Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

@OriginalDankmaster96 I’ve read through your whole thread. They don’t have an appreciation for everything you’ve put into this strain. If I can help let me know.


finally one of the two. I got impatient and stuck two Tampa in the pot and this must be the first one I lost. I think it got buried all the way at the bottom during the soaking. So now I wait for the other one and get another pot. Perfect


I am still recovering from what’s known as Anticholinergic toxicity being prescribed Oxybyturin for urinary urgency, I suffered extreme agitation, anger, emotional detachment, brain fog, dizziness, lethargy, loss of appetite.

Smoking cannabis with this is my system caused me to flip out and meltdown as autistics do when all the stimuli becomes overwhelming. Having a girl on X keep asking to pay more BTC twice for the logo ($77) and then the straw that broke the camels back was finding all the male flowers appearing on lower branches on TC A.

I became accustomed to having just the single nanner, no big deal but this TURN is telling, and we’re not talking about multi generational cuts. I replace mothers after they get too overgrown in height at about 6-8 months, so TC’s were replaced 3 times from original seed mothers and you see that’s not many generations to have drift. So only 3 generations to turn full hermie tells you it TURNS UNSTABLE.

My review simply said don’t ignore the issues and go back to stabilize the line, improve seed health but instead he gets all bent out of shape and sicks his cohort and Strainly owner on me that I’m to blame. He clearly is incensed for anyone to use ‘Tampa Crippy’ calling their work polyhybrids. I’ve told him CripXmas is not your work any longer but he went on and on I’m selling unstable polyhybrids blaming him for unstable sex and he’s got all the dirt on me and my lies, and he’s going to get Strainly to ban me because they’ll side with him.

HE is the one that doesn’t disclose or put the disclaimer of intersex trait in description and clearly we know now the intersex LEADS to eventuall turning to hermaphrodite. I’m transparent to disclose BOTH TC and Xmas prone expression that do this. Of course he made a remark I caught “we don’t warranty our gear” and I was like WTF so he’s admitting there’s problems and refusing to address it. This is a professional breeder ? Nah not to me! I told him he lost respect from me for this plant taking a TURN cause that shouldn’t happen if it’s stable, am I right ?

Anyway, I have DOCUMENTED the truth about Tampa Crippy on this thread contrary to whatever counter argument he could come up with. Also reading other buyer/seller experiences told me Dankmaster is far from the only one that “called” out Strainly from shadey “covering” they get from the owner and banned telling truth of poor quality and not as advertised. Some of them are definitely in bed together! Sunshine rep for live rooted clone sending is horrible to boot. I’d beat his quality of delivery any day for LESS cost!

MOVING ON, CripXmas fem and F4 is my main focus, also we have CripXmas to TC dwarf ; cuts of those are taken and now close to rooting. And the other TC A BX2 which is pretty similar. I think it’s best to reserve that F3 CX A pollen and back cross that plant to begin stabilizing sex. The GOOD news is the reversal is in full male development now, so it’s on for the RKS to CripXmas and A2 S1. I just hope timing isn’t off. I’ve got the bearers 3 days in.

I appreciate @OhNo555 @MikeyMeteor @Gadarien @Fortman420 (youll get it, don’t worry :wink: ) encouragement to stay the course and let it wash over. I don’t consider Strainly a big loss, cause I’ll take my CripXmas line and the next one "taste the 90’s"to places like Craft Breeders, North Coast Genetics, maybe GLG if it’s reasonable negotiation price a seed. Rest assured I won’t be giving it away for next to nothing to any seed resellers.

Good to see you got one going @MikeyMeteor :grin: Can’t wait to see it GROW :seedling:


Good news brother! Glad your not throwing in the towel on all your hard work.


Keep the truth and keep moving forward. Appreciate the update and glad your starting to feel better


Anyone that has followed along this thread knows the work and passion you have for this project. Pay no attention to the naysayers. And, most importantly, take care of yourself. :v:


Spoken like a true warrior, fight on bro :sunglasses: we are all behind you. This is only a battle, the ultimate goal is to win :trophy: the war and you are doing just that! HELL YEAH! :clap::clap::clap::facepunch::+1::wink::ok_hand::sunglasses::v:


Thanks everybody! I KNOW where my true friends are and NO place or FORUM can top OG fam :face_with_raised_eyebrow: The medication has a strong half life but it’s finally fading in the blood/brain barrier.

Anyway I just got a tumbler with thermometer :grin:


I can’t believe how many people complain how hard this was to put together, but some people can’t figure out interlocking puzzles either :face_with_monocle:


Let the good soil cook!!!


Hell yeah, that’s why I got one with temperature gauge, to KNOW that :poop: is cooking right


Dam, I have been looking :eyes: at those for a while now. You need to keep us post as to how well it works. :wink::ok_hand::facepunch::+1::sunglasses::v:


That’s nice! How much does it hold?

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@OhNo555 I certainly will show updates how it’s going :+1::facepunch::wink::pray: Pretty large too, still need to add lawn trash and clippings that usually is dumped. Although it’s a bit heavy with 10 gallons of old soil

@Kushking902 Hey there brother, nice to see you drop by. Think I found a potent RKS, definitely burnt rubber funk terps. Getting this crossed to CripXmas A is going to revamp it :ok_hand: Holds 43 gallons or 6.8 cu ft. I don’t think I’ll be putting anything else heavy, just light material otherwise it would be like rolling a 55 gallon drum on loose sand :joy::muscle:t2::hot_face:


Im always around brother, don’t always post as much as I used to but im never too far.
I had that burnt rubber smell show up during the co op, I never got around to digging back into them. You will have to keep me posted how the roadkill cripmas turns out :grin:


Not to be a party pooper but…., true “Skunk” smelled nothing like burnt rubber. It smelled like a skunks ass/spray


Hmmm perhaps “funk” could be interpreted similarly, Xmas does have dirty locker funk to it, and well that’s ‘ass’ odor to me. It does have a stink brother, I can assure you of that!

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If you ever really want to know what it smelled like go yo Walmart sporting good area and buy skunk cover scent. PS… I was referring to the “skunks ass”. No human funk.


I agree with that. We were just talking about one of the phenos that show up in the rks co op beans.


Just for the sake of conversation, 30 years ago the description of pot smells was incredibly crude. Take the burnt rubber smelling weed to a non smoker and see how it’s described

Sorry for your recent setback @OriginalDankmaster96


Thanks @Emeraldgreen I have a little more to share in regards, but not right now and it will be an eye opener once I reveal how easily you can lose money that can NOT be returned back :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

@Smooth So I decided to take my grove bag with RKS A well cured now but almost gone, and breathe in and out, and here is what I get, yes the burnt is there, but it’s sour and putrid. I get the same reaction on my crinkled face as I smelled something offensive, so if that’s not it I guess not exactly skunk but it definitely has burnt, sour, rotten (maybe sulfur) and putrid odors :skull_and_crossbones: