Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

Thanks @Tripl3fastaction I wrote that rather quickly at 2-3 am so I know there’s grammatical errors. I’m sure it will be fixed to sound right before campaign begins.

@OhNo555 it’s OK, There’s definitely more to do to make it much better. I think she knows what I want and I know when it’s nailed as I want it to show.

@Tejas the placement of lettering is cut off in avatar frames, so needs to be center bottom, slightly arched to fit most. The size and placement like the original watermarked is fine, it’s just font, slightly move it up and using lime green color that needs changing. Character will stand on lettering like a floor just how the original shows. That part I do like. Not everything about the original needed to change

@Cannabiscrusader I know, before I made the CripXmas, everything was 8-9 weeks standard time but I knew when I first grew out the seed it wasn’t standard time to finish. The actual time didn’t fit how the buds looked and sure enough completed seed maturity at 49 days, which is the back end of harvest before the senescence occurs, so the mid point is about 43-45. I’m sure you will get used to it and then have reluctance to do the longer times after. I do like different types but getting faster harvest to keep supply going matters more than 2-3 more weeks waiting, which I’ve found is scraping the bottom of the jar just in time :laughing:


Looking foward to it! I was turning and burning all day today. Making more beds tomorrow.

Wrapping up 1 1/2 of my 2 4x8’s indoor. Veg cabinets will be empty except mommies, few clones, and outdoor stuff.


Glad you found a better platform.


Oh yeah, it’s all streamlined invoice start to finish, just pack and send off. It can’t be any easier to run and manage a home breeder seed shop. Now you can share my direct shop page to growmies elsewhere you think may be interested in getting that pine :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


You really shouldn’t give me such ‘straight man’ material to work with…



Oh man, I got caught in my words, similar to the sticky glue on my hands remark :rofl: I honesty don’t realize it until after the fact :smirk: Though not a soul would be able to tell I’m not :dizzy_face:


I’ve added a review widget to shop page products. Any other apps/widgets/features any of you think would be helpful to interface, don’t hesitate to suggest and I will look into it.

Oh yeah @Cannabiscrusader I used your edit :grin: and @Gpaw picture prompt

Also, I’ve been thinking IF @Gpaw and @Cartwright can CLEAR TC A x BX2 of hermie flowers showing up, I’ll relist some and do a full plant from the pheno A BX2 with the fem CripXmas dust. This might be a back route to getting the TC A pheno nearly cubed its self to be available.


Alright, I think this may work. Tell me if you like how the bud looks in the pot

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Just the plant? It looks pretty good but the proportions or maybe the depth of field on the container looks… off? Also the plant itself looks generated and the container looks real, if that makes sense

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Yup, just the plant, so if the pot were made larger that would match the field of depth ?

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I think it might be the angle of the container. I hope i can explain my inner eye.

It looks as if you were looking down more at the container, in it’s current state. If you were to move you’re “inner eye” down say 20degrees so you looking at the container at more of a level/ 3rd person view rather than top down. Yikes… I hope that makes sense :frowning:

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Ah I think you did, but the character is hunched slightly over to look with the magnifying glass at the bud. I think the angle of the glass is aimed at the top part of the bud and not to the pot. That was done intentionally since you have to hunch down to look at small plant buds through loupe. Now if it was larger, the gaze would be at eye level looking at the bud :wink:


Pot and the boots are off, they don’t fit the rest of the style. The boots especially make it look like a sticker book. Plant looks a little out of focus too.

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Awesome. Sometime I can go full on detail and other times I confuse even myself. I’m happy you were able to decipher what I was getting at. I too failed art in 7th :stuck_out_tongue:

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Well first it’s the plant, which I either do this one or go back to the original instead. Oh those boots are going or the character is going to be melded to the lettering to conceal, but I also told them prepare to go back to everything original except putting the bud plant in pot, moving lettering up and changing it to a much lighter green color. I think the style may be proving too complex for her to add matching parts to it.

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I believe you’re correct. Masking or matching a flat 2d image to a geometric 3d one takes a lot of skill to pull off. Not saying the artist you chose doesn’t have the necessary skill, but may not have the required software to do it.

You’re doing awesome though, man. I haven’t been here long but you’ve made HUGE progress in the short time I’ve seen. Don’t let this discourage you, if it is. You’ve got some drive, it’s inspiring!

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This is exactly the impression I’ve been getting, although I’d love to customize it, I may have to settle for minor changes to keep within the style of the whole theme so it matches right. Supposed to be generated using MidJourney and this artist specializes in that but maybe it’s more than just the same software used to do it :thinking:

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Which bud plant do I use
  • A The original in clay pot
  • B The generated in clay pot

0 voters



Original one looks like a meltdown I just harvested.

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In other words, it’s “genuine” to the eye

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