Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

Moving along, I will try to get the photos in correct order :crazy_face:

The group contains;
2 - TCA
5- CXA2
2- Maui
4- CXB


conditions, 73f 50%

kinda washed out, but a real looker Maui

CXB - 4

maui - 2


TCA - 2

CXA2 bx2 - 5
here are 3 of them :slight_smile:


Well, that’s what I got. Haven’t rubbed any stems, haven’t fed, have used my bottle of ‘litfa’, see you soon with another update.

Thanks again for including me in this quest, your plants are beautiful, and a pleasure to grow.


Looking lovely, nice and healthy. Beautiful structure


Morning everyone! I had a splitting headache and getting nauseated after my last post, had to put the phone dow and turn off the TV, shit lasted well into the early hours this morning. Smoking too much of this, you’ll pay for it dearly. CripXmas is even good at the latest part of the harvest window, so it seriously retains potency no matter if it’s early or later.

@Cannabiscrusader Oh yes, I get that impression. Let me tell you, all those older guys I hung out with on IRC in the mid 90s, do you think if I disrespected them, they would’ve let me in, sent seeds/cuts and help me learn… IF I did what these snot nosed shits are doing today, I’d be told GTFO and don’t let the door hit ya! Very few younger growers were allowed to be part of the inner circle, because lack of maturity and respect. There were plenty of young growers coming to the channel, but many I taught weren’t part of the regular crew…SPCA ? :thinking:

@firehead Got it published! :+1: So all good. Didn’t know that’s how the app worked but maybe that’s best to look over first. Sounds great and to the point how it’s worded. I appreciate it brother :facepunch: Helps to let someone looking know now someone has grown it and it’s quality seed.

@Cartwright other than the tallest to the right wall, profile off all the plants is even.

Maui with a very large stalk. Again tell tale of best plant but I’ll be curious how you grade it from others.

CXB This may be your largest yielder. It’s helpful to thin out growth to expose as many sites within the middle sections. They truly look dense

CXA2 I see a few good ones. Actually looks llke one is gonna develop a nice sized center bud, so that’s good to see it’s not all nuggets/ popcorn

I’m happy to hear to it’s been enjoyable growing these out, but you and Gpaw are showing me it’s turning better than I could see. Of course, the best is still to come :grin:. Also good to hear, they continue to show low maintenance in food requirements. Look forward to your next update :pray::clap:t2::facepunch::smiley:




When friends come over asking if you have any more Cripxmas A2



Neophytes. I am germinating some Chem 91 Fems I was gifted by LoveDaAutos in wet wormcastings with a damp paper towel over the top. One germinated in less than 24 hours and half a day later two more are popping.

May 15, 5:10 PM

63cf2926d5e7c896b7b2a912ee586e524fca734a_2_666x500 68b3bee19c3e5cf6cf791978c9f979cf6d01973b_2_666x500

May 16, 7:42 PM


May 17, 6:12 AM

The bottom row of three seeds the right one and middle one are showing signs of life. The water in the picture will be absorbed by the castings.

I just remoistend the worm castings before taking the picture.

I will bet you those Newbies used too much water or too much heat. Or they left them in the cold while damp.


SPAC = Saratoga Performing Arts Center.

It’s an outdoor amphitheater in a state park. Surrounded by trails, streams, and woods. Phish and Dave play every year for a few days each. It’s a stoners paradise in the summer. Me and the wife take the cat for walks there and pedal our wares to the path patrons. Concerts are like a fire sale. I just hang out in the parking lots smoking orerolls with a fist full of joints in baggies. They come running like the ice cream man!

I know i sound old, but parents need to teach their kids some respect. Back of my hand is getting sore and my shoulder is tired.


May 18, 6:09 AM five of six showing signs of life. Worm Castings is the way to go when germinating. Watch how much water you add, you do not want the seeds in water.


This is a very interesting demonstration @SEMOActivist :clap:t2::+1:

Might have to see how a few of these RKS do that way

And I would agree, young ones don’t know how to properly keep a seedling from being “too wet”

So RKS is being really stubborn seed OR what I picked out isn’t quite ready, needing longer to mature. They DID sink immediately in water. Seam is hard to see, but I did try to crack a few. One went through the point of the razor blade since the shell softened after soaking … so I decided to run the point without pressure along the seam to loosen it so water gets in. I’ve found 2 are slowly going now, but I’m uncertain they will fully go. It almost looks like a stall out…

The 2 emerging were soaked and then partially cracked on the end. The top one is is where I ve tried to loosen to see what that does

At any rate I’m sitting on my hands until I see faster and stronger pop out of these seed. The plants can go well beyond senescence if need be to get the maturity completed.

I’ve sent A2 to one influencer, young kid but really cool when I told about hair issue, but I’ve said this is only a tease of what’s to come :smiling_imp::exploding_head::joy:


Johnnypotseed gets the credit for my knowledge of worm casting germination.


Doing it now with 2

In a ramekin with cellophane like mini greenhouse

Going to sit on a DVR box which always has ambient heat generating


Clockwork Orange meme from CripXmas waves


Late potency CripXmas 4th blunt


You 🫵 @OriginalDankmaster96 are alway up to something, love your thread 🪡! Please keep experimenting as that really helps us all succeed! :ok_hand::wink::facepunch::sunglasses::+1::peace_symbol:


Three days on the wc?


I just took this image 12 hours from the last image in this thread. I should have checked at six hours ago. All 6 are showing signs of life.

May 15, 5:10 PM is when I put the six seeds in the worm castings. 3 days and change ago.


the Tampa has really nice stems and stalks. I like the strong, but bendable bush structure of this plant. Also it stinks. Letting her get bigger and will take clones and flower her out.


You already got the sex ? Wow you did get lucky, but there does seem to be a high female ratio. Oh yeah, exposing the lateral sites makes larger nuggets, and branches are more solid than original, the original had more lankiness to it. Glad you’re happy with how it’s going :clap:t2::+1::pray::grinning:


The first seed has broken the surface of the soil. The last two seeds are popping, 6/6 on germinating in wet worm castings over a heat source.

May 19, 8:58am

For those interested here is a PDF on a study on earthworm castings and seed germination.



I got back after a few days of roadtrip to a seriously developing Skunk Funk in the grow room… :smile: :+1:

I figure maybe a week out from chop, they are getting close!..
