Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

So the games are OVER! It’s be NICE and RESPECTFUL or get blocked on Reditt. I’ll fill the list double or triple if necessary until all the vile people are GONE!


We may have a new Aussie member to welcome shortly :clap:t2::australia::kangaroo::koala: They’re looking for a home that’s welcoming, I told him come join us. He may be autistic like me :wink:


If we’re not already, we will be. Tell him to hop in the tinny, fire up the cunt, and head on over.


Oh you know we are where the LOST ones find a better place to be part of community. He feels like he doesn’t fit in anywhere, and I told him he will feel like a fit here, heck I know I do, just advised don’t talk politics/conspiracy and that’s really all.


LOL I wake up to find I have more hate replies after deleting most content off Cannabis Cultivation Sub Reditt, so I had to completely scrubb my content off so it will stop. I think I’m going to hire someone to handle Reddit postings for me on Fiverr from now on. Meanwhile Aussie guy knows differently that I am a person of considerable rep. It seems like ICMAG is going down the tubes as a “community” from what I was told. That is an unfortunate shame to learn. Maybe it’s all the recent updates. Reminds me of Apple trying to ‘fix’ a wheel that’s not broken with their iOS updates constantly. At any rate, I’m still waiting for a pop. Today at 6:30 ish it will be 72 hrs, and longer is waiting on pins and needles. I’ve picked out a few more seed on the bottom lowers, which appear completely done maturing but I don’t call anything done, until I see a pop and protruding tap root emerging. So I’ll just keep waiting. I’m hopeful within the next 2-3 days we get our confirmation so I can take the down the rest. Senescence is coming quicker by the day for A2…


You know I’m not dumb, even though I’m head strong at times I do take consideration to things said, however it’s worded to me nice or nasty. One person did that and commented “I needed a marketer to handle the posts because coming directly from me, doesn’t matter how fire the seed is, I make them disinterested in buying” So it didn’t fall on deaf ears, but there’s too much discussion about Crippy, especially in MMJ to throw in the towel so removing myself is the better option and letting someone handle doing those posts in a way that doesn’t violate Sub advertising/self promotion product rules that gets posts removed and shadow banned and direct interested parties to the profile page where they can jump over to shop page without direct link in posts that break the rules of these subs, so I explained my plight and orginally the gig worker replied I do Reddit personally but they said to send my profile to look, and asked what I wanted to achieve. Then I was like I should just say how I was told to find a marketer because I should be in the background, well I think I may have found someone who understands the goal, I’ve got to be honest, when I did post there was a spike in traffic from my text/link post by several hundred visitors so my lead source is really untapped there.


You’re looking at $200 beans from TC B bx2…I’m not joking. The ratio on a branch even is ridiculous, let alone bud. Everyone running this summer will get 3 to do. I may get 200 total from BOTH large plants. You can believe I’m not doing this one budget friendly :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Fuk yeah! Start celebrating :tada: :fire::+1::grin::ok_hand::facepunch:

76 hrs is the time


Nice man! I could feel you shitting bricks over there. Some strains just suck at making seeds, maybe there is a lady in that palm of yours that’s a bean queen! Trademark


You’re right, you just never know if the viability is there until you do the test. I do get anxious past 72 mark cause longer isn’t a good indicator of high viability. Finally tomorrow I can chop all the A2 knowing they’re all ready.


Brother, if I got a nikel


Ah that is irony at its finest :rofl:

hello Dank and friends,

just a quik pic drop to keep it honest :wink:

Three different cxb’s

…and one looker maui :wink:

one tall one in the back, did not look at label, she’s like cheryl miller compared to the rest :wink:

Fed nothing to this point, just homeade serl, less than a gallon each. May hit them with something light today just so they dont fade early. 13 plants sitting under a modest 2 x sp2000 array, turned up to 100% 24" above plants. Temps have been freezing cold, toppingout at 68f most days, and hitting 72 today, so, not exactly a hot cocoa coir libber run ;).

may take some late snips, coupla these look like legit keeper potential

Cheers all :beers:


This could be the single most Aussie thing ever written :rofl:

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You’re definitely doing great, and it’s interesting to see their feeding requirements aren’t as high as I thought it would be. They definitely fade faster later, but seems you and @Gpaw are keeping it more to a minimum. Taller plant is definitely gonna be TC, shorter ones CripXmas or possibly Xmas even. This is good to see they’re doing healthy and fine in a colder environment, and your RH is ? Wetter air is definitely going to be a true test against molds or rot resistance :thinking: Thanks again for updating, and yes grab snips from thickest girth and shortest one, other than seeing flowering it’s the two traits that a give a degree of reliability to tell.


Thanks, just letting the microbes and genetics do their thing together. I don’t enjoy mixing nutes, so I try to minimize the need for it. Short vegging, and rich soil go a long way to helping that. I am however, always adding calcium in the form of liquid bone meal :wink:

As for humidity, pretty much 40-50% all the time with the deuey set.

They rushed into flower for sure, no waiting around, pretty much insta-buttons once I flipped them.


You can tell this is definitely going into senescence now, so this proves you can’t go beyond 8 weeks :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


And there it is. Stacked 8" high from 3 small plants and my hands are fretting at schucking all this :scream:


I just hung a bunch of beaned branches. I won’t be able to play guitar for 3 days after I go through them


Oh yeah, I do it for about 1-2 hrs at a time and then put it aside, try to get though small piles at a time so I don’t feel like I’m looking at too much to finish :sweat_smile: I’ve done the “how much more do I have left” as I look at the pile when the stiffness starts up :grimacing: