Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

You really got to get in there with some of them. I have a small spoon I use as a hockey stick. I shoot them into their cups one good, one wild seed I scatter. Here was today’s spot.

I can’t use gloves. Like using a condom when fucking. They keep breaking and it’s just going to take all night. Just let me take it off baby?

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Old school style brother!:facepunch: If you’re truly old school you don’t use gloves. The only time I did was for a brief time isolating a pathogen from the cloner, other than that, no way can’t trim or hold it properly and can’t get in the deeper recesses to wiggle them out with the nail. My bud always looks flat when it’s done :joy:

One last thing, and I’ll stop gumming up your thread. We found some lady climbing up the wall of the rock quarry we were hiking in with our cat. We started talking to her when she got to the top. Gave her a few joints, and gave her my buddies phone number. She wound up walking with us for like 4 miles

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:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::clap:t2::clap:t2::clap:t2::clap:t2: YES I love it. You think like me in so many ways too

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All my seeded nugs look like stomped on brick weed when I’m done pulling beans. We all remember the flat bird feather fern look. Stem with webbing of resinous byproduct. Always heavy no matter how long you dry it

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Always, I’d be tagging along too. I did plenty of hanging on others to get my smoke when didn’t have it :joy:. In fact there was this guy another friend I was hanging with on Ft.Lauderdale beach in a small apt that liked to smoke but he didn’t want to do it alone, so went over to his apt to smoke up. Always had the incense cones burning too, I felt like a late 70’s theme going on :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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My brother is like that. I don’t understand it. The insence always awesome. But just smoke up, there’s not much I can do for you if you burn up upon re-entry so it’s like I’m already there

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A thin border is a great idea. Maybe of Trichomes… or something relating to genetics ?


That was the plan, to have a bunch of trichs clustered on top, but the image is too complex to add to. Has to be used as is unfortunately.

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Lol thats funny.
Too bad really.

Thanks for asking, sometimes you get rained-on with replies.

I have received nothing relating to Cripy, and I am also pretty sure you have shipped Nothing yet.

So alls good, I have a few on the go and can guarantee outside growing x 2 and a place in my friends new basement grow-room for the Fall. It will be 3 more primo’s for sure.

Anytime you are Ready.

~ mb


Yup, still maturing but it’s coming quicker by the day :wink: RKS fems are next up


Much appreciated @OriginalDankmaster96 Thanks for the update, I’m not that far ahead anyways. Plants are just seeing nutes for the first time.
LITFA reins @Pigeonman


Gonna take a few cuts of this A BX that’s a near replica of the CripXmas A F3, and use that C male F3 pollen I was planning as contingency. So the F3 without NL will also have a BX


Cover each step with a back up plan, nice


Oh yes, more insurance A is never lost :face_with_monocle:

Those of you growing the Maui A BX2, the finished buds may need 2 months of curing. I’ve started smoking more, sometimes it’s a bit floral to start but then it settles into its familiar minty/lime with Xmas terpinolene mixing. Really nice and more powerful sativa. I’m liking it more than than fresh. So turning much better than I thought


So close and showing me it was the BEST plant. Making sure every seed is done though. This is going to be my NEXT special works, and it too will be FASTER with CripXmas added to it. Oh man 6-7 weeks RKS, I can see it getting popular, not to mention amalgamation of terpenes :star_struck:


Just so fast to finish. Quite shocking really


Algamation of terpines, for the feeble minded such as myself. The action of combining or uniting.

Tango of the terps


I know, I’ve always been a word smith. Was tested for college sophomore vocabulary and pronunciation in the 5th grade


Me too. I’ve been smiting words since 2nd grade.
Fuckknuckle dickwagon cockcanoe ballcradle

I like to also Smith smithed words together

Dickdominating meat masseuse
Polepolishing rootsmoocher
Pudpumping mudturtle