Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

Sounds skunkish. I describe it as …acrid, pungent,and a bit of Sulphur type smell.


Yes, I can go with that, acrid because it’s how the sense of smell works and, and even though we WANT those nasty odors, the nose reacts and tells the brain STOP and get back


Yup, I just rolled one and the flavors are all combined into acrid, it’s almost grotesque. Here my face holding it in


:joy::joy::joy::joy: that says it all


I tend to agree, the face and nose never lie :relaxed:


The stuff back in the day had a unique taste. Not offensive at all. I liked the taste of it and sure many will agree.


I didn’t say I didn’t like the taste brother. I’m showing you my reactions holding in the smoke. I don’t like C99 rotten terp, but this is different and it has cool mint, but definitely sour and acrid mixed in. I believe it’s a perfect fit for CripXmas and be far better in the end


Another update on my Island Crippy.
Her buds are dense! Colas are not giant, but lime-sized buds on top with marble and golfball size buds below.
Touching a sugar leaf, her resin is very sticky like glue. Very different to her Blockhead neighbor in the same tent (has greasy resin)

Smells are still pinesol. But after touching, a few minutes later a subtle skunky citrus comes through.
Good stuff!

She’s at week 6 today.
Hairs are turning a little orange.


Very nice :+1: It’s definitely more Corn than Maui from what I’m seeing, the one difference is it’s sturdy structure that I don’t see using stakes to hold up so I know the goal has been met here. Glad you’re liking how the terps are melding to the senses. It gets heavier in the final weeks, so strap in for :eyes: popping sugar glaze. Size may get bigger in final weeks, I noticed bigger buds at 7-9 weeks, but I think it will finish no more than 8 weeks

See how they lean even with 3 stakes for support and you have Island Crippy with none :face_with_monocle:


Strainly’s migration to using BTC payment is a sore disadvantage to a seller. ANYONE newly signed up can hit the buy button on the listing, with no intention of completing, just to ask questions. Seller has to click the message thinking its a sale, then a pay roughly 10% BTC fee pops up in the middle of the screen. IF you don’t have BTC or enough, you must buy it for a fee, often you have to buy more than actual satoshi amount says you need to pay because of the fee. Once you pay, the message opens up.

The person on the other end ‘can’ ask lots of questions and then have 2nd thoughts… They ‘could’ have contacted first on the profile, but not everyone thinks it through and this buy button is how they ask the questions, but they have no idea a fee must be paid to start the messaging there. Sure there’s a report button after a week, but Strainly returns NO BTC back. You’re OUT that fee.

Someone can pretend to be a buyer who’s a hater, with the intent of vindictive harassment WITH NO WAY TO BLOCK it! They tricked you as a legitimate customer beforehand and you’re OUT the fee again.

$99 pro plan a month doesn’t keep listings in front, they fall back 10-20 pages most of the duration so you pay for little time at the top. Any update takes over 12 hrs to approve. Longer than dating sites must mean it’s minimally staffed. Strainly makes you think your listing are being seen automated by their algorithm at prime times, but they’re NOT. I’ve studied it to see where I’ve fallen to!

I’m very disappointed, it’s a deceptive service and totally dependent on a ‘honor’ system and well you know what they say about thieves, so there ya go :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

After I saw how someone was sent by Sunshine to infiltrate me after paying the fee, I immediately realized this is BAD and UNSECURED and started closing listings. Of course I was accused of hiding and hightailing it, but this notion of paying BTC though blind trust rife to be swindled finally sealed it.

I was done BEFORE Strainly wanted to be the star chamber in this matter and that’s exactly what happens, charged and executed! I told them to DELETE me before they levied the ban. What Sunshine did was the lowest I’ve seen anyone in seeds stoop to!

@OhNo555 nothing is worth getting seed out for little coin at the expense of tyranny masquerading as a trustworthy platform that disrespects and censors truthful criticism when called for and should be public.

I made it public because he can’t ignore it, as with a PM sent that can be easily dismissed.

As I’ve explained Strainly can take your BTC but you’ll never get it back from them after it’s sent. You can ask but they won’t respond. That’s the point. They don’t have to send any BTC back. Multiply that a few times happening and you’re losing money to them buying and paying BTC to line their pockets while getting few sales back. The fee should be taken AFTER a completed sale to protect a seller.

Ask yourself is Strainly about cannabis or the money from cannabis :thinking:The answer should be evident enough mandating BTC fee/sub payments :clown_face: This is my last post about Strainly. Caveat Venditor :face_with_monocle:


Can’t like that one. What a terrible experience, unfortunate to say the least. Keep on doing what you’re doing @OriginalDankmaster96, there are plenty of folks that appreciate it (myself included). Thank you.

Soon enough I’ll be getting some of them piney babies wet to see what we can come up with in some octopots. :green_heart:


That sucks, but isn’t surprising. Another member here left for unspecified reasons. I suspect it’s related to this


That’s OK brother, I need people to understand what’s behind the curtain, and I have learned people are reading outside this forum. Soon I’ll be able to take my namesake to a reseller with proven credibility and ethics backing the seed I offer, and that will have value alone with all the unscrupulous practices going on. I know there are way more people out there that appreciate the work I’ve done, trying to disclose truth than conceal it. That probably earns me more respect rather than deny or brush it off as not a problem. Anyone can read what I left in public and decide if that’s treatment they want from the platform. I believe others have mentioned it as a sinking ship, so I suspect it will be replaced in time by a better platform

I’m looking forward to seeing your starts :grin:

The BTC bit was getting to be a drag, then I started noticing loopholes and how the platform was operating and it was taking more money out to buy and pay the fee, but breach of security and trust is what stopped all listings, Sunshine did NO FAVORS for this platform, as that is of utmost importance and that proves YOU can’t TRUST when a msg for a buy comes in, and that is EVERYTHING full stop! Who wants to be part of a platform that doesn’t protect YOUR SECURITY

When life hands you the lemons :lemon: YOU make lemonade :tropical_drink:and Sunshine isn’t going to look too bright when I make CripXmas the preferred line over Tampa Crippy in due time. Once people realize CripXmas is the real breeders materia to usel, Tampa Crippy will become an AFTERTHOUGHT. This will be the new stable Crippy line and when most agree it’s better, Sunshine can pound sand for all I care. That’s how I’m going to WIN :smirk:

Now the reversal has a large amount of pollen pods, so it’s going to quite the haul when done. I’ve already prepared my grinder screen. I saw someone here dried them in grinder teeth and collected in the kief catch. Might get a small grinder just for that alone. The plant that I spayed diluted silver, full strength and even STS on is done. Nothing happened, so I consider it strong resistance to turn. I’m drying the bud now, normally if I saw any adverse effects I’d toss, but it’s completely fine in appearance

I’ve got the 3 RKS cuts growing now from pre-veg, so everything is moving along. Suffered slightly being under the medication, over watered a bit just to keep things alive but getting back to normal health. I have 4 CripXmas A to plant as I’ll be making that F4 a large batch to offer. Probably take Corn cuts and do a large batch of IC, since that’s showing exactly what I wanted. When it’s all said and done I’ll have 4-5 offering, perhaps I’ll inquire about OG sponsorship and do discounted sales for OG fam only :face_with_monocle: It’s definitely worth considering an option

A2 failed reversal plant finished buds

A2 reversal and pollen harvesting


Presto, and now we have the pollen, which I’ll dry very well before being put in smaller vac loc bags. There’s a lot per day to pick off, so it’s going to accumulate quickly from here

Wow, first female pollen and it was successful. It’s weird the treated plant I tested way back that was Chocolate Haze didn’t make full pollen pods like this so I was turned off by these nanners I had pull out of calyxes. So I’m wrong Hybri X Elite DOES a full male flower like any normal male plant. Now that I know how to do it, things are gonna start to get very interesting from here :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Very nicely done! :clap::tophat::clap::tophat::clap::tophat::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::blush::wink::+1::facepunch::ok_hand::sunglasses::rabbit::v:


Island Crippy runt again.
Shes only just going into week 7 of flower… But she is already starting to get a fair amount of amber trichomes! She’s A very early finisher!
Side branches are also starting to droop under the weight of the buds. They are DENSE!

She’s still bulking up a bit, but quickly coming to the end. She may get chopped next weekend. :drooling_face:


Well dang, I guess I was right about that Maui faster flowering. I had a strong suspicion during collecting that’s what would show. I’m 2 for 2 on faster flowering males now. She looks amazing :star_struck: 2 weeks earlier than normal Corn. I’ll bet you’ll be running it again :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Just starting to put together a little something…


New update

I also have inquired about sponsorship from admin


Wishing you all the best on your new endeavor! :clap::tophat::+1::facepunch::ok_hand::partying_face::sunglasses::rabbit::v:


I think it will be better and easier to go direct. Last guy told me he found me associated to pine terps in Google searches, so I’m out there already. I’m planning it all out for May launch :pray::+1::clap:t2: Just gotta get ‘all clear’ from Joe and pay sponsorship. Then I’m good to go to have direct links anyone outside can go to :money_mouth_face: