Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

My has time passed, but instead of posting tiny bits of growth, I decided to wait. My focus has been concentrated on getting rid of stubborn biofilm that has ruined 2 rounds of cuts. Considering what happened last time, I’m trying to wait until I get 1 back up each. I originally bought rapid rooters, but my first time w those didn’t go well in the grow room so I thought what a waste. I think you need inserts but I just got 2 bags of 50 trying to figure out how to stand them up. They don’t have flat bottoms and a slotted tray doesn’t help them to stand up right…I just put them in the drawer and went to aero cloning, which for the most part worked well most of the year, until it doesn’t… so I decided to try the rapid rooters while I multi step sanitizing cloner, and I did better. Found some flat bottom food containers to set on the tray. Also decided to try root powder for the first time, Hormex #8, which I think may be better. Anyway I don’t think my time will be in vain. Cuts don’t wilt when dome is off for awhile, so I may be closer to starting after all

Let’s start off with a group pic

(A to C left to right)

Now individual


You can see this one does not resemble the TC, and the variegated Xmas trait shows up. This why I suspected it is a stronger Xmas expression and had my eye on. Good structure not the thickest branches, like B. It’s interesting it shows more sativa than indica, like C


This one by far has the largest fan leaf and thickest stems, though I’m a bit disappointed in its structure being irregular, unlike the other 2. Other than top parts, which I’ve topped twice, the growth structure under is poor. Still I need to see what it does as that’s just one aspect


What can I say about this one… She’s mostly sativa. It’s less Indica than A. Definitely indicative by the thinner branching. To be fair I’ve had to cut a few times taking clones, But you can see the structure is similar to A. She seems to be developing a decent amounts of top branches.

The NL2 male

I’ve seen some good males, but this one is different. On closer inspection he is very close to flipping naturally in maturity. There is zero stretch here! Other than a little bit of defoliation underneath, this plant has done its own thing. No deficiencies and no problems, I see a lot of potential. As I keep saying I can’t keep it watered enough…

Once I see the cuts have rooted, it’s time to begin. Stay tuned


Extreme Xmas variegated and deformity…I saw a little in the predecessor, but now it’s by double. Seemed to increase w the 2nd topping, but has exploded in shoots




Thickest stems and biggest fans. The 2nd topping has given a bit more shape


Same for this one. Better shape after 2 toppings, but for a mostly sativa, she got short nodes


It is as I said, he’s going regardless if I’m ready or not. I have one more batch of cuts (2 each), but if they fail I’m going forward w the pollination. Obviously it takes time for pollen to really starting dropping so I’ll still have another shot during stretching for cuts if need be. I’m hoping a new pump allows me to finish without having to try again. I’ve done everything possible but replace the pump :man_shrugging:

Growth is finished. He is 31”

It’s starting without photoperiod switch…



Starting to grow out of the deformities, though variegated color still remains. The last pinching really shaped this plant better than the other 2.


This is the girthy of the 2. Very thick stems and trunk


C Most sativa pheno, but surprisingly compact growth. The auxiliary branching is also very short, similar to that of its mother.

Oh yeah, almost forgot… I got one girl from the 3 original TC x Xmas

After multiple times of trying cuts, I think I may be close. Seems like a high BA rez might be the ticket. In my case sterile at first, then gradually altering chemistry.

And he’s dropping…

This will probably be the largest collection of pollen. I mean look how dense it is from the others I did. Like twice the branching…


Oh I should update the PTK :

Unfortunately 2 months of curing has NOT improved flavor. The potency is good but the floral flavor is hard to stand. Only the latter half of the roll is palatable. The mother is gone. One clone finishing up. And that’s the end of PTK…what a waste :roll_eyes: The jar just sits there, while Crippy is demolished per day



Lowers just dusted now…


It is TIME to do this, and I’ll show ya why it’s definitely TIME. I’m still unsuccessful w rooting one of each in the cloner. I have a few more left in there w myco and 1/32 tsp Physan 20 now. Brown algae is insidious. It looks like marks, then holes begin in the tissue until it damps off. I’ve had to think of everything, even a newer light as possible cause being too much and go back to an older dimmer clip light. My last ditch effort will be old school, RW cubes. I’m soaking cut stems in Physan 20 too in darkness… I’m hoping RW is the saver as I would rather have the original plants, but seed insures forward progress regardless. May you never have this pathogens/organism, and it’s not rot/fungus. Classic rot symptoms but so benign. You have to take a flashlight to see the stem and it’s barely visible w naked eye. It’s constant inspections, but it’s so fast, most cuts don’t make it past a week. Here let me show you

See the brown and tiny holes…

Well as I said it’s time to start and the grapes are big w this one. Very good signs, so I’m positive about the potential. I think you’ll agree

The 3 have joined the tent to start. Since this is the project continuation, I’ll probably do the diary/ updates here so it’s chronological

The NL2 seed plant will join them too. I already have a new clone mom, and I learned w this one, she needs to be pinched twice, maybe a 3rd to get branching going since it’s so short.

I’m thinking I’ll take 3-5 testers for each phenotype. The tester can choose which phenotype they want to run. That way each phenotype can be shown to its true potential. These are thoughts instead of mixing all together

Anyway strap in and anticipate shortly after the New Year to start grows.



Yes they are getting that heavy and dense already and weight won’t keep them upright…


Wow already past week 1

Everything going well, however I got fooled by C and has revealed to be a male. Not hermie. Now that one is male, I’ll take a newly vegging TC A clone and BX again. So if these two aren’t to your liking, you can opt for the double backcross to test. B has bean stalks for stems and trunk. Very little stretching too. A still variegated, but has thickened branching and bushier profile though it does show sativa dom. My guess is many more medium size nuggets. Even though C is a male, it’s short nodes and cola structure will help the TC to fill out more spaces in its top bud. The one thing these aren’t showing is the Mag deficiency and twisty leaves. Both TC do that except for selfed version. The fact I didn’t get a herm tells me there’s more stability. Anyway, it looks like it will be both ways now.




All 3 underneath


And the new TC A x Xmas fem. She’s been topped twice and most of the laterals too, except very bottom, which I’ll take cuts from later

And the stud. The other 2 pale in comparison to density of clusters and the weight is bending the tops and main top down. He is a sight to behold. The amount of pollen just starting is ridiculous


Well folks, I think I finally got both and just in time


A doesn’t come out of its cube w tug…


Glad to see you are getting some great progress with this project @OriginalDankmaster96 and it’s just crazy how different the 2 phenos are in the CG x Xmas Bud this time and I will update pics after lights come on but


Tonight’s activity was pollen harvesting and screening

I did your bag @DrGonzo13

And here’s what’s left, not to mention what’s still to drop.

It’s crazy how much sticks and when you scrape from the outside to the center the dust just piles into lines…

You know what I also do too…test stamen flowers…report later…


Well, today was the reveal… stem scratch and flower pinch confirms it. Both are from PTK pollen and not Xmas. So it is TC x Xmas x PTK. Now I don’t know how it will develop later. I’m picking up apple and mint. I’ve said the PTK is flowery/slightly piney smoked, and I’m picky about how PTK smokes from TC and it doesn’t work TBH. The buds will be massive from the stems on B, and the nodes are tight on the A. Good thing I have a new TC x Xmas fem ready for the NL 2 too, but this time I’m not flowering until I have a rooted clone growing. Anyway, I may decide to pollinate 1/2 of each so I can see what some unseeded buds smoke like and then report my findings if there’s balance from parent to hybrid. We’ll have to see. I can still share out the seed, but I may consider it a wash if terps don’t blend properly.


I started thinking about the Xmas C pollen…is it actually still viable ? I know I tried to use on the self TC lowers, but I’ve said these particular plants mutate their seed, don’t directly fertilize calyxes and have intersex. So I got to thinking about testing it on the NL 2 lowers. I decided to open the sealed bag and take a look. I had a tiny corner open on the pollen bag, and a cloud of dust shot out. Well that said to me it’s dry and can float airborne, so no caked up. Appears to be silky running. All these are good signs but don’t prove viability ; I gotta say it’s easier to pollinate at night or lights off, with a flashlight, can see the dust floating as you move from site to site. So I decided to grab the NL 2 and dust all the small lowers w few swabs of the Xmas C pollen. This is mostly a viability test, but this could be something different aside from TC BX’s and hybrids, but I am thinking of non linear paths to the goal. Example is TC A x NL 2 and perhaps cross it to NL 2 x Xmas if that works better. There may be a handful of spots to those interested. First though making sure it takes and then a guesstimate on how many bracts blew up. Let’s see what happens. :crossed_fingers:t2:


Week 2


I’ve done a little more scratch/pinch smelling, and what I’m picking up is more forestry than from B. So my hopes are higher for A. Also note the tight node formation. THIS is what I’m talking about when I said what I want for structure. This indicates to me minimal stretch. Some of the axial lowers did stretch, but it’s better for lowers than tops. The flower clusters are a bit small, but the formation will be full. Maybe thinner, but as long as it’s mostly pine-mint-gas terps, it can be worked. Judging by the NL 2 I think that may do just that.


Really looks great, but I’m disappointed it’s more PTK in odor. Hopefully it works. The plant it’s self I don’t have critiques. Minimal stretch and excellent structure It could end up better than I’m thinking. This one does have the elephant trunk/branches going for it. That’s about it though for now.

Mid week I’ll dust a branch with 2 tops each. I think this should be enough seed for those who want to try it and I’ll have enough unseeded to know if the buds are what I want

NL 2

This one is building quite a mass of tops from its 2 nd topping. Minimal stretch. I’ve taped a branch from the lower and hit it w live NL 2 pollen. Now, I can see a year + of storage vs live. The good news is BOTH taped and untaped show that burnt/singed tip. Now for the receding and swelling…

TC A x Xmas

The 2nd topping has changed this plant drastically. It’s exploded in opposite phyllotaxy branching. I’ve further topped just under the mains to growing a dense profile. After I get a clone rooted, I’ll put it in a 1 gall bag (maybe I’ll get an air pot) no mix at the bottom and completely burying the stem up to the base of the branching.

NL 2 male

Well he’s past peak bloom. The weight has lifted so now the tops are getting lighter. It’s probably close to being done dropping, however there’s a shit ton to scrape and filter. It’s far more than my last pic :flushed:

Oh yeah, my stamen smoke report : burnt leaves at first, but 1/2 way gets smoother, bit of pine. Not like Xmas, similar but less. Got some kick. If I was hard up, I could get relief :joy:


WoW that’s a lot of work and I just read twice and I have a third read coming but I’m glad to see things are coming along nicely for you and I have been wondering about the way to properly store pollen and I can’t wait to see what these have to offer… hope you had a great Turkey Day

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@DrGonzo13 It definitely keeps me busy juggling everything. Such as the life of a grower/budding breeder

So today is the day. I’ve covered what I don’t want pollinated w freezer bags over tops. It’s good timing too, the male is starting to die off. I’ve collected 4 large pollen bags. There’s more to scrape, so I’ve definitely got a haul. So far the Xmas test sites show the same as the taped NL does. Feels solid and hard. I’m hopeful to see a more confirmed sign in the swollen bracts in the coming weeks

Everything underneath too…


Honestly I think it’s gonna be something special in these and glad to hear that you were able to get a good amount of pollen aka MAGIC DUST and I can’t stop looking at the pictures of the NL 2 that is absolutely beautiful and the structure is very nice but wow I guess you are getting a lot of pollen from him holy moly!.. can’t wait to see how it goes and I have a good feeling about the NL 2 x Xmas and I really hope the TC x Xmas and I have no clue how I didn’t notice u were using a photo fem cross?.. did you reverse them?.. getting ready to try and hit a auto fem with some hope to get a few seeds but always good reading and fun to see what cooking LoL Happy Growing The Doc

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You called it! No one else has, not even myself and If these pics don’t say exactly that, I don’t know what does or will. This EARLY note the heavy sugaring of A :yum::flushed:

I just dusted again what didn’t catch and is new, so plenty of seed to come. And oh the smell that comes is just like her mother sweet pine and mint :+1::heart_eyes:

Get excited folks, @DrGonzo13 is seeing it and it’s surprising. I didn’t expect to see sugaring like it’s the 5th week

Already dreaming of a white out Xmas :christmas_tree:


Now that’s a beautiful site to think of @OriginalDankmaster96 White Winter and Xmas tree! Well done and way to stay at it and I am excited about it and mostly I’m really excited for you because I know that it’s been an ongoing project for the past few years and I think it will be a huge confidence boost for the big push and for a strong finish… sweet pine and mint​:drooling_face::+1:t2:


Gee wiz, get off your butt and do something why don’t cha… lol. What a read thru brother… Hey, on your cloning issues, do you make your final cut 45* thru the center of the node, rotate it 180 degrees and shave that side slightly to expose an area for roots to shoot out of. My success rate went to 90%… Dip n Grow too… or nothing… I used to look for strains that would not wilt as cuttings not being in a humidity dome.

I like your sharing pollen, I think more growers should do this vs seeds… especially if you find terpenes that are desirable and hard to find… Pine used to be in the great skunky stuff from Humboldt Mtns back in the late 70’s. and it had this menthol feel on exhale… lime green, purple hairs… mmmmMMMmmm

I’ve got 6 seeds of something called Pine 06 I cannot wait to run…

be well, stay safe…