Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

GR8 looking :eyes: now! That is it! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face: me likey! :clap::clap::clap: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::ok_hand::+1::facepunch::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Nice, just enough border to prevent the green from bleeding into the black.


Thank you. I like the fine line look, but the more bold outline fits the graffiti design. They both look pretty good I think. I do have to say I like the second completed picture @OriginalDankmaster96 posted more than the first. The weird ghost thing. It’s an interesting design choice but not one you see often :slight_smile:


I’m happy to hear everyone is in agreement. I zoomed in when she sent the 2nd, and I couldn’t see anymore outlines. So she did do well. Probably more helpful to use the font made properly. I’ll get a white one so there’s not a black block for other print, especially if I’m going to do a T shirt with it :face_with_raised_eyebrow: Let’s see I’ve been at this just about a month now, simply unbelievably how long it’s takes to get a logo design done.

Well I just started to see splitting in the A2 fems so it’s days away. The last TC B BX2 is showing more darker shells now so I’ll be taking it down tomorrow. The one that looked like shit browning, well she doesn’t smoke that, still pretty good as I start picking through it for the seed. The B4 x IC BX2 just got its final dusting done yesterday and overnight. I can feel them all over. The last for one more is the B3 to get the NL2. So I’m nearly done with all pollination

A2 so close

RKS loaded and maturing

B4 just starting to fully set

3 A2, 2 A BX, 1 NL2 x CripXmas C and Chocolope Xmas female, which is far shorter than original. Xmas is definitely RIGHT for Chocolate Thai



Chocolate thai is an old school favorite! How’s the stretch on that?


You can see the whole grow, it’s what I had going before doing Crippy project. It’s Chocolate Haze from Royal Queen. I bought a oz before I was growing and found 5 seeds and 4 were females, which were CH A, CH B, and CH D, CHE, the one I’m running now is CH D. Stretch on sativa doms where maxing out top burning tips. One CH E I kept going in this loop of flower cycle to veg that I got tired of it. All them were good, my favorite were C and D. A was classic sativa and B had more weight bigger buds. The E was like a lavender spice and the CH D ironically had pine to it,


Rough draft, but something like this maybe?


Interesting :thinking: When I was playing with Gencraft, I thought Xmas/pine tree shaped cannabis plant with fuzzy orange hairs and ice/snow on the tips

Those are a few that managed to generate


Lol. Mine looks like a toddler drew it. I’ll be at my SpongeBob snack table with my crayons if you need me :rofl:


Now I got the white one with a black font bordering


Fucken sick man! Looks crisp

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Yeah I think will do good for printing


This is awesome, clean, crip, and your text punches off the page. Nice!!!


Yeah it was really smart to get the white too, think I’ll be using that instead, like you said it’s crisp and punches of the page :+1::clap:t2::pray::ok_hand:

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Sweet! The lettering with black border on that white backround looks great! My favorite by far. although, lol sorry, It doesn’t conceal the missing feet anymore. He’s footless! heh. Overall, yeah, that looks so much better

Even your avatar looks more visible

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Yeah I told her to kinda meld pants hem with the lettering if she can’t do shoes properly to match, it’s far better than the painted boot :crazy_face: That watermark messed it up unfortunately but I do have 98% of the image as original. It’s clear this can’t be recreated either, so it is one of a kind :grin:

Maybe try to get shoes done later

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no doubt. and to be honest, we’ve all been staring at it with a critical eye. Will folks notice it when it’s out there? Maybe the rare person will and be like “of hey, where’s his shoes!” and that will be it. With that rendition you have, she really did a great job!

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Exactly, sometimes in life nothing is perfect, there are compromises to make to get most things. True, but hem can conceal shoes over some, so it can be viewed like with shoes under the letters, but it would have to be brought very close to the eyes to notice that subtlety. Overall yes, with EVERYONES perspective it was able to come off great. I’m grateful and appreciative :pray::facepunch::relaxed: Even though she was doing slow and questionable to start, she managed to pull it off enough properly. I didn’t nit pick and left her a full positive rating for doing the white background too. Next, it’s time for @Bobgrows slaps and pucks :grin:


Bobbi will take good care of you with pucks and other things too I am sure of that! Awesome stuff @OriginalDankmaster96 !!! :green_heart:



I’m looking forward to your puck design too. She’s made some really awesome ones. :+1: