Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

Yeah it’s for seed only, so I’ll just let buds go


Update :+1: watermark now gone and got the pot added


Good news! I was right, the RKS A is clean of any herimie signs. So I did make the right choice even though BOTH confused me with other plants (IC BX2 A) showing it too.


Finally caught up! Dude I like the site and I’m glad everyone voted the way they did in your poles. That graphic has turned out top notch!

Glad to hear the RKS A is the winner.


Nice pic looks good! Congrats on the extra 420 winnings. Is it possible that the seeds are just a bit more yellow? I know some times they only go to yellow but are mature. I believe @middleman had a mutant strain that was all yellow seeds. Maybe do a small germ run?


All the Freakshow types are like that (Freakshow, Supafreak, Berry Freak). I think it’s the opposite with them though; the calyx is open early on and the seeds develop while exposed. They end up white or grayish even when mature.


Thanks everyone, as I get the updates I’ll share them so we see each part and concur it works for the page :wink:

@Gadarien I appreciate the feedback on page, seems like everyone is digging it so I’m happy it’s being done right as I’ve NEVER put up a web site/page, way back when the internet started it’s not something I would’ve attempted, I considered it particularly for tech geeks but now it’s far less technical know how to put one up than needing a techie to construct it😆 More advanced sites would need it, but who knows I could eventually upgrade and will need that expertise for it.

Yes @420noob that is happening NOW. I know, the CX A even have that whiter look. As @Greenfingers said those seed were ‘difficult to pop’, which AGAIN ties back to Crippy when we STARTED this expedition at…the difficulty in seed germination, which is latent in BOTH Corn and TC, this is how I know the 2 plants share a relation even though neither resemble one another.


That might explain why the calyx is open on TC but showing a seemingly immature seed :thinking::pray:


Awesome observation I hope that little tid bit helps!


Yes, I don’t believe there’s any realistic way to fully eliminate latency the seed show, improve health and size yes, but remove it, not happening. Last person who bought Double CripXmas on S told me some of the seed cracked (I was like SOB I’ve gone full circle) but stalled and that has me convinced seed is better but the seed that cracks, it’s just what we have to deal with in the Crippy lineage. That’s why I’ve offered more than what’s normal as a ‘seed pack’


Well, we have live ones now so it’s closer :sweat_smile:


Just WOW! You can’t believe how much BETTER Shopify is to using Strainly. When I tell you it’s incredibly streamlined to payment completion there’s nothing like it. Using this system will be JOY to manage. You DO NOT get a notification until everything is done to pack and send. Strainly so MANUAL it’s :rofl::clown_face::poop:


Almost ready @MissinBissin @Cannabiscrusader @Fortman420


I’m ready brotha!! I’m in the process of building a 10’x14’ greenhouse. Will be magically pine in there.


Ok, I’ll be keeping that in mind with how many I send, so we can test this sucker to maximum resistance to all the nasties of outdoor growing. This is special, the 2 are finally going to merge into 1 super Crippy plant. The Dankmaster Crippy. I’ve decided to move the fem and her in the bathroom, so I’m starting TONIGHT!


I can leave them full exposure to the sun as well in my earth box sip system. In the greenhouse an not to compare how they respond to the different factors of humidity levels.

I’ll run in same grow set ups so apple to apples just environment slightly different.


I’ve been out getting ready as soon as the snow melted. Expanded my outdoor to 12 ammended beds, and started construction on a… I don’t know what to call it yet. Things kind of evolve as I build them. But I got spots under cover, some wide open, a few in partial shade for really testing the pm resistance. I have an ipm plan, would you like me to leave one untreated?


Perfect! Yeah we want to find out if all the tropical lineage adds the resistance to rot/mold due to density of bud and the growth of leaf. So maximum exposure to the elements no matter how harsh but definitely NOT all plants. We’ll sacrifice the lesser ones to testing :face_with_monocle:

Yes, this is also a great idea to run. We can see how they adapt to variable conditions grown under :+1::ok_hand::clap:t2:


I have a couple raised garden beds along my house and a raspberry bush beside it so this will also add to the test with seeing if pests will gravitate to the plants or the fruit. Will be interesting to see what comes of this moving forward


So early dawn, I decided to cut down the TC B, couldn’t sleep but saw buds turning brown, dying and knew time has come

Thankfully the seed germination is 90% so we’ve got both TC’s preserved in seed to use and test out, so I’ll be sending these too. IF we find they’re clear, I’ll list some to buy


Don’t forget, I also have the A2 x TC A that’s only knee high (2ft) after 5 months of growing. More nodal spacing but it’s brief and doesn’t keep pushing up. She is also clean after this long so I doubt there’s going to be funny business