Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

Still a few pesky undeveloped with fems, but LOOK at the remarkable difference from 2 top nugs, when I said barely 2 packs on a whole branch of TC! Gonna be plenty, but I’m uncertain what the price point should be :thinking: I’m thinking $15 a bean is fair value


$15 a bean? Selling them piecemeal like that is going to get tedious packing and labling 1 or 2 beans 10 times for an order. Packs might be a better option. Just so you can pa page them and have them sitting in the fridge to just snag and ship. Especially if it’s just you.

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I know, but for some reason set quantity packs aren’t moving, so I’m trying it as per seed HOWEVER the catch is 30% discount doesn’t kick in until $100 minimum order is reached, so if someone does want only a few, those aren’t included as discount :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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I’m sure you’ll gain some traction and momentum as we all get more pics out there. It’s never a thing until someone heard about you through 4 other people. Like the Kevin Bacon game.

When times seem bleak, ponder this. Even rapper “two chainz” wasn’t two chains until he bought his second chain. You’ll get that chain, keep spitting hit fire like Die lon.


Oh yes, I know it’s gonna be time to get it but I know the big guy is like “well where are the buyers” Some people only expect results or you’re just whistling in the wind from their perspective, they don’t understand all the moving pieces to get the traction :smirk:


Hey brother.
Just a follow up on my Island Crippy.
After a couple months in the jars the smell is amazing. Strong pine/gin smell with a perfumey orange smell undertone.
I gave a bunch out to some older guys at in my darts league. They came to me a week later with their eyes bugging wide open like “Bro! That stuff was AMAZING”
It’s been a big hit for sure. Some pretty special bud no doubt

I left a review on your site too




Awesome! Very nice to hear it’s gotten so much better, sounds like the profile came out just right, light citrus that doesn’t take too much pine away ? Sounds like it’s made an impressionable mark on overall quality in potency/effects. (I can start to see some saying “time to open Island Crippy” :yum: Thanks so much for leaving a review of it, now I’m hopeful it generates more interest. No reason why it shouldn’t :face_holding_back_tears:


Wow!! :star_struck: That’s an amazing piece of work :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::pray::clap:t2::+1:


I just looked to see but it’s not showing, did you write it before I made it a single listing from 2 ? I may have to write the app developer depending on if it was before or after to find out why it’s not displaying.

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It’s all Dall-e 3 that dude really messes up the name though.


The 3rd one is INSANE generation. I love IT!:heart_eyes:


I just saw one of the group members on X develop a dope tag to use #CrippyForceSquad :sunglasses:

Oh man, some people just don’t get it


Though this is a Legend of a strain it doesn’t have to media traction yet to show the grounds and support of mainstream fame. Anyone on your feed knows the truth and others will learn it. I’m looking forward to the day when the opposite is said about the seeds and 18/seed why didn’t I get it :slight_smile:


The kids are out in force tonight :roll_eyes:

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Make people pay you in dankcoin, your new crypto



I actually had the same thoughts, I was like he’ll wonder WHY he didn’t get it when he had the chance. I’ve got some BIG influencers gonna do reviews of the A2 after I get some more grown

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I suppose the possibility of a crypto or NFT could happen, much later down the path I would have to imagine realistically speaking but wouldn’t say no if someone wanted to put one out :grin:

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It’s the generation too. Most of these people posting grew one plant and it was covered in mites and pm. The ones in charge can keep a plant green for 7 weeks, but their strains take 10. They will find out when the Sugarman goes down to SPAC and hands some out next year!