Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

Here we go 41 days. I suppose if you wanted more amber you go a few more, but it’s pretty sufficient at 41. This is truly representative of Crippy. I believe this one has the thickest crust of all 3. There’s barely any trimming to do, maybe tips and larger leaf. Has a smell that knocks you back like ammonia does. I will say this one is a real color bomb. For those of you who have my BX1 this is like it with the crust and color appearance :star_struck: Anyway time to get busy and very sticky :joy:



I’m amazed at just how fast this is. Looking forward to growing it and mildly nervous to experience what true power it contains.

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It already makes me wet at the top of my forehead smelling it so this one is intimidating


Out of what you’ve crossed of these which is your personal favorite?

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Interesting question…my jar’s always tells the tale of which is first to go empty, so far that jar is A2 BX2 getting to the lowest left.


Ok so it IS Xmas Bud lowers that are putting out full male flowers. It’s NOT the tops that have em. Best solution is lollipop. You can easily tell Xmas Bud from no color in leaf


Wow, 41 days…is that from light flip or signs of flowering? I know most breeder reviews favor the latter


Day of flip. Feb 8th is start date :wink:


Impressive :grin:


See the kicking ass and taking names hasn’t slowed down at all here!!
Congratulations on the new links, hope you get a ton of orders!!


Hey have of you thought of @ris growing up ganja he sells a lot of members gear. Just a thought.


Definitely not! I’m amazed how strong this potency is for so early. Yeah the links are really cleverly done. Guy did his homework as there’s certain language used that wouldn’t be possible without knowing how to describe ‘popcorn’ bud and benefits of smaller bud that leads the reader to click seed listing. It will take time to work so I’m not impatient to see immediate results :grin:


Yeah that could be an idea once a lot more are ready. I’m also thinking of joining North Coast Genetics


Well I’m finding seed health and size is drastically improving. Just pulled this off the lollipop plant. Also despite it being hit, I’m not seeing lowers at the base of splitting showing the male flowers, so yeah this is the best preventative and way to go, not the same as CripXmas lowers do. In this case it’s not as beneficial as diverting everything into tops since these are most prone. So BX2 plants are made for ideal lollipoping grows.

Anyway, I’m about to dust an TC A just about at peak. Last one is shortly behind. One TC B is about 2 weeks from being done, another needs its 2nd dusting today. Once those are past the window. Time to move A2 in to start as the reversal matures for pollen and RKS to follow after growing out some, so everything is moving along on schedule :grin:


Guess what I’m also doing…

Composting my previously used soil mix. I figure why keep throwing it away if I can reconstitute it to reuse

I added old carrots,rotten potatoes,rotten celery, rotten cooked chicken (just learned to leave meat out) old, cherry juice, rotten avocados, moldy bread. Mixed in my tea and BA water 1 gall, now I guess I just let it ‘cook’ :thinking:


Going in for a sample…

This is the heaviest I’ve ever seen. It’s pretty close to what the BX3 showed. Really amped the bag appeal.

Report back later :sweat_smile:

Pine gas bomb. 2 hits going strong for 2 hrs. At first I poured sweat from my forehead and a heavy eye, but then I had to do some cleaning but it was energizing me to get it done. Extremely dry mouth, classic cotton style. Can feel a little spacey at times, but overall there’s a lot of productive sativa qualities. This will be the for the gas lovers with sativa to it.


Just upgraded pre-veg space from 4 clip ons 96 watts each to 2 clips and 1 hanging 200 watt Fecida


28.2 grams. This pheno is the A BX Cripxmas, so you can get the same plant from the seeds I’m holding that I’ll never give out :smirk:Get this plant in one of your seeds, and you’ll understand why. I have my A BX1 almost ready to dust and I’m going to use NL2. She grows a bit taller than I want but numerous branches/sites. Could be heavy producer with NL2 added in, has that same frost, colors and smell, especially the smell will be the prime indicator you have her.


These cuts will be just as popular as the seeds. I think everyone’s going to want clones since you hunt so well. Looks frosty.


Oh yeah, I expect BX pheno’s to be popular for the diesel fans out there, so it’s not just for the pine lovers. I manage to “find” certain plants out of the ordinary from few seed. I know it’s luck but it’s weird how it keeps happening again and again. I suppose I’ll run out eventually :joy: