Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

What are you clocked at now?

Good to hear you like those funky smells :+1: Remember though smells don’t actually correlate to flavors once dried.

So 120 hours for RKS x CripXmas. I think it may improve with a subsequent test, but I don’t think these are going to be necessarily fast popping beans. Pre-soaking may help with this or slight cracking of the ends to let water expand to break seal.



Looks like I’m gonna start getting those ‘stunned’ reactions coming in

He only has a month left, and now the speed kicks in…it is only a matter of time before everything gets kicked into high gear. Those just watching won’t be happy later waiting like I’m seeing now :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I’ve been made a proposal by a 20 year digital marketing expert for a complete comprehensive package of marketing. They took time to analyze my page to start generating revenue, so I’m likely gonna have to reroute funding after the 6th. Perhaps LATER I reinstate sponsorship once I get the revenue streaming flowing in, but I’m just not ‘seeing’ it here as I originally thought…

Oh yeah, yesterday has taken me a FULL day of rest to recover from. If you underestimate CripXmas, you’ll pay for it later.


Challenge accepted


Make sure you have NO PLANS the following day :smirk:

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Way ahead of you. I canceled everything


Hey @OriginalDankmaster96 before I forget, I just acquired some Tampa Crippy X NYC Haze seeds and the Tampa Crippy for this cross did not come from Sunshine State. Would you like a few?


Yeah bro, that does sound worth getting a few. I need to get you some of these CripXmas fems, RKS and Island Crippy, although you do have the ‘Corn’ in Gas n Glue beans I sent. Seems like if it’s concealed well, I’m not gonna catch shit like it would be if it’s in plain view when opened. My mail does get opened before I see it.


I got the pack from a OG member on the pay it forward thread (pretty cool to see some of the strains that are being offered in that thread) Also I just started my last run of my Tampa Crippy IX seeds. Got four looking good so far 2 weeks into the run.

Good to know that before hand. I normally just send a coin flip, but I am happy to modify my shipping methods to accommodate.


Feel free to post those plants here too :+1:

I still have 4 seeds of it for backup, but leery it’s going to be stable

When Carty sent seeds in an open post card, I caught it since he could immediately see them on opening but when the StAubin win sent inside a T-shirt it wasn’t anything, which was surprising but it said to me he doesn’t care as long as it’s not in glaring plain view.


Well here they are currently.

I know the first four I grew were stable, so I am hoping that all 8 seeds came from the same batch and are stable enough to make a F2. But if I do get herms, as long as any male I get is good I can collect its pollen and run some of my TC X SFV OG BX3 F2 and make a TC BX.

I can place the pack in a DVD movie box. As long as they do not open the case to watch the movie it will not be in plain view.


Those are starting off nice :+1:

It makes me think your batch of the TC IX and mine aren’t the same. If it was I wouldn’t have had 3 intersex plants. I don’t think it was stress related as my first run showed it, then the selfed which proved to be nearly sterile to pollination

That’s exactly how I’ve sent everything. CD/DVD case, so I doubt there will be issues. in fact, that’s how he prefers me to send when I made sales


I agree, I think we got seeds from different batches/plants.

Then that is settled, Will be popping that in the mail for you maybe tomorrow if I can get to the post office in time.


Ok I think I’m ready to chop RKS. Now it’s 48 hours


Sweet! Amending my last bed today.

That is going to be 1/4 acre of weed. Sounds lucrative when I say it that way.


Here’s an update


We’ve been having hail and snow warning at my place the last few days with tons of rain so outside work it halted till it trends upwards. Is showing changing this afternoon finally :slight_smile:


I think it might be still decent to smoke


Watched your video. Hella entertaining and man, that looked like a hella kick, nice!


Oh yeah, the terpenes give it that crazy kick. Glad you liked it, that day took a lot out of me but I definitely was nearly tweaking :crazy_face: