Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

Right, not paying 65 bucks just to remove a watermark and change of font on Photoshop. It’s being cut in half and I’ll be telling support she’s being deceptive in her gig ad


Oh that tickled GOOD :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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That’s why I was sent here. For the chuckles

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One time I’m gonna be so lit and you say just the right words, I’m gonna be moist :rofl:🫢

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That’s my wife’s daily challenge. She’s a lucky lady

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Ok that’s it! IF my bladder was filled, I would’ve lost it right then and there :laughing:🥹

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I love my job as much as you love yours dankman. Pronounced like Peter Vankman from the ghostbusters. Time to go outside and battle blackflies while I work on my outdoor mini plantation.


In your text the words there’s a gray webbing joining most of the words. For the most part it’s good but there is some spots where spaces on the space between the “N” and “K”.
Also “H” and “E”. What I’m getting at is that to me and what I’m seeing is its not letting your text pop as much as it could. Perhaps this is what your looking for. Its something that I noticed myself looking at multiple times due to the lack of crispness in the text.

I could be just be seeing a non issue to most just something I noticed.

Aside from that I really like the progress and direction of the logo. Keep pushing


Needs an apostrophe too. Such a fancy word. It could mean anything. Sounds like some fancy ancient Greek labratory

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Yup I see what you’re talking about, and I think the white bordering will conceal that ghosty appearance along the outline. It’s very helpful for all you to tell me as you see it, so I know what to keep adjusting so it’s proper. This is gonna be made for a sticker labels so it does need to be right so those look good too :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Nice, I’ll need to get me a DankMaster Old School genetics slap.


Part of the package these days. I’ll eventually need to get CripXmas slaps too, so if any of you have ideas how that should be designed, I’m all ears :+1::pray::facepunch:


That would definitely help make it more visible. If you ask your artist for a lettering stroke they should know :crazy_face: but that’s what the border thing is called. The foggy mist might be a drop shadow. Without a letter stoke that can make the letter bleed into the shadow.

Sorry for the links, I hope that’s okay?

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Oh not at all, I passed the link to her to be helpful :+1:


The dripping text looks too much like Halloween. The old school font you used before looked best. If you plan to use green as the main lettering color, some type of thin border is needed to define/sharpen the text.

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Yeah what is the perfect font for crippy and dankmaster…? so far the issue is the font since the graphic is pretty cool and I dig the mad scientist vibe.


I thought the graphic would be for all cultivars. The other elements of the graphic are very nice, that being the scientist, “bud tree” and background color.

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Eh, I’m not sure what pull my opinion has, but I love the font and the setup. I didnt like the look of the last bud, but this one is great.

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Excellent, so mostly the issue is with bordering around lettering and white should do the trick. To me it looks like a genuine spray paint graffiti font, that’s what I love about it, but I honestly don’t think it’s been rendered well. I’ll just probably have to get it touched up else where, but I think white bordering will make it mostly useable :pray::+1::grin:


I don’t have a windows computer anymore and I refuse to subscribe to adobe, but I made this in GIMP. It’s a free version of PS. It’s hard to get used to if you’re familiar with PS.

If you want it, it’s yours free. i can probably make it a transparent layer too

The drop shadow is grey as white does wash it all out. also i just realized i made the bend the wrong direction.

Edit: I don’t have any graffiti fonts

One more edit. I tried to make it a transparent layer, I just dont know how on this program.