Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

I’d quibble and say it’s statistics, but ‘at the end of the day’ it’s all just 'fun with numbers"… :wink: :+1:



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I’m gonna change lettering to lime green, but I like it way more than last. Maybe a little more spikey trichomes on the bud :thinking:


The purple with the current lettering border washes out the text, making it hard to read. Everything looks good otherwise.


I’m having that changed to a lighter green, do you think that will work ?


Lime green should make the letters pop more.


Bad news I’m afraid. I think TC A is turning hermie from the intersex… I’ve found way more male flowers down along bottoms now, and this is a first. Previous clones didn’t do this. Single nanner wedged in the cluster is always what it’s been. Idk, I may scrap the seeds. Won’t feel right putting out something from a plant that’s turning more unstable from what it did show. A few nanners, ok, but several full male flowers isn’t good :pensive: CripXmas isn’t like this thankfully and better to work from, plus I already have a A2 x TC A that’s so far sexually stable to do something with, so not a huge loss as it would have been earlier in the process. Definitely not an easy decision to scrap the seed and the mother if it’s taking a turn for the worst :expressionless:


That’s IT! I’ve had to do what MUST be done :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


What’s your X handle again? For your gear.



I just broke a TC A seed bearer in half with my bare hands and then in 4 riddled with pollen pods :rage:


Last TC A BX2

42 days DONE 2ft , so I was right none will be longer than 6 weeks, and the mature seed I’ve found proves it. I think scrapping the TC A for the first TC A BX2 and trying to stabilize it with CripXmas is going to be the best way to go forward. I think I’m going to get the A2 bearers started on flip. The reversal is getting closer to opening now


Great job. Love the colors and speed


Well that’s the end of TC A and B 🪦 RIP Oct 21’-March 23’ 🫤

I’m gonna let the Bs finish out in the bathroom so I have seed of it and maybe there will be a lucky find in the BX2, but until sex is stable no more TC BX2 will be sent out. I’m pulling the 2 listings off Strainly, so those of you that have it consider yourselves lucky. Definitely without question strip the lowers off. IF you like a particular plant this is probably going to be the only work around to keep it among other flowering plants…


Wow! That Bruce guy is a MENTAL patient sending me over 62 small mgs, even had someone place a fake order and I wasted 8 bucks to pay a BTC fee for them to chastise me! What does this guy not understand, and I’ve shown you all what TC does with this intersex trait, yet he REFUSES to accept any responsibility. So he’s going to continue to sell Tampa Crippie in unstable seeds. I’m leaving Strainly as a result. I’ve paid 99 bucks for 3 orders for the whole month, so I’m not seeing it as something as a cost benefit. It’s a shame, as I thought this could work good, now I have doubts unfortunately :expressionless:


What about selling on GLG or Multiverse? They should offer you a good deal since you fill a niche.


I’ll look into it. They decided to ban me, and say my CripXmas genetics are unstable and side with Sunshine, but you all know the truth as I’ve been transparent as I’ve went along growing out the seeds. So Strainly is :poop: in my mind. It’s funny I heard a lot left the platform after they switched to BTC and I’m tried of buying BTC, losing money every time to pay their fee ON TOP of 99 pro plan that’s done absolutely nothing. Talk about being bilked :roll_eyes:

Never trust Strainly


I need to get me some crippy and experience what all the RAGE is about :slight_smile:


That is going to be Strainly‘s loss bro :sunglasses:, you are above that BS. Don’t look :eyes: back or second guess yourself for a minute. We all got faith in what you are doing. The proof is in this incredibly informative thread 🪡. The information that has been provided all along this journey is documentation of your findings and journey good, bad, or indifferent. Has always stated the facts. You are a stand up act! :clap::clap::clap::tophat::ok_hand::facepunch::+1::wink::sunglasses::v:


Ok folks, I’ve decided it’s in my best interest to take a break from social media/forums for a week or so. I may decide NOT do seed sales when I return and only grow and share work. I think this may be too cutthroat for my liking and that’s not me. Someone here said to me and it continues reverberate in my mind “no good deed goes unpunished” and I must ask where do I stop doing this to myself when I shouldn’t… see you all in April :relaxed: Post as normal, I’ll catch up


We’ll be here waiting for your return man. As you can tell we all appreciate the efforts you’ve put forth to achieve what you have already. If you need anything honestly just send a msg or call if thats what’s needed. We’re here to support ya


Ignore them. Thank you for your breeding work. When my Tampa pops, I will update everyone. Soaking now and waiting. Take a nice break @OriginalDankmaster96 we appreciate your honesty and passion for the plant. Nice strains you created I will grow and smoke them all. Also share them with friends.