Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

Heck yeah, looks great, man! I LOVE how each of your offering have two images. Some folks don’t even give you one!

One critique, however, and it may just be that I’m on a smaller screen laptop. When scrolling down, you banner disappears, but if you go up slightly, the banner pops down wicked fast and blocks a lot of the screen/real-estate.

Awesome work on what you’ve got thus far :+1:


Yeah I’m always gonna offer full and 1/2 packs, not skimp seed to gouge or make a buyer commit to a full pack :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Yup I’ve noticed that too. I believe it’s the interface of basic page layout. This doesn’t have the option to create drop down menus, but should the sales start coming in faster, then I’ll upgrade to the mid tier that will give far more options to use. For now and until things take off, keep it low on overhead cost to run. Oh I’m learning more each day, wasn’t aware I had to install different apps, but now it’s got more features. A lot of the apps are incompatible for this basic page, so just another reason to upgrade later once momentum kicks in. I appreciate that, not everyone can design a good shop site with no experience. Saw a post on Reddit about expensive hydroponics equipment and that person got raked over the coals for their design as ‘horrible’ :face_with_monocle:


That is cool as well. What I mean is that you have actual images of the offered product. Usually you’ll get a hand drawn ice cream cone, some silly description and a wacky name. On your page, folks get to see what they might expect from that item.


Oh yeah, if I can’t use the progeny as pics, I’ll just use the parents for the meantime. I kinda had to do that for both Island Crippy and A2 BX2. Yeah it’s stupid and silly, BUT there may be reason in order to qualify for 3rd party high risk payment processor.


ooohhh I had not considered that.

Nonetheless, it’s a good feature you have :wink:


If any of ya are looking for small stackable risers for plants, these are PERFECT. They should be large enough for 1-2 gall. I just got 10 at the Container Store. LOL $1 still buys something. I also found these small stack lock containers for the seed, which I need to start on the first TC B BX2. I bet it’s really crunchy dry now

It’s a start :face_with_monocle:

See what I mean, even TC B hollow/immature/soft seed way past peak :grimacing:


Ok so don’t focus on the plant, this time it’s the font and color, also the placement behind it.

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It’s fuzzy or I need to clean my glasses, but I assume you see that too.

I really don’t like text on top of graphics. Just feels cluttered and smashed together, IMO only of course. Good luck.


Right I agree about the font, it’s not what I’ve told this worker to use. This is what I want

It is, but in order to fit the avatar frame it kinda needs to be that way. See I’ll show you, this is how I test it on X. Still needs to be pulled slightly up with character and pot but centered to fit all the words in.

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It does seem a bit blurry. Maybe outline the font with white border around letters.

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Yeah this font is being removed and the urban heroes pictured above is going to be put in, also 3D original plant going back into the pot and character is to be unaltered. If the urban heroes font needs a bordering, I’ll get it added :+1::pray::ok_hand::facepunch:

Finally folks, I THINK we got the right look :sweat_smile: Hopefully I can close this out :rofl:


You might want to take a look :eyes: at a red outline around the lettering to make it pop! I do like what you got, but it might be with looking :eyes: at. It is just a thought :thought_balloon: since you are still toying with it to get it just right. :wink::facepunch::+1::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


There’s some white in my theme, so I think white bordering is perfect and should be done then


Coming along VERY nicely! The changes you made so far are going in the right direction for sure!

The folks who have mentions the text being blurry, I have to agree. Without going nerd and reaching beyond the scope of my knowledge…

If your artist is using rasterized based software (photoshop) adding in text is a big NONO since it uses a form of rendering(from my very little understanding) called rasterization. Basically it’s rendering pixels.

Illustrator is generally used for things of this nature; text, comics… illustrations. Anyways it uses vectors and is the more appropriate form of rendering text. I honestly don’t know what a vector is exactly or how it is different than pixel rendering, but I do know for sure that professionals say at news papers use Illustrator for such tasks.

These folks here go into detail about what’s happening What causes 300ppi photoshop file with type looking pixellated? | PrintPlanet.com

Regardless, again, you’re making awesome progress. I love it , keep on kick ass, man, it’s workin!

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Oh I’ve got a fun day planned…I get to have a nano cam stuck inside my winky :flushed:


LOL, I’ve got the Tee shirt for that one too…
No worries, not so bad…
(not so bad as what comes next if they find something…)


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I took your part about the software and asked are you using this software ? If that’s the case, I’m probably going to reduce what she gets to keep. This is an artist that advertises as “Pixar” quality 🫤


I do hope it’s helpful. Ultimately, in the end, it’s your project and artwork that was commissioned. You should be able to get what YOU want.

Someone with skills to be claimed as pixar quality should know and understand these things already. I’m just a nobody who took some black and white photography courses a decade ago. Which ironically is how I learned about the 300dpi thing.


Definitely some white border around the lettering. One of my favorite things about the lettering is how it covers up the boots and the pot.
Almost there now

When it’s all finished, be sure to fuck with the designer. Tell them you want the character dressed like wolverine, the 90’s x-men cartoon version. Change the plant into gene grays ass, use the same shiny clothing material.

Even if you don’t do this…

Lie to me, I promise I’ll believe
-Cheryl Crow