Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

Yeah I agree, in some respects there’s a lot to be said for “letting the distributor” handle business. I’ll probably start to look at that myself soon enough :grin:


I see my genetics company as a hobby. I m not expecting to get crazy rich from it so yea it made sense to let a distributor handle the front end stuff.


I couldn’t image what’s required to be an online business now days. Let alone by yourself.

Music, as example. Musicians now days need to be; Graphic Artists, Web Page Developers, Personal Managers, Production Designers, Stage Designers… Public Relations. It’s endless. Sadly so much required just to lift off the ground.

A lot of passion is required in both fields, as a musician and breeder, and likely many other modern was of doing business.

Any way to lighten the load for yourself, I say the better. It’s beyond awesome, and BADASS to be able to speak with breeders here. There is such high value in that, and I would wager most people don’t know this place exists. I digress, however.

People can be assholes. Put em’ on block and try to let them effect you, as a person, the less you can. I know that can be difficult. Much Love, friend :v:


You will find that a lot of the people here on OG are breeders in one way, shape, or form. Best thing is seeing what everyone specializes in as far as the things they focus on in there grows. Like how @OriginalDankmaster96 is the man to talk to when it comes to pine terps and flavors.


Absolutely! Seed is an integral part of growing wether it’s chucking or selective pollination and back crossing . And that I agree, people specialize in certain areas of traits to work/improve on as their goal :+1:


All outa likes.

I guess the point I was trying to convey was that all those things are a specialization in their own right. To juggle all those at once has to be a monumental task. I applaud anyone who can manage that alone.


Right, the distributor really can’t answer questions about details like I know of the parents or certain traits, potency affects, terpene profile, growth and flowering characteristics and so forth, so I do enjoy giving personal support just as I did with GFW when I put that out on the market. I think that is PART of buying seed from a transparent breeder. Btw the only strain I did put on the market SOLD OUT. I checked months after leaving growing and my listing had red letters at the bottom, but I said “I’ll be back one day”


So close now…


There is always one wise ass person! I don’t understand why? Too many trolls 🧌 looking :eyes: for a way to get a rise out of someone. I hate dealing with those kind of people. This is exactly why I am thankful to be part of OG. We are much better than that! :ok_hand::wink::facepunch::+1::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Always :joy: I’ve seen this since the beginning of the internet. That is what makes OG one of a kind. We’re above the nonsense or nit picking, and we have our wonderful mods to keep this place free of those unwanted people. A couple here tried but it’s not long before they were shown the door :smirk: This is the only place I don’t have to be concerned, but that’s not to say I won’t whiplash a troll with my acid tongue if necessary :smiling_imp:


That looks amazing!


It damm well cost a pretty penny too… $140 but hearing that makes it worth it. Thanks :pray::smiling_face::+1:


Yup it’s like I’ve said repeatedly, the seed ratio is low no matter what with Tampa Crippy. I’m finding many ‘acorns’ as I dig to find the good solid shelled seed, some bud with no seed too that I hit with pollen. I don’t have an explanation, only to theorize every pistil isn’t receptive to pollen on contact and remains sterile or produces a false soft hollow shell without embryo.


That was one of the reasons back in the day Crippy was always sold at a high price and never had seeds. Growers would just keep a mother plant going and run clones of it to make bud to sell.


Yup and this makes sense why it hasn’t been so readily available to get in seed form. How it’s produced, but of course most people just don’t know this. It’s assumed any female plant should make lots of seeds with pollen, but every female plant doesn’t share the same fertility.


Like I said in the past, one of the trademarks of Crippy is its instability.


Yeah I remember we were discussing Sunshine about his Gainesville green, and then we were like no good :-1:


I know I did get a pack of his South Florida OG F12.


You’ll have to let me know how that turns out :thinking: I think there’s a little FL OG in TC from backcrossing, but it’s mainly TK


Here is the info of both via the breeder…

Tampa Crippie IX

Lineage: Tampa Crippie BX (Tampa Crippie clone only x [Tampa Crippie clone only x South Florida OG F2])x Tampa Crippie BX male (Tampa Crippie x [Tampa Crippie X South Florida OG F2])

South Florida OG F12
Lineage: Tampa Cripple x Pakistani Landrace “blue” (for its deep navy blue hue)