Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

Yes, definitely. Second one looks like a nug shot taken from a distance then photoshopped into that shape with shadows

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Yeah I agree, probably just gonna have to stick with that. Not exactly the right colors but it does look Xmas tree like, so that will have to do.

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Can you post both full photos so that we can look at all the design elements together?


Yeah I’m too stoned I’m trying to choose one design, but need to see them side by side.

My Tampa crippy is coming along, small still but I’m sexing her anyway now- I stunted her early on by overfeeding and she bounced back fine with less nutes and better light position. If she’s a girl I may reveg her and grow out a large plant. Seems like a healthy durable plant even with the bumbling around.


Good to see how it’s grown since you started :+1::wink::clap:t2: If ‘she’ has stayed fairly short on nodes, there’s a good chance. Longer stretches can indicate male, not always, but on a positive note, it handles set backs nicely, so it tells me they’re strong and healthy plants overall. Yup I just posted everything side by side to get the best idea :pray:


Yeah I want a big bush mother eventually, but most important I need to find females. I’m going to pop the Maui next space that opens. What’s your favorite of the first round of testers? Can you choose one or are they all good?


It’s the A2 x BX2 that emptied first, followed by CripXmas A x BX2. Maui can be good IF it’s not the PTK pheno, which I got so I didn’t get a good one there.


I just got a link for a better font, so may just change that and color, keep original bud in pot and adjust font slightly up so it’s not cut off at the ends


Yes! and Yes! that looks a lot more legible and clean than the previous.

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Yup I’ve shared the link to change the font style and color, which is all that may be done, except slightly moving it up and everything original stays as is :+1:

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Not to change anything up on you, I just noticed something reminiscent. I was never a tagger, or into graffiti but I remember it being real popular in the 80/90s that they tag on USPS stickers and slap em where ever. I mention that cause the website has the same colors and it kinda reminded me of those sticker all over the place. Does kinda fit the “oldschool” feel though.

Edit: Kinda looks like a Hello My Name is: Dankmaster. I like that :slight_smile:


You hit the nail on the head brother :hammer: That’s why I would like to at least get the font changed, that will definitely fit a ‘old school theme’ :ok_hand::grin:


@OriginalDankmaster96 thanks for sharing this, a lot of work you have done and i appreciate you and your time, awesome to see

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Hey there, long time no see brother. Thanks, I appreciate you too :facepunch:Did you get to the Island Crippy ? @firehead recently did one she turned out well from what I see. I still have yet to hear finished bud report from preliminary but I’ll bet it’s even better :star_struck:


yes i got the crippy the first one i pooped was male but ill be running some more here shortly now as im just arond the corner from harvest. ill start some once there is room. just been busy working my friend


Hey brother. My Island Crippy is still curing in the jars, another couple weeks and it should be perfect. but nice complex pine smells (with a hint of… orange?) so far.
The buds are dense and pretty big too.

It is a potent high, but not so much that my heart starts racing and I get dizzy. But you can definitely lose track of time for an hour or so after only just a couple hits of it!

Overall so far it seems pretty top-notch.

I’m gonna bring a bunch to my dart-league on Wednesday to give it out to some buddies, and see what they think too :+1::+1: I think they will be big fans


Very nice! Would you consider leaving some brief comments under the strain on the page after it’s cured ? This way when people visit to read they can see an actual testimonial and that might help in making the decision to pull the lever. Yeah I would say it’s probably a tropical like note. Glad to hear the pine dominance in terps. That largeness is from Maui and even looks similar to my Maui A bud

She’s no slouch for sure. Xmas Bud combined to that is what makes it really racey though. Yeah easy to be caught in a warping effect of time that you can lose track of

Really happy to hear it came out as top-notch :ok_hand: in the end, I think Maui was the best counterpart for Corn. Look forward to hearing what your dart league group says


I absolutely will :+1:


Chock loaded with seed now. Both are done and full. I probably got 90%

It’s the home stretch for A2 fems :grin:

RKS A2 setting nicely, LARGE seed. Look how much they’re splitting :flushed:

B4 x IC BX2

Starting to set :+1:

Everything is on track as planned :ok_hand:


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