a few intrigued by fast flowering Crippy :grin: Anything that comes my way is most appreciated until I get fems to pick up steam.


When you 🫵 @OriginalDankmaster96 tap your magic wand 🪄 , anything is possible and wonderful things happen. :+1::facepunch::clap::wink::ok_hand::sunglasses::v:

IMG_5036 IMG_5033


Yup things seem to be happening more each day. I just got my first affiliate offer from a smoke shop called Stonies. I’m looking forward to seeing better opportunities coming my way soon :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Could not have happened to a more deserving person. Dedication does seem to reward those that try the hardest and refuse to take no for an answer. :clap::tophat::clap::tophat::clap::tophat::wink::ok_hand::+1::facepunch::sunglasses::v:


That’s ME! Dedicated and refusing to take no for an answer in life :pray::clap:t2::+1::smiling_face: Eventually it’s rewarded in my experiences :wink:


This is AWESOME. My profile page is now hyperlinked to Pine Terpene’s and creeper weed


And here’s one with Crippy aimed at cultivation


This is way better than I thought, the traffic should start building up soon. Indra Morsora on Fiverr is the man you want for canna biz marketing :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Ok gang, what do you all think ? I’ve given the artist a picture of me to use, change hair color and no beard. I’m also thinking of a peering off to the side slightly with a magnifying loupe at a heavily crusted bud on the border edge “examining” tall spikey trichome heads. I told them accentuate the resin glands I’m looking at

Anyway, if any of ya have ideas or suggestions to add let me know before I finalize it


You need a cool wizards :mage:‍♂ hat, a lightning :zap: storm going on in the back round, and a wand. I do like what you got so far. :wink::+1::facepunch::ok_hand::sunglasses:


He dont need no wand, he needs a pimp staff.