Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

Last TC B now chopped. Just starting “the browning” die back. So I got it to full peak. And do I have the seed mature, see for yourself :wink:

Not too sure what I’m going to name this double combination of TC :thinking: Just leaving it TC B BX2 is confusing…


Damn you are on a mission @OriginalDankmaster96 . I’ve worked my way through this thread over two days!

Congrats on all the hard-work paying off!


Thanks @Haggis, yeah it’s a high volume thread so it’s almost at 30k now. Takes time to get through it. I’m hoping everyone on OG are waiting for the feminized seed to be available to begin the sales, I only hope that’s the case, but I gotta have 1 sale minimum per month on OG to cover my sponsorship.


I think once you get a few more shots of other growers ventures into your gear, and get some of their reviews down, your beans should be bouncing to the mailbox in a bean bounce Congo line. Like when pee wee Herman used to look in the freezer


So I’m counting on the fam out there, to not let me down. Keeping this going is also UP TO YOU too, don’t forget that :face_with_monocle:


Well i’ll def be ordering come the start of next month :facepunch: :wink: :ok_hand:

That is if there are any seeds left!


Appreciate you :facepunch::ok_hand: I’ll definitely reserve some even if the stock I list sells out :wink: So you’ll have the opportunity when ready.


Thank you Brother, That is proper nice of you :love_you_gesture:


You know @OriginalDankmaster96 that we will support all your hard efforts, work, & time, you dedicated to these projects! :clap::tophat::clap::tophat::clap::tophat::ok_hand::+1::facepunch::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Let’s provide some grow logs, and reviews of his hard work. I will have to touch up on my photography to give good eye candy for people to see



Yup that’s what I need you all to do to get things drummed up. My ultimate goal is getting the CripXmas to dispo, that’s when the flood gates will release and build on its own momentum. I just made a post on Reddit, there’s considerable discussion about getting Crippy and even a few mentioned wanting seed, so I’m doing everything I can possible but I’m only a one man band show, and to keep the music going IS going to need a concerted effort to reach out broadly speaking, and we know I’m not a nobody either. Some hip hop artist named Dankmaster has the search optimized to him so until mine starts working I will need you ALL to get that word out for me :ok_hand::facepunch::pray::+1::grin:


Wow, so ridiculous anymore, try post on Reditt to provide info and details and it gets banned. We live in a police state on the net 🫤


We got your back bro :sunglasses:, will try to help to get the word out! :wink::ok_hand::+1::facepunch::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


I’m appreciative and grateful to hear it. Makes me feel like I won’t have to sit around days waiting what the hell happened with everything I was trying to do. Once the boss man knows I can make a sustainable income to help support the expenses, he won’t dare try to move and let the house be foreclosed on


As soon as I get those beans, I’ll be showing off the greens Mean Gene


Yup that’s the ‘boss man’ literally…nail meet :hammer: :rofl:

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Oh man, here come the detractors right on schedule

That’s rich :rofl: Does this fool know who he’s messing with over a typographical error that’s not my fault, it’s the app support.


Sad state of the day and age we live in. Some people are only happy if they are hating on someone.


Brother, I’ve dealt with this garbage with whatever I do, heck there were people that HATED ME being invited by an Xbox360 developer/publisher snowboard title called Stoked and Stoked Big Air, which the expansion I collected a lot of fan data and they revised the game how fans wanted it. I got a game challenge named after me on the Laxx mountain called Rebel4Liberty. Some hate me cause I didn’t snowboard but I’m not about to do something like that as a weekend warrior. To do snowboarding requires commitment and dedication to learn just like surfing and snowboarding isn’t something you do on vacay, takes time to get the balance down. Some people just don’t think, they react impulsively :smirk:


It is things like this that make me happy I just send my seeds off to my distributor and let him deal with all this stuff. Way to stressful for me to want to deal with on a daily basis.