Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

Looks fantastic. Looking forward to seeing your smoke report and testing!


Wow that’s a great way to start the new year @OriginalDankmaster96 and I’ve just finished up my Auto grows and have approximately a couple weeks at most with my new grow room and I will be ready to pop them when they arrive(if I am included :crazy_face:)… HAPPY NEW YEAR!


Very nice work you did with this run. :grinning: :+1:


I think it’s gonna be a great time watching these tested @darkillusion especially when they are basically a fast photo and it’s definitely a GREAT job with this project thanks for your dedication and time to adapt and I see a lot better plant structure and dammit we need smell-o-vision LoL


Here’s how big B top buds are trimmed…they barely fit in my hands :scream: Puts all 3 pheno’s of TC to shame


Busy New Year’s Eve, but what better way to spend it harvesting and trimming lol

@DrGonzo13 You’re already part of the first group w their hands up so no worries. Should be good timing after autos :wink:

Thanks @darkillusion I believe the end results turned out better than I could foresee or expect. I’m just happy that I have the results I can send out in good faith, because when all those hermies happened I had negative expectations from that point. I think I’m past the harder part now :sweat_smile:


Damn for some seeded plants the look like some serious buds

Nice work brother


Some really nice colas there! Glad this worked out for ya. Excited to see what people find on the testers.


Thanks @Rabeats2093 @ChronicMcBudz , they felt solid and meaty for seeded. The PTK really helped blow it up. Hmmm @Jinglepot should see this and envision the Romulan much larger. I think I did better than I realize w that male :thinking: Those Romulan x PTK are going to be a surprise

We still have this waiting in the wings….

The next TC x Xmas base mom. Yeah I got the clone growing, so this is a GO. You’ve be watching smaller plants, but now comes a master plant 6 months of growing now in 2 gall bag


I was aleays excited to grow the pine tar x rom! Now im even more excited! I’ll be growing 2 next round!


Looking great man!



Oh man oh man…There’s plenty to tell, but I’m not going to spoil the suspense. For now I have probably close to 100 + landrace and sativa dom strains to measure against from my reviewing days, and out of everything, EVERYTHING only ONE measures even close to A, but not better. It’s listed as a favorite strain in my profile and for good reason too, and I’m sure you know there’s certain strains you’ll never forget, even if you never get to have it again…Purple Thai Cheese, and let me tell you that one was crazy strong. I’d get headaches from testing my tolerance. Well I have a repeat, and that means this plant is ridiculously potent to do that to me. I wouldn’t be able to smoke this all day, by the end my head will be splitting. Not light, and NOT brief. The terp profile, without giving too much away is mind blowing perfect. When I describe it, you’ll know and just so you know anything I tried supposedly piney is pathetically weak in comparison. So get ready, I truly may have something that puts me on the map so to speak. One thing is for sure, the potency has not changed and has significantly increased. To end I ALMOST can’t handle it…


After reading that I’m even more excited! Holding onto my chair


This is nothing less than short of a trip literally… upon inhalation, strong and I do mean strong deep menthol-pine hits, proceeds to feel cool and expand, depending how big a drag causes a major hacking fit, after recovering then the eyes burst into tearing and intensity builds from there, everything SLOWS down and continues to get stronger. Mouth hangs open at wonderment of strength felt.

The eyes feel like they’re on fire, and a mirror check showed me 3/4 slits as my lids were so heavy.

It stops, and starts again, the incessant burn and tearing tells me extremely potent. Perception is warped and narrows. The sensation is like catatonia with intermittent spacing out yet functional. I said I truly have a lot to compare to this one to and very few do, but definitely one or two comes to mind without question is G13 or Purple Thai Cheese. I had a lot of strong sativa in my day, growing and dispensary but this CripXmas A is quickly topping everything experienced. I’m having a hard time even finishing this report zoning out back and forth trying to put this experience into words.

This is exactly like a psychedelic sativa that flowered 12-14 weeks and no where near 7 weeks level . At 2 hours later and not subsiding. We’ll see how much longer, clock started at Jan 1 at 3:45 and it’s now 6:00, the longer it goes without needing proves it’s potency lasts and lasts. Finally at 7:45 I started to come down. So 4 hrs long on 2 rolls I do think it’s impressive to last that long for a sativa dominant


Potency 9.5
Flavor 9.5
Appearance 10
Effect 10
Size/density/yield 8.5

Knocking some points off for being smaller buds, however density and yield is not disappointing

Here’s the weigh in. I have to consider some seed weight but even so the numbers aren’t light

I will do B’s report tomorrow fresh


So we should wait to ask questions? :joy:


Feel free to ask what you’d like to know about A and I’ll try to answer as best as I can :crazy_face:


You did a great job with your report. I can’t wait to pop some!


Thanks. If this is any consolation, for the first time in many years I was unable to wake and bake after last night and had to wait until mid day…it’s ridiculous how strong but yes, I assure this one is unlike anything in effects…. Crazy town!!!

Already have 40 beans and haven’t even broken into the upper parts and tops, so easily 100 +


I closed my eyes and was right there with yah brother lol…
Stoked that you ran into what you were looking for …makes that effort pay off !!


That’s just awesome :sunglasses: to hear and I agree with @Rabeats2093 that your hard work and dedication to this project is paying off and it’s exciting for me to see it when I have been following along with it since the CG x Xmas Bud run definitely a Happy New Year @OriginalDankmaster96 !