Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

Week 3


The only thing to note is the rapid loss of larger leafs. The seeds are starting to form. Smells of slight pepper mixed in w mint. To me this plant has the node structure to build off, along w a dense gland production. We also have a new development…the male C is Xmas incarnate and lo and behold the stamens smoke nicely just like dad. This is how any grower would be able to tell if they have this male pheno. It’s clear the expression keeps appearing successively. I’ve already collected since learning and picked another branch to dust. So now there will be F2 of these parents in addition to 4 way cross


This one is way more profuse in clusters, and obviously larger and dense in size, however it’s not as dense in glands. It there, but not quite coming in like A. Still apple mint smell. It could work better than I expected or not at all. We’ll know soon enough

NL 2

Like B very profuse and rapid. The smell is coming off as pine and peppermint mix. I love the way it’s smelling. I’d say sweeter than Xmas. I’ve taken a close up of what appears to be the start of swelling ? It’s still hard to tell. I decided to do yet another viability test w the Xmas A, so we’ll see. I really hope I don’t have to pop a few more Xmas to get another male if it fails. And I’ve found a few nanners on the bottom ugh. As long as it’s a few I’m fine, but I’ll have to keep a close eye

TC A x Xmas

More bushier than last update. The branching on this one gets really intricate after 2 toppings. I think it’s slowing a bit now, but until I get a rooted clone I have to hold off on the bigger container. It is starting to get pencil thick stems, like I saw w the first plant

Thanks @Carty for the tip. I wasn’t aware about the back side of the cut scrape. I’ve just read to scrape stem between nodes. This particular issue is from transferring and contamination of products/measuring tools. In a nutshell it comes from sharing measuring spoons/shot glass from main grow area that were dipped in bottles of nutes and supplements. Also transferring by touch, so when this happens, nitrile gloves are necessary to stop spreading. I’m close to rooting a test clone now, so I’ll know soon if it’s fixed.

Yes, I agree good male pollen should be shared out as another way of preservation

Yes exactly, and to me this more palatable because it soothes the throat than burning it. So you’re saying pinene was more prevalent before inbreeding and hybridization…interesting.

Perhaps pine 06 should be married to Xmas or NL :thinking:

@DrGonzo13 Thanks man, it will be, it’s been quite a road to get here, and not exactly how I envisioned. Losing the first plant found that didn’t hermi only to find rouge seed from PTK in the buds, but in retrospect I’m glad I had it going to inadvertently preserve it. It’s been a little over a year now since starting (Oct/Nov 21) but still have a way to go to get to the end line I desire. I’m looking forward to seeing you get to grow those end results, but in the meantime you’ll help me decide what to do next from after this crossing :+1:


Beautiful scenery week five …holy pine sap :crazy_face:


Very nice work you have going on there. :grinning: :+1:


That’s a lot of nice sites and I think it never quite works out the way planned but like you said sometimes it’s for the best down the line but it sux when it doesn’t go the way you thought and it’s gonna be a good time upcoming @OriginalDankmaster96 so keep at it and those are some dense glands that is an interesting sounding smell profile need smell-o-vision LoL and I think it’ll be fun to see what is to be found in them & congrats on the Xmas Bud pheno c :+1:t2:


Would these Pine 06 help you with your project ODM96 ? I am the type to donate to a man involved with a project he’s putting in the time and effort on…
I also have a single seed found in a bud a buddy sent me from Hawaii. Said it was sitting next to a male PTK. Looks female to me. football point on one end, a butt on the other… studying feminized seeds I found this tale tale. and it’s on 90%.
What you need is a grip of 79xmas seeds… gave all mine out.

If I can help this move forward in the right direction, just hit me up ok… be more then happy to help… Carty


3 TC A x NL 2 popped and now planted

Remember what I said about no tail sprouts…it’s an identifier!

@Carty Thanks I like your idea and happy you want to contribute, and I am fully committed to seeing this to completion. I will let you know when to send them out and PM my addy. Won’t be until Feb. What I may do is start those w another round of Xmas to live pollinate, then I can send you a nice lot back. Perhaps inversely too, Xmas female to pine06 male.

Yes, I do think oval points are indicative of female. I do remember a few seeds I picked out like that were female at sexing. So there is something to shaped end points

Grip ? I’ll assume that means like a large lot. I’ve got 17 left and I don’t think CSI Humboldt is restocking so I feel grateful I’ve got the last remaining ones


Early test… small under bud broke stripping leaves 2 days ago. It’s dry now……she smells a bit peppery now, but the smoke is minty pine👍 This is an excellent indicator of terp dominance, and Xmas is definitely coming through successively and not specifically by different odors either, smells like one but smokes like the other.

Yes it’s mostly from A, only tiny bit of filler from TC A to get enough to roll

The original Xmas C pollen isn’t viable, however it’s not lost ironically in the current male pheno since the stamen smoke test just about matched the original. The fact the Xmas are smoother than the NL’s says you can most certainly discern strains differences in male flowers smoked. Even though it’s not desirable, I think there’s enough nuance to smoke them to detect for breeding advantages.

Anyway, w time closing, I’ve dusted the NL lowers again that didn’t take the Xmas C w the current Xmas pheno. I figure this gets Xmas in the NL lineage and another male pheno can be identified later to see how the NL melds. Although my taped Xmas A shows one took… Since it’s tests is similarly less than Xmas I think it will be in line w the profile I’m satisfied w, which I think when I get the new TC x Xmas ready I’ll hit that w the fresh NL stored dust, so it’s the 3 without PTK. I think having multiple paths insures there’s no dead ends. This is why even though I store pollen, I don’t rely on it and want back up options as I continue. There is a method to my madness :smirk:


That is a interesting update and I just had to read a few times and dammit the dabs are kicking my domes and it’s a total creeper my favorite… @OriginalDankmaster96 it’s gonna be a fun little hunt with these guys and girls involved to bad about the Xmas pollen from the one hope you get some viable pollen on the NL and it’s really nice taste profile and u can definitely tell the pine is present though!? Awesome! Happy Growing a Holidays


Week 4


Super sticky to the touch. She’s has slowed considerably, though it may be a fast finisher. I said her mother finished at 50 days. I spray cal-mag to an attempt to slow the yellowing. It’s funny, the clone growing doesn’t show the variegated leaves. Loaded w seed. There’s going to be plenty. Probably more than I expect


She’s starting catch up now in glands. Definitely nice size. Plenty of seed here too. The one trait this one has is a massive thick base and side branches. I believe it’s bigger than its mother. I will say this, it doesn’t appear to be PTK expression because Corn shows similarities to PTK in buds. One thing becoming more clear, Crippy is Pakistani linage

NL 2

Definitely packing it on. Seems to be yellowing faster now. Could be another fast finisher. Smell is sweet, slight fruit now. Doesn’t mean its taste will be the same considering the test of A isn’t spicy, though I think that indicates the strong sativa influence. I am noticing sporadic spots w seed that I didn’t dust…weird like the TC as even targeted areas didn’t take. I swear it seems like pollination today has low receptors, because back in the late 90’s I NEVER had a problem. A very minuscule amount made every calyx blow up after touched, and now not every one takes even re-doing it, hell even having a male dispersing in the air live pollen which again it wasn’t necessary to do back in the 90’s…hmmm I just wonder what these signs are leading to :thinking: Low fertility…

@DrGonzo13 It is a bummer the original pollen didn’t take or maybe I didn’t use enough, because originally when I collected I cut the pollen w flour to keep it dry and increase quantity. Perhaps I should consult w @PhilCuisine to learn how long term storage is done… the male I have left is F2 so it’s a Xmas expression of original. Yes I think NL 2 will be sweet pine like, but we will know soon enough. I don’t think I’m going to be sorely disappointed like PTK. Yes, will be quite a mix of phenos to hunt from after the NL, which I’ll be anxious and excited to see how it all plays out for those who are going to test run after the new year. Thanks, and I wish the same to you. Happy holidays to everyone at OG and thanks for following my journey through this project :wink:


Curiosity has struck…does B actually work ? I had to pull off a few tiny buds that didn’t get seeded. I figure rip those off and divert energy to the seeded parts. Well I got enough to roll and dried it. Just now I rolled it…

The answer is YES it will! The floral is gone. It’s now mint-gas-pine w melon notes. This mint of Xmas is becoming predominant… it’s as I hoped for, structural influence of PTK (branches) but minimal terps. I believe the melon is PTK and last flavor to pick up, so this tells me TC and Xmas still dominate. Also, I think flowering time will be under 49. The purpling has already started. Only G13 near 35 days started to mature and this one is giving me that indication of early maturation starting. If it all comes together right, could be the makings of something very special. Let us hope it does :yum::grin:


Wow that’s a lot of info LoL but I just reread it and that’s great to hear that you’re getting more seeds than expected on the one but that’s weird about the pollen chucking and the one’s that weren’t dusted have some. Unfortunately I don’t know enough about pollen chucking but yes I have some of his Bogglegum pollen from 12 years or so ago and it’s still viable but I wonder if it’s just the strain who knows like I mentioned I’m not experienced enough to have any insight that makes sense lol but I seriously look forward to seeing what you find in these and I am just curious to see what the NL brings to the party Happy Growing The Doc


What have I done…this is freaking INSANE :scream: Move over Romulan lol Seriously, look how developed the trichomes are at 33. This does indicate fast flowering, otherwise it would be later to be that developed. I may do 55 to insure full maturity



You may now proceed to drool on your keyboard :drooling_face:


Proceeding to​:drooling_face::drooling_face:33 that’s crazy how mature they are looking keep it up they really have me intrigued now not like I wasn’t before but even more now. It’s a Christmas miracle…but I just found out that Santa Claus isn’t real tell me this isn’t so!.. :sob:… Nice job with these Happy and healthy The Doc


Here is the thread @thepollock


Thank you for that


You get a chance to check this out


Week 5

Welcome @thepollock and @Stoner420

Yes Doc, it’s crazy to see this early, as most strains are still putting on growth clusters but I think one of the elusive traits is shortening flowering time, which would mean more harvests per year. Of course most faster flowering strains aren’t that potent as a trade off but these 2 is where it could be the big difference. Faster flowering AND potent. The fact the seeds are already maturing is a sure indicator female offspring will share this faster flowering time as both plants finish at about 50 days and 50 is the latter end so without seed, that window is really about 40-45. This isn’t something I expected to achieve so l consider it rare



Natural light shots

Clone variegation

The clustering is done. There’s no more bud growth happening, so what does that tell you. IF not seeded, technically it can be chopped, although it may be going through a small phase of air pump. Seeds are starting darken from green. Obviously, there is a trade-off here, for medium thin sticks covered in frosty marble nuggets that have a short flowering period, but shorter can mean high production potential too. Of course this isn’t my focus, it’s the combination of terps working together well that matters. For all intents and purposes this plant is Xmas, why can I say this…it’s not purpling like TC, in fact it yellows faster and that’s the variegation trait, which the clone growing now shows. I don’t know of any spicy peppery terpene in TC, and definitely not PTK. So it all points to Xmas bud. I am curious if the profile alters from a minty pine flavor to the spicy peppery one, or just continues to give off that odor but no matter the harvest window, still stays minty-pine. We shall see, I’d rather the latter be the turn out


Solid hard bud above where I’m holding :flushed:

Natural light

This one is going to yield. The density and circumference are about twice of TC. Rock hard. The glands are getting heavier, but isn’t quite like A. It’s purpling much faster. Also seems maybe a 2nd spurt of bud growth, though it’s maturing so it’s not going to be long lived. More conical PTK than stacked TC. Still smelling apples, pine and mint. We know an early test reveled melon, so based on that we know both plants don’t taste as they smell or in order from most to least, as it goes mint, pine and melon. That means PTK odor but Xmas terps dominate primary flavor of profile followed by TC. Odor will not automatically indicate the flavor or primary flavor in the female offspring going forward.

So it looks like A is the higher quality and shorter flowering but lower yielding pheno of Xmas, while B is a higher yielding and denser TC pheno also shorter flowering but slightly lower in gland ratio. I think the NL 2 is going to balance out the weaker traits in both phenos. I’m really looking forward to getting the test group on these rolled out first of the year so we can see how it all comes together and if this sequence of crossings actually works.


Natural light shots

I find it funny a member called @LonelyOC told me my plant is sick when it’s losing pigment to colder temps. It’s root bound but it’s not sick… Anyway, I’m leaning slightly fruit-peppermint in odor. Of course I’ve said it’s not indicative of flavor as other plants have proved that. Maybe a test in another week to see. The seed was later occurring and showing up more than I initially could see, so I was fooled big time by her. I will say it’s getting weighty too, so I suspect double the size upon finishing. I do think it has more time to go than the other 2 despite the purpling, which I think will be dark purple at finish. Not a slouch on the glands, a bit leafy but nice crusted bracts.

TC A x Xmas

You can see how bushy it got, yet stays compact. The mains are as thick as bamboo stakes now…. And what do we have here, yes that’s an almost rooted clone. Seemed to be the fastest in the cloner to get small protrusions but not a full strike, so I planted it and hoping it finishes and grows. Once I know it’s growing I’ll be repotting and we are going to see how this performs as a bigger plant


What an update! Looking great
Sounds like you are getting more than just the pine. Are you happy with the smell profiles that you are getting?


Glad you enjoyed it. Odors don’t match the early sample flavors, but I’d rather the flavors be consistent minty-pine and the odors be inconsistent if that makes any sense :wink: A has pepper-spice and some mint odor but smokes minty-pine , the B has apple, minty-pine and melon notes, but smokes minty-pine w melon note


The taste consistency makes sense to me.
Sounds like the lower yielding one is closer to your goal.
You said they finished fast also which sounds very good to me.