Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

The old school font looks sharp. Can you use that instead of the plain black lettering?

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I would have to have the temp image edited to add to it, which cost $10 for a week of Gencraft. Unlike the other which now is $82 spent. I don’t think I could do that myself, I could be wrong but I’m sure I’d have to pay for an editing/font app, but yeah the design with preview will look sharp with that font in a glowing green color against the black background. I actually wasn’t sure about style of lettering I wanted, but then I started to think about those puffier lettering “bubble” and ran across the old school graffiti starting to look at different fonts, I was like this is the font to use. I’m happy I didn’t have to comb through so many styles just not seeing what works, but it helps with you all letting me know what is appealing on screen not from my perspective too. :pray::ok_hand::clap:t2::relaxed:


Starting to grind up whole buds once dried, now I’m getting the mother lode of pollen but all in good timing with the 3 RKS for next week.

Today I’ve done the larger RKS plant. Even though I back off last week, it did get hit, so seed is already developing. She definitely has a sour stink about it too brushing pollen, it really hits the nose once the odor starts releasing :skunk:


Alright we’re going to do another poll on the bud to be used

Which bud image is best to use
  • Bud image #2
  • Bud image #7

0 voters

Image #2 uncropped

Image #7 uncropped

Once I get a read on this poll, I’m going to put the order in for the work


I did not vote since you were asking about the buds. However, in the second image, all the feature of his face, the reflection on the glasses and the shading on the wrinkles look pretty awesome! Of the different renderings that face looks pretty rad. Nice work :+1:

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Thanks for the compliment. I failed art in 7th :laughing: Yeah it was starting to put together what I wanted with each detail described, but it would mess up colors and tones. I mixed 3D style with amazing details model or hyper-realistic. I kept saying glowing green text but it just wouldn’t do anything clear enough to read legible, also it washed out the face. It COULD have been a good temp had it not been for the colors, but no generation is ever repeated. I remember it took just about all of the early evening until just about 2am to get to a useable image I could put text on myself and not waste more paid time to open store for 4/20. Maybe I’ll use it again to develop a CripXmas logo before it expires :christmas_tree::wink:


Well I was extremely lucky to get those images, I’m getting major filters trying to do another. In fact my generations reference says it’s the image doesn’t abide by content standards :roll_eyes: Wow what dammed year are we living in that AI generated cannabis art isn’t allowed :rage:


A BX1 moderately successful pollination of NL2, but like its TC parent every calyx doesn’t take. It could be in a room full of floating dusts for hours and not take. Decided to bud like the S1 too hmmm :thinking: I did a lot stripping by hand, plucking mostly the head and stripping the small off the little branches. Even though entirely popcorn my whole tray was filled at the end and bending when lifted up. I’ll probably use these as my 2-3 bonus seeds with order.

Gave the CX B a second round today


Random TC B x BX2 germination test


Just managed to get 3 cuts of the CH D x Xmas in the cloner. So we have this to look toward to after seed run.

Speaking of, A2 already starting to mature. Looking nice, unlike TC

But can can you see apparent seed like A2 :thinking: See how different the pollination is…


Its quite the difference of how it shows. Only time will show what the seed productive ratio will be.


Seed from the TC BX2 is twice as large and far darker, so I can definitely tell ya it’s far better at producing normal seed than TC



Time to winter it for a few weeks and get them growing :slight_smile: :fire:


Possibly, I believe it came from the rouge male flowers , so I’m unsure where. But could be a good test to see if 2 are female or turn hermie. That will tell if sex in the BX2 offspring is improving in stability.


Always learning lessons


Ok order is now submitted. It’s clear the results are unanimous in what to do, so now that is underway

It’s clear I’ll have to get some SEO done for optimization terms, although I’ve seen OG thread page under webpage address.

The larger RKS got a 2nd dusting of fresh hairs waiting and I started 3 smaller. I decided to put the reversal in with them and shook the buds, I couldn’t see until I shined the flashlight to a sea of particles floating everywhere. At any rate, I think it’s gonna be a sizeable batch of this when ready

B3 with NL2 and B4 with the IC BX2 next week


Sexing in tiny pots. Dudes first🍿. Just watered them all.

Tca on left
Cxa2bx2 on rt

Two chicks
Cxb on left
Tca on rt

Two more ladies
Cxa on left
Cxa2 on rt

First 4 girls structure shot

Tallest male

Tallest chick
Tca bx2

Tallgirl next to cxa2bx2

Maui male

Two more Maui’s boy on left
Cool looking chick on rt

Two more fine dudes
Cxa on left
Tcabx2 on rt, he is looking beastly, I must say

Two females

Two Maui’s
Small male on left, chick on rt

Seven plants left to sex, and so far this tcabx2 is my fav

Two cxb girls

Two more cxb girls
Runt on rt will be first to hit the bin :frowning:

Cxa girl, very nice

Maui boy #4
Fine looking specimen

Next to his tall brother

Last but not least
Cxa boy

4 cxb’s
Runt on left, beast on rt

So the score is 14 girls, 11 boys, with one cull.

Thank you dank master for sharing your work with me. Will uppot 13 girls, when body and mind can come to an agreement :wave::eyes::footprints::us:

ps, tcabx2 glamour shots
good looking male plant
love the leaves on him



Happy 420 Day @OriginalDankmaster96 & friends! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::+1::facepunch::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:



Wow! That was quite the slide show. :pray:I bet the tallest plants make other plants look even taller :joy: CX B is doing well. It’s good to see slightly more node spacing that cuts down on density of foliage but still all are very restrained on reaching. Yeah I can see some shorter, like the plant I had, so more shorter are probably Xmas (jagged serrations and single blades)and taller plants are TC pheno’s. Definitely a Maui A in the tallers. I agree with your ‘choice’ of male and female TC A. Stocky ones are best. Decent ratio of females over males, but good to see more females. I definitely got the short end of the stick. So at least it’s my bad luck and sex ratio is decent being reg seed. So you actually sexed these or did they pre sex themselves ? Get any sweet pine odors from stem rub ? YW brother, I take it you’re enjoying how it continues to unfold, so that makes me satisfied it’s going better than I expected :relaxed::+1::clap:t2:


Happy 420 day to you too :partying_face::tada::evergreen_tree: I’m looking forward to when you can enjoy this old time treat yourself on a day like this :ok_hand: