Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

Very nice work and I always look forward to seeing these updates and I think that NL 2 is definitely going to add some potentcy and structure but that Xmas pheno is absolutely gorgeous and it’s definitely dense buds and I thought they’d finish quicker when seeded and longer when normal sensi grow but I’m so excited for the upcoming testing this coming year and I haven’t grown any photos that are fast finisher’s so I also have my new grow room up and running so I hope you find some Xmas magic in them there beans The Doc… just got done trimming my latest harvest 8 days ago and it’s looking like the best one yet and I’ve been able to double my yields and it’s just opened up new doors for growing up 4-5 plants at a time now TTY soon Happy Holidays


Didn’t expect to find a lower bud of NL 2 laying at the bottom, but somehow it broke… so I get a sample test. What are the results…. It is like Xmas, definitely not fruity…whew… I said the male was/is “like Xmas” so this should tell you what to expect from the 4 way cross :+1: Yes female has kick too, like TC. I believe the combination of strains is going to work extremely well, should be high pinene content. I believe it will be far more stable than first generation TC hybrids. I firmly believe the intersex will be eliminated. I don’t see it in these 2, and the fact it’s brimming w seed tells me these plants have better reception to fertility, so it’s like I said about that bridge, which looks like it has been successful as I theorized when I found out the high percentage of hermies, and I had this feeling IBL’s would do it. The version of Crippy which will be a master strain of alpha pinene I roll out will actually be true breeding and far better than the original, higher yielding and faster flowering. I can’t freaking wait to get this test started!!


Confirmed! That’s right, and I’m a little ahead at 41 days, but we all know the glands tell the real time of maturity, and once amber is seen, it’s close to the later end and all are milky white. Technically without seed it starts at 6 weeks. Anyway, I managed to get some fantastic shots of tall trichs fully developed. The B is starting to look like A now

Also I’ve had a name picked out for quite awhile and planned to reveal on the 4th crossing finish…it’s a play on both, but I think it sticks (drum roll)

Introducing CripXmas





Me likey! That’s definitely a GREAT @OriginalDankmaster96 name! and it sounds like some fun times ahead and I have 2 beans left from the CG x Xmas Bud run and it’ll be really interesting if I am lucky enough to get some to test and do a comparison grow and I just can’t get over the fast flowering time and it was your plant telling you that she’s happy and rewarded u with a little something to try LoL sending you some good vibes for the push through til the harvest! … CripXmas


I heard…Pine tree bud was grown in a pine needle forest mostly by gorilla growers…after years of being grown in those forest eventually the plants accumulated the terpene Alpha-pinene :crazy_face:

Looking awesome!! Pine is a number one scent in the house , wax melts and cleaning products laundry detergents :sweat_smile:

Glad to hear you can see the horizon from up top the hill!
You’re on the down hill slide to success now


I decided to do another test of A…I saw itty bitty clusters popping out, so I pulled them off. Enough for a full roll. The heat running dried it practically overnight, so it was ready. And… The first hit and its strong pine mix. It’s the kind of flavor that will make your eyes pop out tasting it😳 I am more than pleased as it comes together properly. Next, the potency (1:15 start), it’s changed to sativa, however TC still retains potency. Soaring effects, actually it builds and I had my mouth hanging open at how strong it felt. It’s leveled off slightly , but remains clear, strong and focused perception. The heavier indica side is definitely not dominant here, and I knew that peppery odor was telling she is sativa now. Right AGAIN! I think people have been dreaming of a fast flowering, potent sativa with pine flavor…this is it. Perhaps there’s a reason why all this is happening under minimal selection and pure luck too.

@DrGonzo13 Thanks bro, I feel confident it’s the right choice of name. I had others thought up too. Yes, you’re in. You’ve already shown w CG x Xmas you did well despite personal circumstances and pulled out a nice looking female to show off, that did give us a glimpse of the Xmas pheno. I think you got the closest to a Xmas pheno, but I don’t think CG is right in terp profile based on the results said because it’s barely noticeable. Other than a little faster yellowing than normal and larger container, CripXmas isn’t hard to care for. My hope is NL 2 based on what we saw of the male bulks up the size and should do little to alter terp profile currently or keep it in line w the TC Xmas and PTK, but will be up to you and the testing group to tell me what it actually does than a hope.

@Rabeats2093 Very interesting! Cannabis does act like a sponge, so pinene from pine trees transferring via root systems seems quite plausible actually…

It’s first stage success, there’s still Corn, Pine06 and maybe Romulan or Pine haze. I’m gonna do @Carty pine06 and Xmas in March, and TRY to have that crossing ready to be put into fall boxes :wink: I figure this will be a good way to get Xmas widely dispersed among the community. This is separate from CripXmas but will be crossed in providing the cross falls within the profile after I’ve tested and confirmed it works. So it’s a breath of relief to get to this point, but there’s more to go to be fully completed. Yes, I would say even smelling natural pine is soothing to feel, but in terms of smoke, I think it’s the best terp.

PS it’s now 2:55 and I’m still going. Haven’t needed to smoke again…very telling :thinking:


That’s a great :+1:t2: breakdown and it’s sounding like a creeper on the back end of the smoke report and I am extremely excited for you to have gotten some of those pine terps that you’ve been committed to obtaining and it’s still a lot newer to me when it comes to describing the taste and it’s getting better but I can’t wait to see what I can find and it’s gonna be fun to see what the NL 2 adds to the mix which is starting to sound like you’re most definitely not to far away from the pine pheno if I am making any sense lol especially when I just got some new live resin and it’s Dirty Taxi 89% THC with a little bit of CBD .78% and omg it’s a little bit to heavy for the daytime LoL but it’s got me feeling lovely but @OriginalDankmaster96 it’s promising to hear first hand from u plus I know that it’s been a goal from day to attempt to get the pine terps and it’s truly gonna be an Xmas day present to yourself and I have about 40-59 good mature beans from my VTF girl pollinated with some Bogglegum pollen at the end of the summer plus I took cuttings before pollination and & have rooted 3 of the 5 so Happy Christmas Eve to you and the family and :santa:t2:hohoho Merry :snowman: Christmas :christmas_tree:


Looking forward to seeing how this all goes. Really curious about the faster pheno a!
I was going to ask how the a and b compare in potency. Especially since it sounds like the b will yield better with reduced pine smell


Well i wasnt making it up lol
That’s awesome test smoke A is turning out how you want !


I’ve decided to do another test… for sake of argument, we will call it 45 days in. It’s being done on a wake and bake, so it’s very fresh. Halfway through I had to stop for a few mins… even though I don’t like the terps of the PTK pheno, it does have its potency that hits. I will say I am picking up both PTK and TC, and together they seem stronger thus my need to break. I did smoke it all after though. It is definitely the heavier one, however, the pine is not reduced. In fact, the pine has become more pronounced in late stage flowering. But this makes sense, because the plant is showing a Xmas finish now, meaning the tips of tops have interspersed leaves like A and heavier glands. So heavy at first then it lifts to becomes a nice potent stoney high that seems steady for the last 1.30 hrs, although I’m not going to refresh my buzz so I want to see how long before a refreshing is needed, that will definitely tell us potency duration, which I’ll call after 2 hrs and eating. A is a lot more sativa as I didn’t get that soaring effect in B, but it’s definitely potent, stoney and productive…does this answer the Q ?

Oh yeah, I did find a seed, and this more proof the shorter time is reality. This is what we have at 44, and it looks 90% mature


That does answer my question. Thank you for that


We’re in the final stretch…I believe I can say most seeds will be mature at the 50 day mark. I don’t believe the entire flower time exceeds 50 days, so really what we have is an actual 6-7 week strain. So those who’re intending to test have your grow space ready to start around the 2nd week of Jan, I anticipate I’ll begin sending out then :wink:

45 days




Looks great! A 6-7 week plant you say!


Yeah 50 day finisher is a real winner …especially around my neck of the woods…the outdoor usually looses the battle to mold middle of October…

That pine smell !!!


I’m thinking that there might be two more hands going up for testing @Rabeats2093 @OriginalDankmaster96


At first yes, I detected apple-pine and melon notes, but now I can say Xmas is dominating the finishing. Again, makes sense, since the buds are showing this and when I smell it, it’s melding to a sweet pine, the melon is dissipating…so it’s only mixed odors to start for 3/4 of the time, but the finish will be the pine dream smell come true. In addition to the shorter flowering time, the PTK is recessive to odor/terps and this is actually the better outcome I had hoped for, mainly structure and bud size/density, which is 3 times TC mains, so it’s quite the boost. The end results are becoming more positive and favorable than initially projected

Now I just want to show the bud tips of both and you’ll be able to see Xmas, and it is unique in formation



See what I mean, it’s a crown of pointed leaf tips. Not exactly the same, but it’s distinguishable…

Yes, shorter flowering time beats that seasonal change of susceptible weather problems. The CG x Xmas for @Greenfingers didn’t prove hardy to higher humidity, so we’ll see what if the resistance is better w these 2.

Already stepping up @Rabeats2093 @Emeraldgreen …I’m more than happy and eager to welcome you both :grin:


Dm coming in


That sounds excellent, early with pine on top. Those Columbian gold x Xmas bud weren’t no slackers either ive got alot. Everyone who smokes it loves it. If these new ones need tested, im still looking for pine.
CgxXmas79 indoor

Of course made by my alias DelMonte🤪


That’s awesome to hear! I long felt that female was top notch growing her, so everyone saying they like it tells me I did good. It was just like bag it came from. Absolutely, you showcased the OD and potential it gives. Beautiful plants from very “green” fingers :grin: I enjoyed start to finish. CripXmas is the ONE that won’t disappoint, cause I love how B is finishing up as stronger pine pronounced, tickles the nose a bit now too, so that should give an idea of how pungent it will get :yum:


Week 7

Happy new year!

At 49 days WITH seed, they’re both done. The tips of calyx are starting to golden in places, so that tells me MOST are ready. That means the latest these 2 go are 49 days, because beyond this point the buds start to degrade down. So really 45 day flowering is peak window

The only problem to note during flowering is A’s faster than normal yellowing, which I suspect is due to the variegation trait of Xmas, besides even though it begins to yellow sugar leaves most of that is trimmed anyway. Other than that, I can say both not prone to deficiency. Seems to be less of a need of cal-mag than TC parent shows in its leaves through crinkles and twists.

B shows the blue/purple hue, while A didn’t. Both have increased density, rock solid when squeezed. B’s structure held its own without supports. A is slightly more flimsy in structure but can support most of the weight it puts on. I projected A to have slim medium sticks, and I was right, even though seeded, they bulk up and have lean. The short flowering compensates a reduced yield of A, but not quality. Initial potency tested well to my standards. I haven’t tested since last time so I don’t know how much more. Early wasn’t weak. The peppery spice is consistent to the end. Since NL 2 has fruity-peppermint I believe this will complement the A odor nicely. I don’t think the flavor terps have changed from minty-pine mix but once dried I’ll know from the last test if there’s departure or pronouncement.

B is 3x original TC and I had a feeling w how thick it’s main was growing followed by laterals that’s where this one was going, but would it have pine, not at first being apple-pine and melon note, but would surprise it’s finish to a sweet pine, which I take is TC and Xmas dominance showing, with Xmas finishing bud tips. I took side by side shots and even a side lateral is bigger than a A top. Even though later occurring, B develops a sweet astringent pine. It’s clear WHAT separates them apart is the type of high, while A is soaring creeper sativa, B is the stoney heavier effects. What matters is both have profiles that are consistent, minty-pine and sweet pine that work right. I can see B being like a Big Bud of pine and A is like a haze w pine. Anyway we have arrived at the end and next up is the testing phase. After I’ve dried, I will begin counting and sorting. Once I know how many of each, I will tell what’s available to choose. Those who decided to be first to join have dibs on which pheno they prefer or both if they have the room for it. The A won’t be as numerous as B so it’s going to be limited quantity, so if A strikes your fancy don’t think too long if that’s your choice

Now for the final pics


This whole branch holds Xmas A BX’s



Side by side